Sonic CD Gets Second Playable Character, Out December, Today on GameStop Tablets

SEGA has just given some big news on their blog regarding the upcoming Sonic CD re-release. From today, those who purchase a GameStop branded Android tablet will get Sonic CD as a pre-installed game way ahead of the game’s newly announced December release on all platforms. Finally, SEGA has revealed that Sonic’s two-tailed friend Miles “Tails” Prower will be an unlockable playable character. Players will be able to take control of Tails and his flying ability on their second playthrough of the game.

SEGA also released 9 new screenshots of the game, which we have for you below.

Sonic CD will be re-released in December on Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network, PC, iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad, Android Phones and Windows Phone 7.

Source: SEGA Blog

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  1. This is a fantastic addition, the only problem is that only one player can play at a time, because it’s on a portable device.

    1. It’s being released on PC, PSN and XBLA, as well as the portable iOS, Android and Windows Phone devices. Besides, they could just do multiplayer wirelessly between devices, like with handheld consoles. I’m happy enough without multiplayer anyway.

  2. Neato, and unexpected. I’m interested in seeing Tails’ new sprites for the special stages and running up that 3D section in Palmtree Panic. Thanks for giving people a reason to buy this version instead of just stick with the Sonic Gems version or emulation Sega.

    1. Yea wait for the details, “Tails will not be able to visit the special stages” lol aka we can’t be bothered making new sprites 😛

    1. Didn’t see the e-mail and comment, sorry. I noticed the blog post myself and started writing this news post about 5 minutes after SEGA’s blog entry was posted.

    1. umm no it don’t. its referencing Sonic 2 for Genesis, cause at one point in time after Sonic 1 both CD and 2 were being created simultaniously and the people working on CD gave the green light to Sonic 2 and release it before they did so this way it gave them more time to polish the game and make the game we all know and love today really awesome.

        1. *SPOILERS*

          I wonder if they’ll leave that image, or a similar one in, as a hint for the next game?

          (Tails hinted to be in Sonic 4 episode 2?)

  3. no surprise there…really? As soon as i read read the title before clicking on here i knew it would be tails. who else are they gonna put…shadow?

    1. I actually thought they would have made a custom Modern Sonic sprite, which would tie it in with Sonic 4, as SEGA are so keen to do. That would have been cool, but the would cause an uproar among the modern Sonic haters. Tails is cool, though. I have to wonder… Knuckles as DLC?

    2. Or wait for it… Amy or Metal Sonic. Makes sense becuase they both starred in that game. Well, the version of Metal Sonic in every game past that.

  4. I wish they would just release it now. If they can release it on the tablet that means its complete. Just release it now and stop building this thing up as if its some brand new game, because at the end of the day, only a niche group of people, including myself, are even anticipating this release.

  5. Hopefully he will be playable in Ep2 so you don’t have to play as modern Sonic. That would be awesome and his flying could be used for parts that need homing. With new zones etc, Ep2 suddenly sounds quite interesting.

  6. Tails in Sonic CD? Sonic CD to be the “prelude” to Sonic 4: episode 2….I think this move just about confirms who / what we may see in Episode 2!

    Also, My guess is that Tails’ flying will be his “special move, while the “Peel dash” will be Sonic’s (Like it was in Sonic Chaos).

  7. Tails being playable in Sonic CD breaks the storyline.

    But he’s welcome as a playable character.

    Going to buy this in December.

    Thanks for the news Shadzter.

    1. By that logic, Metal Sonic being playable in Sonic Adventure DX breaks the storyline. And so does “Knuckles in Sonic the Hedgehog 2.” Just because he’s in this enhanced port of the game doesn’t mean he should be taken as canon.

  8. Thought it was going to be Metal Sonic but Tails!! Niceee! Wish the Wii was capable to play this :\

  9. What…what are they gunna do about finishing the Metal Sonic boss act in Stardust Speedway? Amy latching onto Tails with a kiss to finish the act would just be…..weird and uncomfortable lol

  10. Wot?
    Actual additional playable character?
    Would be nice if it were someone else though.

  11. too bad that this add-on will only be available on the Android Tablets. It would be nice if they had that kind of add-on for XBLA.

  12. So creative and fun!

    Thanks for this addition, Sega, now I see a reason for me buy it even having Gems Collection for gamecube.

  13. Metal Sonic becomes Tails Doll? And what about the ending animation? Is Tails going to save the day, but at the last second, Sonic jumps in? So many questions…

    1. Questions, questions you ask all these questions! Ask yourself this!!! … I’m really interested if someone going to get this reference…

  14. This is fantastic! I love how they used Tails’ Sonic 2 flying sprites too! I wonder if you can unlock Sonic with Tails as a sidekick…

  15. Oh, I thought it would be Modern Sonic, and we would be able to play Sonic CD in 3D, with boosting and all! Just kidding…

  16. Oh wow!
    Now I’m sure I should get it!
    I’m an Xbox 360 newbie, will games like this have achievements too?

  17. But the big question is: is Tails in Sonic CD canon? I don’t think SEGA can add something like this and just get away without explaining it. And they’re going to have to retcon A LOT to make Tails appear in the game. This is a really stupid move on SEGA’s part, in my opinion.

    (note: post is a joke)

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