GAME Group “Put Off” By Sonic Generations Collector’s Edition’s RRP

UK Sonic fans interested in the Sonic Generations Collector’s Edition may wonder why this set of items hasn’t been made available with retailers in the GAME Group (GAME, GameStation and Gameplay) who usually always stock these kinds of things across a variety of game genres. Well, The Sonic Stadium can reveal that the problem is the Collector’s Edition’s £99.99 RRP.

A GameStation staff member spoke to this reporter in a local store this afternoon and stated that, like myself, he was puzzled as to why they weren’t stocking this edition of the game. He then told me he had previously contacted head office to enquire about this and was informed that the GAME Group isn’t stocking the Collector’s Edition because they were “put off” by its £99.99 RRP (Recommended Retail Price).

We then talked about the rival retailers who have stocked it, such as Amazon and ShopTo. I told the GameStation staff member how even the more obscure of online retailers like and have sold out of pre-orders for it (the latter at an inflated £149.99), to which he disappointedly replied “I guess we missed a trick there.” Indeed.

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      1. I think Marcello is pointing out how it’s cheaper than most other Collector’s Edition’s they stock. Call of Duty ones always sell for £119.99-£129.99.

  1. Yep, sounds like they screwed up royally. £99.99 will be a bargain in a few months or so ( have the 360 version back in stock if anyone is still interested)

    1. No they don’t, I just checked it and it still said it was unavailable T^T
      Its the only place my parents would let me get it from too

  2. It’s understandable. It is overpriced. Look at the Gears of War 3 collectors edition – my brother bought it. More-or-less similar in content, but the statue (most expensive part) is about fifteen inches tall. The statue in the Sonic collectors edition is fifteen centimetres. And comparably slim, when you consider you could kill someone with the GoW statue. It really should be more an RRP of £70-80, which is why I’m glad I got an Amazon order.

    The only thing that would justify the £100 is if the statue was resin, which I doubt it is.

  3. to be honest i’d never even heard of grainger games until i read on this website they were stocking that edition, to which i promptly visited the site and pre-ordered a copy for my ps3. and they’re still showing stock now by the looks of things! as mentioned above, £100 will be a bargain, due to the eu market being one of few getting the collectors edition, and even less uk websites showing stock, or have stocked in the past. most listings on ebay now are sitting on or above the £200 mark, i wonder how much they’ll be worth for a brand new, in cellophane edition when the hype dies down and a couple of years have rolled by? xD

      1. ha, brilliant! good find Espy! typical northerners eh? get invited to a party and want to tear shit up! definitely worth risking clicking the link on a work computer!

  4. What the hell, thats the lamest excuse ever when they sell other special editions such as call of duty for like 90-150 quid !!! Ah well their loss of money isnt it, seeing as this is one of the most preordered games, they clearly lost out on a lot of money !!

    1. yea like that shitty remote control car they offered with black ops, defo not as good as the NVGs they offered with MW2, but still very highly priced editions! wish i’d got the uncharted 2 collector’s edition myself.

  5. Someone said the IGN review is suppose to be posted today? will you post it here, shadzter, when it’s up?

      1. good shout, my uk ign emails always come through a day later than my .com ones, so i’ll just check back here for the link! fingers crossed for a 9 at least! although i wouldn’t care if they gave it a 1!

    1. yeah yeah IGN have said themselves that their review will be out today (monday 28th oct). Thing is, it’s 18:51 here in the UK right now, and in San Francisco (USA) where IGN are situated, it’s only 10:51 in the morning. Its not even the afternoon for them yet. So we’ll be seeing the review quite late at night (UK) im afraid.

        1. Guys, can we please stop going off-topic? We’ve got a whole chain of comments now that are irrelevant to this news post. The review will go live when it goes live. Just check back at IGN’s website every now and again. We’ll be sure to cover it too.

  6. Fools. Although I’m glad they didn’t, they always sell at or above RRP, whereas Amazon are decent people and sold it at a discount

  7. A very stupid move on there behalf, and it’s a shame because I’d rather have got it through GAME rather than Amazon and got all the points.
    Perhaps in future they won’t make the same mistake.

    1. for the sake of £15 i’d just go to a site that is still stocking, i don’t think any will go back on amazon brand new unless people want to rape you for your money, especially with only a week left until release.

      1. That’s what I told my parents but they said they’re refusing to pay £100 for it
        Sides, their all sold out on other sites for £100
        The only ones left are the ones on ebay for £250, and I doubt my parents would be happy with that 🙁

      1. ooh i’d forgotten that little detail! format of the numbering notwithstanding, i hope i get 4126 (you’ll see the reference there)!

  8. very off-topic, but how come i can’t register to the site at the moment? just need one well-informed answer then this statement can be ignored completely and we can get back to game group bashing!

    1. The admins have closed registrations, but they’ve not got rid of the registration button yet. This way people are free to post without the need for registering.

      1. thanks. i just wondered if i was missing out on anything extra as to not signing up, but i’m pretty much on the site 5 days a week now anyway! 🙂

  9. wow so that’s why they haven’t made it available, who would’ve known. But yeah there goes all that money that they’ve could of earned, a strong lesson indeed! : (

    Good thing i bought it at, because i per-ordered it when it was 1st announced it now just costs me about £73.95 so I’m lucky to be saving quite a lot. 🙂

  10. Well the Sonic Collectors Edition isn’t as well made as some other games but it’s still a good little set and well…. it’s Sonic thus there’s plenty of people who’d buy it (proven from the sold out pre-orders on amazon). GAME really missed out here.

  11. Really? 3, 2 ,1 shazam

    So and now? is that a lie or what? because of this notice I went crazy for the last hour thinking that my pre order was compromised until i found that… I live in Portugal and i preordered in GAME for 130€ and so i think the guy to who you spoke was only temting for you to possibly buy the wathever edition they would have…

    *Sry for the bad english*

    1. As I pointed out at the beginning with “UK Sonic fans”, I’m talking about the UK GAME Group. I’m aware GAME in France, Spain and Australia are selling it.

  12. instant Karma, they also lost around £30-£40 this week as they had to give me a free copy of Crysis 2 over a pair of TurtleBeach Ear Force X11’s, best use of £35 ever… of all time

  13. Speaking of stores and pre-orders, anyone know if Gamestop is still doing the Casino Night pinball thing for pre-ordering?Cause when I visit my local Gamestop they don’t mention it at all…. :/

  14. I’ve bit the bullet and ordered from Two points that worry me;

    1) Will the writing in the booklets, on the CDs etc, be in English or German?

    2) Will the DLC work on my UK Xbox Live account?

    I’ll be extremely disappointed at spending £100 if its all in German, but at least this give me some small option of owning it at a semi reasonable price.

    1. If you look closely in the pic, there are about 4 languages of text on the CD and DVD case, so you should be fine. DLC should work fine because Germany is also part of the PAL region.

  15. I ordered from Germany, but then i cancelled and got it from in AU. I believe they’re still selling it, plus they ship worldwide.

    1. They’ve stopped taking pre-orders for the CE a couple of days ago, now it looks like the SteelBook version is also unavailable

  16. Ok, now I’m worried. I live in Australia and I’ve already preordered the Collector’s edition from Game in Australia. It used to be listed on their website but now I can’t see it anymore. I’m still going to get the Collector’s Edition, aren’t I???

  17. Can I just get some reassurance on things as far as the german is concerned.:

    So the documentary is likely(or even better certain) to have all 4 languages on it?

    The cd I assume they will the english songs on it?

    and how likely is the dlc going to work on my UK(scotland) 360?

    1. Documentary: Don’t know. I’d imagine it would have the 4 languages shown on the case.

      CD: German gameplay footage of Sonic Generations has always had the English lyrics to any songs with vocals, as no translations have ever been made to Sonic music, so I seriously doubt this CD would have German vocals.

      DLC: Germany is a PAL region like the UK and the rest of Europe and Australia, so the DLC should work for you, yes.

      If you want an official answer, you’re best to contact SEGA. You can contact them via Twitter at @SEGA. They don’t work weekends, so I’d wait until Monday.

      1. I appreciate you taking the time to reply to my questions, this has been most helpful. and while I am at it thanks on behalf of the sonic fanbase for the updated info.

        I feel much more reassured now.

        Thanks again for all your help


        1. When you get a reply from SEGA, would you mind posting the procured information? I’m currently scouring the net for the same information, so it’d be nice to know whether I ought to purchase it or not 🙂

          1. @Santa Sonic:

            I have sent a tweet to SEGA about 6 hours ago, so hopefully a reply should arrive soon, as soon as I get a reply I will post again.

  18. Wiat, wait, wait… so let me get this straight.
    They were put off by the RRP of the Sonic Generations CE at £99.99, however, they WEREN’T put off by ESV: Skryrim CE’s RRP of £129.99 which everyone has agreed is overly priced concidering the lack of stuff that comes in it and hasn’t sold out at all.
    Yeah GAME, you guys really are morons. Whats even stranger is that your Spanish devisions ARE offering Sonic Generations CE. Idiots.

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