SEGA’s Ken Balough Teases First Sonic 4: Episode 2 Reveal

SEGA’s Sonic 4 Brand Manager Ken Balough has recently been answering queries regarding Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 at the publisher’s official forums and in his responses has teased when we can expect the first reveal for the game. In a post dated November 30th 2011, Balough says that after the new Sonic CD port launches this month, he will give a hint of where we will get the first reveal for Episode 2. In a post made today, Balough again states that once Sonic CD launches, he can give a “brief hint” about the game.

Post 1: November 30th 2011

As for when I can talk about Ep 2? ahaha Its like making an announcement for an announcement. Most people are right – after CD launches, I’ll be able to dive and talk about Episode II. 🙂 In fact I’ll come on the forums and give you a hint of where you’ll get the first reveal.

Post 2: December 9th 2011

Once CD launches, I can drop a brief hint on what you guys want to know 🙂

It seems SEGA has outdone themselves and made an announcement of an announcement of an announcement. Once Sonic CD launches, we’ll keep watch on the SEGA Forums and bring you SEGA’s first Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 news here.

Source: SEGA Forums – Link 1, Link 2

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  1. My guess is a tie-in piece at the end of Sonic 4: Ep 2, maybe Metal Sonic flies away or something as a teaser?

    1. “My guess is a tie-in piece at the end of Sonic CD, maybe Metal Sonic flies away or something as a teaser?”

      Fixed that for you.

      1. Yo dawg, we heard you like announcements, so we put announcements in your announcement, so you can announce while you announce!

  2. I was just thinking about Episode 2 5 minutes ago in my morning shower 😀
    Thank you SEGA~ my birthday just got a little more awesome

  3. Super Tails would be nice. Also, original levels and bosses would also be pretty great. And, maybe some tighter physics.

  4. tails and knuckles as playable characters and the momentum is fixed.

    that’s all I care about. xD

    1. I quite liked the “Boss” mechanic in Sonic Generations(for the Metal Sonic Race). I think that worked out well. What It’d also like to do is… play the whole game again as Metal Sonic. Or at least have him as an optional character…

  5. I hope Tails is playable in Sonic 4 Ep 2 which would add replay value. Tails could fly and swim in Sonic 3&K. So he could reach areas that Sonic never could. Hopefully some under water levels in Ep 2.

  6. Nothing against Tails, but I care far more about Knuckles being playable. During the Genesis days, I found him to be more fun to play as than both Sonic and Tails combined. Although, if it’s just Tails, I’ll be somewhat okay with that, since I’ve gotten pretty sick of Sonic being the only playable character in pretty much EVERY GAME since Sonic Next Gen/Sonic 2006.

  7. Maybe we’ll see the return of the peal-out (figure 8) from CD. Could they be using the physics from CD as a framework for episode 2?

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