Sonic Snap! Win A First4Figures 20th Anniversary Sonic the Hedgehog Statue!

Oh boy, do we have a competition for you this month!

We don’t know about you, but we are all incredibly excited here at TSS after seeing all of the new footage of the stages available in Sonic Generations! To celebrate twenty years of Sonic the Hedgehog and the impending release of Sonic Generations, the Sonic Stadium has teamed up with SEGA to bring you an incredible competition!

The good folks at SEGA Europe have kindly given us an ultra-exclusive First 4 Figures 20th Anniversary Sonic statue and one very, VERY lucky person will be walking away with this awesome piece of merchandise – you can’t buy these in the shops (and they go for a fortune on ebay) so this is your chance to bag an awesome item of memorabilia!

So how do you have a shot at winning this? Well, we want you guys and gals to show your creative side!

What we want you to do is recreate one of your favourite moments from the Sonic the Hedgehog universe…in photographic form!

We want you to be as creative as you can with your photograph! Maybe you want to get together with some friends and dress up to recreate a scene from Sonic Adventure? Perhaps you want to construct a scene from SatAM in clay? You might even consider making a segment of Sweet Mountain entirely out of cake! The choice is entirely down to you; the more original your idea and the more impressive and epic your picture is, the better chance you will have of snagging this ace statue…and believe me you will have lots of competition! The best photos along with the winning entry will be featured on the front page of the Sonic Stadium.

Get snapping, and good luck!

1. The competition is open to anyone worldwide, but please only one entry per person – multiple entries will not be considered.
2. We want your picture to be entirely true to your effort and true to reality – no photoshopping or digital picture editing in any entries please!
3. Pictures need to be in digital form (preferably in .jpg or .png format), no bigger than 5MB in size, but no smaller than 1200 x 1600 pixels – we want to see great quality images!
4. All entries must be emailed to tbird [at] titled “Sonic Snap!” – your email must include your photograph, a sentence describing which scene your photo is recreating along with your real name and email address. We will only ask for your postal information if we pick you as the winner.
5.Β  All entries must be received by 5:00pm GMT on Friday 4th of November 2011. Any entries received after this date will unfortunately not be considered, so get them in before you start playing the game on launch day!

Think outside the box! Don’t just get your toys out and take a photo – think of an idea or an element that no one else will think of! Use your environment, use props, use your brain!
Think about your idea thoroughly! Don’t rush to get your entry in by the end of the first week! Brainstorm your ideas and talk to friends and family – sometimes inspiration comes from unlikely places!
Use the time you have! You’ve got over four weeks to submit your entry – plenty of time to make or obtain anything you need to set the scene.
– Get others involved! Get your friends to pose with you, or get your folks to help making things – there is no limit to how many people you have involved in your entry!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Published by

Adam Tuff

With a decade under his belt, Adam is one of The Sonic Stadium's most seasoned writers, with interests in the music and merchandise of the Sonic the Hedgehog universe. Adam is the co-organiser for the Summer of Sonic convention.


    1. It can’t be a straight up drawing…but if you’re good at that there’s no reason you can’t use your skills to think outside the box!

    1. :O

      I…I… cried ;_;

      Aww… DAMN YOU! Even Man can cry sometimes. Its just… words wont describe this.

      1. As said in the video description, I did my best. I spent FOUR day’s just getting down as many artists names as I could and searching composers and such. I really did my best in this video since I had to do it all single handed. You don’t see any other 15 minute long tributes like that. Anywhere. Period. It doesn’t exist. Not containing artwork anyways. Or credits.

        I hope you enjoyed it all the same.

        1. Ah my bad, that’s what I get for not watching ’til the credits lol.

          I’m just too used to seeing the credits within the description, but considering how much there was and how much you put into it, kudos really. You did more than what most people do, and that’s a plus~

  1. So, it doesn’t have to be pictures? It could be a video, like stop motion, or such? Right, or no?

  2. This will be fun… Lets see what I can do with my Jazwares figures and nifty camera angles….

    1. Please read the contest! “What we want you to do is recreate one of your favourite moments from the Sonic the Hedgehog universe…in photographic form!”

  3. Would enter but I already have a statue. Good luck to everyone entering, I can’t wait to see what people come up with πŸ™‚ I love it when people get creative

    1. with these rare sonic statues, it is Turboman action figures and Team Fortress 2 Vintage hats in a nutshell

  4. I’d like too… However, blowing up half of the moon will be kind of tricky.

  5. I have a question. You said no editing it using a computer, but what if I make it using a computer. I don’t mean drawing something in paint or gimp. I mean using a program to create a sonic scene. Specifically, using Lego Design By Me, which allows you to build things using virtual Lego bricks, or Minecraft, a sandbox building game. If I did that and took a screenshot, would it be allowed?

  6. Can we edit the photo? Say I take a picture of Me looking into a sunset sky and then having a Edgg Rocket there (CGI)?

    Or does it have to be all real?

  7. I have the perfect location for an idea I’ve just had…would be very difficult to do unless I can convince someone to take a photo of me…

  8. I have a question, can I put a little watermark on the picture? Because if I post it on another site, someone could probably take it and use as if it was his entry…

  9. Ideas obtained.

    Filtering …………………………..


    …Challenge accepted.

    1. Won’t that cause some sort of paradox? Yes, you can have a picture featured in your photo, but it can’t be the subject of the photo.

  10. My favorite moment, Knuckles catching Rouge… I KNOW WHAT I MUST DO
    (adopts pet puppies and dresses them in hand made sonic costumes, then has one puppy save another off of high beam in space) BEST IDEA EVER!!!

  11. Seriously limiting my options with disallowing photoshop et al.

    But limiting options only AMPLIFIES MY CREATIVITY


  12. must…get…play-doh! I will tell you my plan thus ppl will steal it. but i will tell you that it will be every nook every cranny every loop-de-loop every one up!

    1. that doesn’t seem fair, because it’ll mean you have more entries, so i guess not, only ONE entry per person/household

  13. So in summary, it can be a drawing or a video, PhotoShop is allowed and we just post our entries in the comments? I think I’ll submit a photo of my collection.


  14. I hate to be THAT guy who asks the dumb question that’s already been answered…. I have a very specific scene I want to recreate because it’s s meaningful and I want my brother to be in it since we went through the memorable moment together and us uniting is the memory I want to recapture. trouble is, he live in Australia now and I’m in the US, I can’t just fly over there. So would I be allowed to take two pictures and photo-messshhh ’em together?

  15. I have an idea and I’m 75% sure it’s pretty unique.. but I already know there’ll be 100’s more with more effort, time and creativity put into them :/
    I just hope we all stick to the “one favourite moment” rule

  16. Can we use paper crafts like a (retarded looking) paper hat sonic craft, stand-up sonic craft, etc?

  17. Quick question, T-Bird. I plan on building something, now when I send it to you, would you like me to send you different angles of the thing, or just one straight up pic of the whole thing itself?

    1. If you want to send multiple angles of it, you can, but you will need to pick one that will be “your entry” i.e. the one we consider for the competition.

  18. I see that it says no Photoshopping, but are we allowed to add a score-time-rings HUD if we’re doing a stage recreation? =P

    1. I take it this is unrelated to your previous “Can more than one person in a family enter” question?

      1. It would have to be a picture of a TV show, but you might as well skip the TV part and take a picture of one of the scenes

        1. The competition is called “Sonic Snap” – as in, a photograph, not “Sonic: The Motion picture”. The contest is to recreate your favourite scene – not to create an entire 15 minute spectacle that I have to awkwardly sit through.


  19. Hey, since the end of the contest is after the relese of Sonic Generations, can we make one of the game after his official relese?

  20. πŸ™ ok massive coincidence i dont get my cast off till the 5th … :L so feel free to use my idea, go to a forest dressed as shadow and swingfrom a tree branch or vine….n or a giant red waterslide for radical highway, OR skatebored down a hill whilst a truck attempts to run you over πŸ™‚

  21. Hi, I have a quick question, may I use the photomerge technique? That is when you take a lot of pictures and connect them to make a huge picture. I’m not going to do anything special with the photos I just want to put the photos together to create my scene(s). πŸ˜€

  22. Question *Lifts hand* Does it have to be like…Something from the Sonic Universe (Yes I read the rules) but can it be like…an event that happened in real life towards the Sonic Universe (for example the Sonic Balloon thingy falling at the parade in the 90’s)? Cuz I have a really good one that would pertain to many a Sonic fan but it didn’t happen in game/show/comic/whatever else Sonic is.

    1. Haha, it can be anything to do with Sonic at all Nickyy – even if it isn’t obvious – you are still allowed to write a sentence describing what it is. Hope this helps!

  23. I’m still thinking on what to do for this! I have some ideas, but I am keeping them under wraps for now, but it will be purely photography, that’s the main rule, right?

  24. I’m totally entering this contest. All have an idea and i’m almost done with it πŸ˜€

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