[UPDATE: TOTAL AND WINNER!] GreenAid: Donate For A Chance To Win A F4F 20th Anniversary Statue!


Over the period of the last week we have raised a massive £530 (about $800US) for Dan Green! We at the Sonic Stadium would like to convey our utmost gratitude to all those who donated – this is an absolutely fantastic contribution!

We’ve drawn a winner at random, and we’d like congratulate Josh T from the UK! You are the lucky recipient of a very rare and exclusive F4F 20th Anniversary statue!

Thanks to everyone who has donated or posted an entry on the guest book!



Earlier this week we were informed of the sad news regarding the passing Dan Green‘s wife. Dan has contributed substantially to the voice acting community, notably providing voices for cartoons such as Yugioh – you will most likely remember him as the voice of Knuckles the Echidna from 2005-2010.

Our good friend Mike Pollock, who many of you might have run into at Summer of Sonic, has set up the Dan Green Guestbook through which you can send a message of condolence, or donate (there’s also an address to send cards or fan art or any other small physical letters).

We at Sonic Stadium would like to rally the entire Sonic community to contribute in order to assist Dan and his new born children through a very difficult time – and we want your help too!

By clicking the donate button below, you will donate just £2 (that’s about $3US or €2.20) to the Sonic Community GreenAid fund. By donating, you will also be automatically enterted into a prize draw for one of the extremely saught after Sonic the Hedgehog F4F 20th Anniversary Statues, kindly donated by SEGA of America!

Feel free to enter as many times as you like – each donation will count as another entry into the draw. All proceeds collected will be donated to the fund for Dan.

A winner will be selected at random next Sunday during the Sonic Hour on Project 24 so tune in at 6PM GMT to hear the winner announced!


Let see how much we can raise for this good cause! Remember to also tune into SEGASonic:Radio’s Project 24 on the 11th of December for an entire day of live music, live chat and even more prizes (including a chance to bag yourself a 20th Anniversary Best Soundtrack CD on T-TIME!)

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Published by

Adam Tuff

With a decade under his belt, Adam is one of The Sonic Stadium's most seasoned writers, with interests in the music and merchandise of the Sonic the Hedgehog universe. Adam is the co-organiser for the Summer of Sonic convention.


  1. Fantastic idea. Already donated – and not because of the statue incentive (although winning one of those would obviously be fantastic).

  2. wow I was already gonna donate something before this appeared, just gives a bit more incentive

  3. I wish there was an option to increase the donation. I’ll donate what else I can on his guestbook. 🙂

  4. Mike is such an awesome guy!

    Ya know, glancing at that figure gave me an idea. If only I had a monitor and Classic Sonic action figure. Yeah, you know where I’m going with this.

  5. Love his voice from both yu-gi-oh and sonic. But I didn’t know he was called dan green.:o

    I donated, not too much though since I need to save up for christmas presents.

  6. i also want to take a moment and convey my condolences..i am an avid fan of sonic and collect sonic and co.,…the “backbone” of sonic will always be the ones who keep sonic alive for us and bring us joy and happiness..i hope one day Mr.Green will have that joy and happiness back in his life as he gave us fans enjoyment through sonic.

  7. Good idea. I was thinking about donating, but this will be a win win situation regardless. Even though I won’t win, I’m glad to contribute to for a good cause.

  8. Kind of off-topic but, £ is the British Pound right?

    Anyway, I hope people contribute to this. I would, but my parents are rather restrictive and won’t let me.

    Good luck Dan!

  9. Already donated before to Mike pollock’s fundraiser but I guess I have a spare few more bucks to spare. Absolutely would love to get a sonic statue… I always wanted one, but too expensive for me to ever afford. : <

    I hope this helps Dan Green in any way, such a tragedy for him and I hope him, his family and his wife's family can recover from this.

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