Sonic Generations Has The Most Pre-Orders in Sonic History

Sega has announced today that Sonic Generations has topped all previous Sonic pre-orders to date. Part of the reason for this has been their huge push of this title. From skating events to sponsoring the Simpsons, Sonic has been everywhere!

Time to celebrate!

Here’s the press release…

SEGA is proud to announce that Sonic Generations has exceeded all previous pre-order records from the 20 year Sonic catalog.  This has made Sonic Generations the most anticipated title in the Sonic the Hedgehog’s iconic history.   SEGA has also invested in a number of high-profile brand initiatives surround the anniversary and the games launch.


SEGA Puts Full Support Behind Sonic Generations With Multiple Large-Scale Marketing Initiatives; Game Breaks Franchise Pre-Order Record

SAN FRANCISCO (October 27, 2011) –;SEGA® of America, Inc. today announced that Sonic Generations™; has exceeded all previous pre-order records from the 20-year Sonic catalog, making it the most anticipated title in Sonic the Hedgehog’s iconic history. The company also announced that, celebrating two decades of the iconic blue blur, SEGA has invested in a number of high-profile brand initiatives surrounding the anniversary and the game itself. Sonic Generations has already been extremely positively received by critics: calls it “the perfect mix of old school and new school Sonic” while IGN determined that it is “the best of Sonic.”

Sonic Generations is the ultimate title to cap off Sonic’s 20th anniversary and we have put our full support behind it with a number of truly amazing initiatives,” said Alan Pritchard, Executive Vice President of Sales & Marketing at SEGA of America. “This year is a milestone for Sonic and we want to make sure this is the best title that Sonic fans, old and new, have been waiting for.”

The campaign began with the colossal 20th anniversary celebration for the game’s fans, Sonic Boom, which saw over 1,000 people singing Happy Birthday to Sonic and reunited the original development team of the game. The celebrations will continue with the following large-scale initiatives that will lead to the culmination of Sonic’s 20thanniversary year and the release of the upcoming videogame:

Six Flags Partnership, throughout October: Nationwide theme park brand implementation with Sonic Generations game zones for hands-on experience and marketing messaging across the Six Flags Digital Networks.

Sonic Generations of Skate, October 22: The nationally broadcast (November 25 on FOX Sports Net) professional skateboarding tournament featuring legendary skaters  Steve  Caballero, Tony Hawk, Pierre Luc Gagnon, Andy Macdonald, Mitchie Brusco and more, united skateboarders from multiple generations to compete in an event celebrating Sonic Generations and Sonic’s 20th Anniversary. (Venice Beach, CA)

Custom Sonic Playground, October 28: SEGA and KaBOOM! have partnered to build a custom Sonic-themed playground for kids in East Oakland, CA at the Youth UpRising community center. (Oakland, CA)

Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade – November 24: Modern Sonic will be making his debut as a helium balloon in this year’s parade. In 1993, Classic Sonic was the first-ever video game character in the annual event. (New York, NY)

Sonic Generations will be released for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system and Windows PC digital download on November 1, 2011 nationwide. The game will be available for Nintendo 3DS™ on November 22, 2011.

Source [Sega]

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        1. Thats right,no one gives a shit if you discovered America.
          Anyways,glad our little hedgehog got his little part of recognisement in the world 😉

  1. So it’s Modern Sonic in the Thanksgiving Parade, eh? It’s good to finally know which Sonic it is. Didn’t the Classic Sonic balloon hit a lamppost and injure two people back in 93?

    1. damn i dont understand you guys. why do you always classify sonic as “Classic” or “modern”. that is just so gay, because i could have sworn sonic WAS a classic gaming icon. lol i thought sonic was sonic to me.

      and the fact that sonic was fat and black eyed in 93 WAS BECAUSE that was the current sonic design of that era. why would they go back to that ugly fatass design. if mario were in it, i doubt you’d see ugly 8 bit mario or the inverse overalls. D:

      1. Are you trolling or serious? Even SEGA calls them by two names – ClassicSonic and GenericSonic. Classic Sonic is now called Classic because he isn’t in use any more and from the original days of gaming. Modern Sonic is called Modern because…well, he’s modern and in use.

      2. It wasn’t me classifying it as Modern or Classic Sonic, it was the article itself. It specifically said “Modern Sonic”. I, personally, am annoyed by people who treat Classic Sonic as a different character than Modern Sonic. Sonic is Sonic, right?

      3. “Classic Sonic” and “Modern Sonic” refer to their designs (associated with their most significant gameplays)

        When it comes to the parade, they just call it Modern Sonic because it is in connection to SOnic Generations which has both Sonics. They’re just letting us know that it won’t be Classic Sonic, Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic, but simply just Modern Sonic. Don’t go set trippin on anyone for it. lol

        In this context, there aren’t any “Fanboys” referring to them as seperate characters like some ppl do. It’s like Super Sonic and Hyper Sonic. They, too, are still Sonic. It’s just a specification of which version of Sonic. In this case, without even having to see, you already know that this Sonic in the parade will have green eyes because they said “Modern Sonic”. If they had just said “Sonic”, it could’ve been either design. =p

        1. and its like the Werehog , people treat the werehog as its own character, even though its sonic becoming a manhog, since were stands for man lol.

    1. According to VG Chartz, there are 55.328 for Xbox360 and 42.507 for PS3, and it only has data from America.

  2. Weeeell…other Sonic games have never really had a reason to be pre-ordered. At least not here in the US. Seriously, who wanted that stupid hat?

    1. Interesting… It looks like it may be fake, but maybe the person who took picture knew someone in “the business”. I’ll believe it when I see gameplay videos or music rips.

    2. I’ve already seen the tweet, since it was directed at Dreadknux and Sonic Retro’s Twitter accounts. Just waiting for more proof so we can be 100% certain it’s not a hoax. We don’t want a repeat of the hoax Sonic Generations PC leak.

      Also, if you have any news, can you please send it to ? We’re trying to cut down on the comments sections getting de-railed.

  3. IGN said something nice and positive about a Sonic game? HELL YEAHH!!! Less than a week til I play this!! (Nov 3rd for Australia YAY)

  4. Well yeah… collectors have to order 5 different copies of the game to get all the anniversary goodies (local Xbox/360 copy, Limited Edition with Steel Book, Collector Edition, standard and special 3DS versions)

  5. Now, Sega about that Collector’s edition…

    There’s No Excuse Now!, I’m not letting this issue go, Sega, MUHAHAHA!!

    *eyes turn green*

  6. As one of some who pre-ordered the Collectors Edition, I’m happy to say mine has been paid off, so now I’m just itching to get it next week! Also purchased my 360 just in time for it. I’m ready 🙂

  7. it’s official; “Advanced Challenge!” is a trolling douche who knows fuck all. the character design had evolved and changed between sonic 1 & 3 anyway to keep him modern and fresh. on the upside, this is fantastic news for sega and sonic, let’s hope it serves the fans well, and they hear our cries for extra DLC (preferably before xmas!).

  8. You were the first game on my GBA Sonic. Shame I lost you soon after 🙁

  9. I got to try to wake up early enough for the parade this year!That’s awesome! I think our fox sports channel may be taken away from us though….greedy jerks….

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