1. Um… dude? If you look closely at the two red dots at the top you can see a pattern that makes it look like an eye with each dot. My guess is Dr. Robotnik/Eggman is once again trying to take over the world with another Death Egg. The weird ring thing also makes sense if it is a Death Egg, cause something like that seems appropriate for the space station. The funky colors? Probably some sort of hologram thing on the fritz the Dr. was using to keep it hidden. Remember how Space Station ARK was disguised as an asteroid in Sonic Adventure 2 until the Robotnik/Eggman fired it up and showed off it’s laser? Besides, the Little Planet disappeared into the fabric of time/space along with the Time Stones at the end of Sonic CD.

      1. Um… dude? If you look closely at the FIVE red dots ALL OVER THE SPHERE you can see a BUNCH OF DOTS that makes it look like NOTHING with each dot. My guess is Dr. Robotnik/Eggman is DEAD (or lost in time?).

  1. Check out the platform to the right of Sonic in relation to the one to the left of him. You can see the side of it, unlike the one to the left. This is leading me to believe that this game might actually be in proper 3D, so that you see either the left or right hand side of the platforms when you run past them depending on whether they are closer to the right or left hand side of the screen.

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