Sonic Snap! Contest: Runner Up Entries and Winner

At the beginning of October we set the challenge for you guys and gals to get your cameras out to recreate your favourite scene from the Sonic Universe in order to win a Sonic 20th Anniversary statue kindly donated by SEGA Europe for the launch of Sonic Generations. We gave few prerequisites for entry besides the image could not be digitally enhanced; other than that, complete creative licence was given…and what a range of entries we received!

We had nearly 100 entries with a whole host of original ideas, but unfortunately we can’t show them all – instead we’ve lined up some of the highlights from the pictures that were submitted, along with the winning entry. The winner was selected by the staff writers and SSMB staff…and believe us when I say this was the toughest competition we’ve ever had to judge! Although not everyone can be a winner – you should all be proud of your creations!

So, on with our runner up entries!


Joshua M sent us in this picture perfect photo of Sonic wading through an autumnal Mushroom Hill Zone from Sonic & Knuckles – we love the execution of the shot and the craftsmanship of this home-made Sonic. Nice one Josh!

Sterling C has produced a striking scene of the Egg Carrier coming into shot, with a smoke machine or a dry ice machine giving us the impression we are flying through the skies in Sonic Adventure. Complete with Lego Egg carrier we love how this pic really captures the vibe of the moment!

We’re feeling a chill coming on from Rio H’s entry! Sonic and Tails square off with the Ice Cap Zone mini boss from Sonic the Hedgehog 3…in his freezer! The cute characters really make this scene and we love how you thought outside of the box (and inside your fridge freezer!).

Now here’s a “way past cool” entry from Donna M! Donna has reproduced the ending scene from the opening titles of SatAM Sonic in the surroundings of nature with a host of amazingly detailed and expertly crafted paper children. We’re really impressed with this one…even if Antoine isn’t!

Mark H’s entry is a piece of cake! No, really, it is! Dubbed “City Escake”, Mark has given Sonic Adventure 2’s infamous opening level a delicious background…maybe he will send us some pieces to eat?

Although it’s not 2012 quite yet, Matthew P is already warming up for the Olympics! Luigi races Shadow in the 100 metre hurdles, in a scene from Mario and Sonic at the Olympics…hopefully their thumbs and arms aren’t too sore from all that button bashing and arm flailing!

It looks like Sonic has got that sinking feeling in Kelsey G’s entry! Here Sonic is taking a float around Kelsey’s fishbowl (hope the fish are ok!) which has been transformed into the Labyrinth Zone from Sonic the Hedgehog 1. We love the attention to detail like the jaws and the orbanaut in the background!

Logan H and friend have teamed up as Espio the Chameleon and Charmy the Bee to form a scene from Knuckles Chaotix. We love the outfits and the attention to detail in the costumes which obviously took a lot of time and effort to create. Now, go back inside before you catch a C-HOLD! [Yeah, a bad pun…I know! –T].

Wow! What’s not to love about this City Escape playset complete with Gun track, board, dash pad and Chao in Space 2 poster! Beautifully and painstakingly crafted work from Kieran B...we all want one now to play with! Maybe Jazwares have a job opening?

I don’t think you’re ready for this jelly! Ciara T takes us to Chemical Plant Zone from Sonic the Hedgehog 2, with Sonic and Tails in paperchild form, skimming over a sea of mecha mac…and yes, that is actually made of jelly!

You won’t look at Sonic and the Secret Rings the same way again thanks to Will P and Luke G, with their rendition of the end scene from this Wii title. We have already used a mountain of tissues wiping away our tears here in the office! Great spirit there guys (or should that be great genie?).

SonikkuForever made us laugh and laugh with this entry, recreating the infamous “My hat is on fire!” scene from the Sonic OVA movie. A very, very simple idea, perfectly executed with an extremely original use of materials. We adore the totally outrageous and quirky character design that really captures the zany moment. Well done! [and keep away from my hat – T].

Finally, Dan B gives us a fantastic replica of the Big Arms battle from the end of Sonic the Hedgehog 2, created from papier-mâché. Incredibly detailed characters with simple-but-effective backdrops make this one of the most stunning entries we received. This entry just missed out on “grabbing” the prize [Yeah, I know, I’ll show myself out –T].


As we said before it was so incredibly hard to pick a victor from the entries we received, but in the end we decided this entry really deserved top prize. So without further ado…

CONGRATULATIONS MICHAEL S! You are the VERY lucky recipient of an exceedingly exclusive Sonic 20th Anniversary Statue!

All of the judge were blown away by this incredibly unique entry, created using layers of acetate and card to project the image of the familiar classic scene of Green Hill Zone. The execution of the imagine is spot-on thanks to the lovingly crafted pieces which produce an amazing result giving phenomenal depth, vibrant colour and an overall spectacular result. Many congratulations go out to you, and your well-deserved prize will be winging its way to you shortly!

Commiserations to all our other entrants who didn’t win a prize this time, but give yourself a pat on the back – the calibre of the entries was outstanding, and we hope that it will only get better in the future! Don’t forget there will be plenty more goodies to snag in the near future on TSS and SEGASonic: Radio’s Project 24 (news about that real soon folks!).

Let us know all about your favourite entries out of our featured entries in the comment box too…we might have a little something lined up for the most commented on entry as well!

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Published by

Adam Tuff

With a decade under his belt, Adam is one of The Sonic Stadium's most seasoned writers, with interests in the music and merchandise of the Sonic the Hedgehog universe. Adam is the co-organiser for the Summer of Sonic convention.


  1. Awesome entries. My personal favourite is the mushroom hill Sonic, but the winner is incredible, the gobo (the thing thats used to make the image) is excelent craftmenship in itself, but producing that image with that quality is not easy, has to be the right level of light, right distance from the wall and the right distance from the light source.

    Well done…

    Now to explain to Merch Kitty why I still don’t have a statue for me =p

  2. Fantastic entries! love the Big Arm battle especially as well as the humorous Sonic OVA scene.

    A very deserving winner, fantastic work =)

  3. I have to say my favorite is the Sonic OVA Knuckles picture. “MY HAT IS ON FIRE!” Is a phrase that will go down in Sonic History.

  4. Ah well, doesn’t matter about winning, this is why we should all have entered, just to see everyone else’s excellent ideas! My fave has to be the City Escape model. Also the cake will make Bison yell “Delicous!” If I use Chaos Swiss Roll will it appear?

  5. The winning entry is outstanding, a very worthy winner of an incredible prize indeed!

    My other favourites include Ice Cap Zone in an actual freezer and the Labyrinth ‘fish bowl’ Zone pic made me laugh (the Burrobot is a nice touch!)

  6. The winning entry was AMAZING O.O I felt a brief shiver of nostalgia ^^ I love the Sonic in Mushroom Hill Zone pic too, he/she picked a great place to do it, but my fave would have to be the Secret Rings ending one. That one made me laugh like hell! The MYHATS ON FIRE ones great too 😀

  7. So anyone else who entered, care to share a link to your entry? I’d quite like to see more of the 100 entries.

      1. Unfortunately not, my mum had to go into hospital for ‘a new knee’ so I was a tad occupied with that to really focus on doing anything like this. lol not that it would have done me much good had I entered, it looks like the standard was epically high.

        Love the paper gun truck chase, and Lincoln? Hmm I thought I recognised it.

        1. Ah, so sorry to hear that, hope she has or is recovering well!

          Always worth doing these things, got to be in it to win it is the way I look at these sorts of things now.

          Thanks =) I have to walk up that sodding hill everyday to get to University, so I thought I’d put it to good use when I heard bout this competition.

  8. Funny. One of my friends is name is Michale S. Ill have to congratulate him for having the same name as the winner. xD
    Awesome work you guys! Loved every single one!

  9. So, uh, I am Michael S… where do I send you guys my address?

    In all seriousness, I love so many of these. I think the Ice Cap one stands out the most for me. Though I can’t figure out why.

    1. Honestly dude, don’t be – this was *so* hard to judge. I wish I had a pile of these statues to give to other entrants for some really valiant efforts!

  10. There’s one on ebay – get bidding lol

    Initial reaction over, second place is a bloody good result (Big Arm entry) considering I haven’t done paper mache since I was a kid. I had to watch some old Art Attack videos to refresh myself – thanks Neil Buchanan! This competition kept me entertained until Generations was released, so thanks for that.

    My favourite entry has to be Donna’s.

  11. Congratulations Michael! That statue will make a nice addition to your collection. The Big Arm entry is my favourite, with the Charmy and Espio one a close second.

  12. Congrats to the winner! 😀
    i had alot of fun taking part in this competition, it certainly kept me occupied for the month.
    My pic is Sonic in Mushroom Hill Zone, i have to give credit to my friend Fabi for taking the photo and my girlfriend Amanda who helped me make the Papier-mâché Sonic.

  13. Thanks a lot again to everyone who judged =) And thanks for all your comments on here, everyone. I’m chuffed.
    My favourite has to be the City Escape models, they’re spot on.

    I’ve posted some other shots of the entry in this folder:
    8 and 9 look a bit blurry because they’re projected onto the ceiling 😛

  14. All of the entries are so amazing..!
    I really like the Mushroom Hill Sonic, it’s a personal favourite I think. The winner was so imaginative, I’m so impressed with all of these. They’re all outstandingly awesome!

  15. Congrats to the winner! I’m the one who did the Ice Cap Zone and I’m happy to just be featured here. I also had a lot of fun doing it and hope you guys do more contests like this in the future.

  16. Phew! Glad I didn’t waste my time with a marshmellow fondant sculpt of the Sonic/Blaze battle in Rush.

    Grats to the winner and everyone who got a mention 🙂

  17. Wow, all of these are spectacular! I’m SO impressed by everyone’s creativity! I never would have thought of half of these things. My personal favorites are the Ice Cap one, the SatAM scene, the “My hat is on fire!” one, and the Sonic Adventure one with the Egg Carrier. The winner’s entry was just amazing though. Congrats to them!

  18. The prize surely went to the right person 😉 Congraz Michael. S!

    All of them were so nice XD But I really liked the winner work most 🙂

  19. i saw the chemical plant one and it reminded me of a question i was gonna ask:
    at the beginning of modern chemical plant you have the other pipe things. YES you can jump on those but only at a certain part can you do it and ive done it many a time. and i get to a part where you have basically no where else to go except the regular path to the right but there were red rings (not the star rings the dash rings things) to the left and i was wondering. how the crap do i get over there?

  20. Um… Correction on the Big Arms battle, (Nerd powers activate!), It was from Sonic The Hedgehog 3, not 2.

    Other then that, These are very creative. Love the Hat’s on fire one. XD

  21. Wow, those entries are just amazing. I feel bad for some of the people who didn’t win, such as whoever did the “MYHAT’S ON FIRE!” because then he just burnt a perfectly good figure and didn’t win anything. Still, the winner did a spectacular job, did something very unique and creative, and deserves that award. Too bad I couldn’t enter, but I couldn’t find a way to stab a flaming arrow in my heart, and you know, survive and stuff. (photoshop wasn’t allowed. Maybe a prop arrow and cardboard flame…)

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