[UPDATE: Fake] Sonic Generations PC Pirated, Torrents Online

UPDATE: Some keen-eyed fans over at Sonic Retro have checked out the downloadable file and have confirmed that it is in fact a fake 2MB file of little value.

Oh dear. The PC version of Sonic Generations has been hacked to pieces by pirates, with torrents being made available on popular freeloading websites around the globe.

The torrent contains a disc image, along with crack executables and .dll files that allow Windows users to experience the entire of Sonic Team’s upcoming 20th Anniversary title without having a pay a penny for the privilege.

While The Sonic Stadium hasn’t downloaded or ran the package out of principle, early comments on various pirate websites appear to confirm that the torrent includes a full bona fide copy of Sonic Generations.

Thanks to SSMB memberΒ Vinyl Scratch for the heads up.

NB: The Sonic Stadium does not condone or endorse the pirating of video game software. Any requests or links to download the game on TSS or SSMB will result in member bans.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

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Founder of The Sonic Stadium and creator/co-organiser of the Summer of Sonic convention. Loves talking about Sonic the Hedgehog in his spare time. Likes Sonic Colours a little too much for his own good, apparently.


  1. Its all well and whatever that its happened, but does this really need to be published? its only going to encourage PC users to pirate it =/

  2. oh no…..see this is what i hate about thing revolving around sonic…..PEOPLE CANT FUCKING WAIT!

  3. Seriously now,I know that before,pirating games used to be a last chance to poorest gamers,but c’mon..50 BUCKS FOR A GAME AND ITS ALREADY BEEN PIRATED???
    this is whoredom,mainly because of the hard work Sonic Team putted in it.
    There was no need for it at all.

    1. 50 bucks…..sad it is to own a console now-a-days, the PC Version of Sonic Generations on Steam (comes with Sonic 3D Blast and Sonic 3 and Knuckles as well as a preload option) was only 30 bucks….cant wait until 8pm tonight to play it ^_^, not all PC users are pirates, if I love the game and want to support the devs I will pay for the game.

  4. I went looking for it and i think I found it. I checked to see if it was true and Idk, either the torrent was 2mb or the whole game was. And you have to complete a stupid survey in order to download it. I already preordered it for xbox360 anyways so…yea. So I think it’s pointless to download it, it’s probably fake because of the survey.

  5. All games get pirated eventually…

    …Just not before they’re actually released. Whoopsie, SEGA! That’s NO good!

  6. I hate those pirates, SEGA must’ve put a lot of effort into SG and here it is people are getting it for free. But I’m SO tempted to download it, but if temptation does take over, I will still buy the game with real money.

    1. I’d hope not.. I think everypony just got caught-up in the pirating moment.

      If so, it’s not gonna be the same not seeing Vinyl Scratch showing up in random threads ;_;

  7. Two people already commented about it on the site:

    “okey, i am downloading this – 76% πŸ™‚ i can’t wait to 100% ;D Skidrow u are pro and i must buy u beer.”

    “Everything works how it should! I love this game and I will buy it. Thank you for upload this torrent πŸ™‚
    When I was young saw your post .. skidrow boss!”

    They might find out it’s a fake by the time they play it.

  8. This sounds like fake.
    If this was true, most likely there would be videos of it on youtube. Also, searched on a popular torrent search site (no, I’m not gonna pirate it, I already pre-ordered it for the PC), the only thing related to Generations there was the XBox 360 demo.

    Also, since it’s a steamworks game, no way anyone would have been able to get the game before the release, unless someone from SEGA or a retailer (which shouldn’t have any copies yet) leaked it.

  9. I plan on buying it like everyone else should! However I wouldnt mind hearing the music a bit early >.>

  10. I’m going to try and maintain an air of neutrality about this post, but:

    I’ve already paid for a pre-order, so I technically already own the game.

    Some would say that this entitles me to a free backup.

    1. Well I’m not one of those some. I say that you pay for 1, you’re entitled to one. Where the hell does backup entitlement come from? lmao But at the same time it doesn’t seem like it’d be that bad to pirate something you already own unless you have the game on a console, then your pirating a pc version would still be wrong as you didn’t buy a PC version.

  11. If I find it, I’ll download it, but that doesn’t mean I’m not buying the special edition I preordered at Amazon

  12. So this hoax, it lasted what? Two minutes at the most? I looked at the article, and right after I read it, it was confirmed to be fake.

  13. I love how news likes this comes to Sonic Stadium before the site made by the people who actually MADE the news. Sonic Retro is just that slow.

  14. Oh thank god it was fake…..but still, IMO I knew it was a bad idea to release sonic generations on the pc cause then we’re gonna have problems just like this…..Damn it Sega, sometimes its not best to listen to some of the fans

    1. Probably why they waited so long to reveal it. Shame we found out already anyways. But at least it won’t be out when the console version comes out so they have some time to make some sells. Plus the specs required are so high anyways. lol

  15. I tried to download the torrent, but i couldn’t, the stupid surveys are too hard to complete and yea…it’s annoying.

  16. This is a disaster SEGA have worked their fingers to the bone for Sonic’s 20th and these…. criminals, hacked it!
    I hope the downloadable file is fake and if not then proper decent people should know better and buy the game when it’s actually released. I too want this game right here and now but I’d never resort to piracy.I just feel sorry for all those at SEGA who are having heart attaks right now πŸ™

  17. when i first saw the post i was like ‘LOL i knew this would happen by releasing it on pc’ But its still probably gonna be a free torrent download eventually…

  18. *cancels his 4 Sonic Generations pre-orders and throws away 20 years of loving Sonic*

    Just kidding πŸ˜€

  19. Y’know, even if this was for real, having a pirated copy of the game means nothing if your average computer (which’ll be most of us) doesn’t have the specs to play it, let alone have stunning graphics XD

  20. God these guys have to much time on their hands but that just says that I have more of a life than them

  21. *fake leak*

    phew!, glad I can still navigate a little til release. I was concerned if I had to go into further lockdown when it came to text discussion.

    Your result of launch PC version.
    SonicStadium post info about pirate game?
    oh ye, this is stupid action.

  23. Pirates? Fuck em’! They’ve only made matters worse for themselves because they downloaded a pirated copy of an upcoming game To be honest, they’re only destroying the company that made their game, thus if SEGA are on the verge of bankruptcy or having to go down a lower level of video game distributing thus destroying Sonic the Hedgehog. They’ve just killed it. Hear with me, Pirates? Fuck em’!

  24. Its fake? Dammit.

    I don’t want to have to download 11 goddang gigabytes on a 1mbit connection!

    1. Probably because when the news broke it looked like it was the real deal, it was only after someone decided to do the naughty and download it did the penny drop.

  25. S O N I C S E Z


    Tails: Oh boy, oh boy! Sonic Generations is going to be the best game in the entire UNIVERSE, but the release date is sooooo far awaayyy, what am I gonna do?
    Grounder: We’re playing Sonic Generations for FREE!
    Tails: Wh-what?! But it’s not even out yet!
    Scratch: EXACTLY! Here, I’ll send you the download link!
    Sonic: *runs past, knocking over Scratch & Grounder’s computer* Whoa there little bro! Don’t even think about clicking that link!
    Tails: But Sonic… I just GOTTA play your new game! If I don’t download it like Scratch and Grounder, I’ll NEVER be able to play it because it’ll always be sold out!
    Sonic: That’s where you’re wrong, keed! Slow-Mo Sonic fans wait for the price to be reduced, but TRUE Sonic fans know to pre-order my new games so that they’re bound to get a copy on the release date! Plus you don’t wanna STEAL my new game, do ya?
    Tails: Steal? I never thought of it that way!
    Sonic: That’s right little bro! If you download Sonic Generations before it’s official release date AND for free, you’re actually committing a crime! You could even wind up in jail! Besides, that link is fake! Two megabytes just ain’t enough to contain twice as much hedgehog ;p
    Tails: Wow, you’re right Sonic! From now on, I’ll always preorder the games I want and promise to pay full price for them too!
    Sonic: Now THAT’S the attitude of a winner, dude ;p

    1. I was playing the “Sonic Says” theme music from AoStH in my head while reading that dialouge out “Aha-a-ha!!” lol. That script of your’s “IS the attitude of a winner!” Cool!!! Way past cool!!!

  26. There’s another one a friend and I found out there not in torrent form from what I can tell dubbed “Sonic Generations (2011 – Repack)” which is said to be a 4.9 gig archive. It’s also fake from what he and I can tell, apparently just containing movies of some sort.

  27. Hey the SSBM has a new japanese magazine showing a cutscene, Emerald Coast, Silver and a possible Sonic Drift 2 unlockable for the 3DS version

  28. One question, out of all of you who are saying this is bad, how many have downloaded it. I for one will not, because I’m getting the 360 vers

  29. It’s ok, I’ll make up for 2 of the stolen downloads by purchasing the game 3 times (CE PS3, SE Xbox 360, and DS versions)


  30. Now,explain me.Its avaible for download ? I want to download it.But that means I’m not an pirate.I already pre-ordered it,and i will buy 3ds version late 2011 too.But i was owe myself to record sonic generations walktroughs before than everybody.If possible,by someway,give me the link.

  31. And also,”Pirates,they are realy fast ! Pirates,they got an computer !Pirates! They are fastest thing alive !”

  32. thank god it’s fake. if it was the full thing and if i knew him/her, i would kill him. not literly

  33. Loving the reactions haha.
    Anything and everything released on PC or any type of console is hacked sooner or later.

  34. Indeed, people are getting so annoyed by something so common.

    I bet all you people buy pre-owned games. The developer loses out on you buying their title when you buy pre-owned. Company profits wise, it’s as bas a piracy as they’re not getting any income from your purchuse and lose out on a customer. Stop getting your pants in a twist, if it’s good it’ll make a profit despite piracy.

  35. Download at the speed sound, quickest pirates around, got ourselves a situation, just download it from a new location, without any explanation, no talk or relaxation.

    They don’t think, they don’t blink, they just down-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-load.

    Pirates they’re on the run, pirates they ain’t no fun, pirates they’re downloadn’ fast so WATCH out for ”Pirate X”

  36. They know sonic generations is a money cow. They know it’s gonna make money on a PC release cause they know alot of sonic fans also don’t happen to be PC gamers and not just sonic fans since the game is just 30 bucks with a pre-order offer that worths 10 bucks even more people would consider buying it. Only the poor slice of people are going to download a torrent and i’m sure of that..yep the poor slice of people that won’t have good-enough specs to run the game.

    1. “don’t happen to be PC gamers” Sorry for the ‘don’t’ i meant ‘Happen to be PC gamers’

  37. It’s fun how everyone is acting like they’ve NEVER downloaded something in their entire life. And well, you have to have a pretty powerfull PC to run it, so right there you have less people downloading it cus they can’t run it. And does anyone here know how INCREDIBLE easy it is to make a pirated games work on PS3 and 360? So the PC version isn’t really a problem(Which most people think it is), it’s just good for people that are PC gamers and don’t have 360 or PS3. And Sonic Generations beat the record of most pre-ordered Sonic game, so I don’t think SEGA has to worry too much.

  38. I think a lot of people are ignorant about PC gaming or just things in general. Yes, software on the PC tends to be pirated easier due to the medium, but it’s also easy to pirate games on modern consoles too, especially those with functioning emulators. Also, the minimum requirements for the PC version I easily meet with my 6 year old computer. Not saying this as an endorsement of privacy, I doubt I’ll even get the game since I’m not really a Sonic fan, but people come across as really ignorant about piracy and gaming in general.

  39. Yeah All Pc gamers are pirates.. oh wait a minute!! if u dont know people the game have been leaked first on 360/ps3 and nobody says nothing about it…

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