Way Past School! Stationery Competition Winners

Well, there certainly was a lot of homework for the TSS staff to mark this weekend! So much in fact it’s taken us an extra day to do it – but now we can officially announce the winner of the competition! We had nearly 300 entries; some made us laugh, some made us cry (ok a lot made us cry) … some were so long we fell asleep half way through reading them. But like in any class, the top students have passed their test with flying colours!

So, without further delay, congratulations to our winner needsemail1, with this very clever, Sonic Colors-themed excuse:

“Sorry i didn’t do my algebra home work – I forgot how to CUBE.” -needsemail1

We’re also sending some stationery to two runners up, Curty and skyblaze, who also had two very understandable excuses:

“Sorry I bombed that Physics exam. I copied from Takashi Iizuka.” – skyblaze

“Sorry I’m late Sir, I was late leaving my dorm because I had to…cream the rabbit >:3” – Curty

All three of you please get in contact with your postal details through tbird [at] sonicstadium.org and we will send your prizes out to you!

As for the rest of you, it’s 5 laps around Green Hill Zone with Coach AAUK.

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Published by

Adam Tuff

With a decade under his belt, Adam is one of The Sonic Stadium's most seasoned writers, with interests in the music and merchandise of the Sonic the Hedgehog universe. Adam is the co-organiser for the Summer of Sonic convention.


  1. But Sir!

    I’m excused from P.E.! I’ve got a note from me mam! And… and… my pet Chao died! I’m too upset to run!

  2. Congrats guys! Maybe i can send knuckles over to take those goodies from you! 😛 NA, jokes… :D:D:D

  3. Could we have more contests/competitions like this one? It’s fun to see what responses people come up with. Winning doesn’t really matter to me, being a part of it is fun enough. (though I really wanted that prize. Oh well.) Who’s with me?

  4. Awesome job Needsemail1, Skyblaze and Curty 🙂 Congratulations to all three of you….They are all clever excuses

    You won’t catch me doing 5 laps Sir…I ergh I don’t run into Swinging Balls again by force? okay then try and catch me >:D

  5. WOW LOL this is going too far the sooner I know the destination of The Rage Train the better…TOOT TOOT!

      1. Whoever runs this page, deleted the stupid sonamy comments cause he’s awesome. lol. They used to be here though

  6. Sorry i’m late for IT class, i couldn’t FIND THE COMPUTER ROOM!
    (i know, it’s over now but still.)

  7. Is… is that my name? Dood! This is the first time I’ve won a competition on the Internet… I feel so honored. Thanks guys, and congrats to everyone else *does prinny dance*

    1. I’m glad you won, aand I like your excuse, but don’t you think your excuse is harsh? Takashi Iizuka is a very smart person. I know it was a joke, but still O_O

  8. Finally, I’ve been dying to know what the best joke was 😀
    lol those were good. Though I must admit, I didn’t get the CUBE one at first until I read it was Sonic Colour’s themed 😛
    Guess I’m just thick ^^

    1. Nah, those jokes are wayyy too overused. I would have been mad if they won. But the winners are creative AND funny. So they deserve the goodies. :3

  9. sorry for being late to school.
    My brother got in a FRENZY in the house about how he was suppose to make a ROCKET.
    And then my little sister hand got stuck in a pot so my mom yelled, “DON’T TOUCH IT!”
    And i lost my emerald jewelry for the 4th time. it was the only thing i keep losing. so i was like ,”WHERE’S THE DAMN FOURTH CHAOS EMERALD?”

    I know the contest is over and i want to have sonic school supplies, i just want to make this stupid jokes XD. You can kill me <3.

  10. Mines was:

    “Sorry sir, I couldn’t do my homework because we’re Sonic Heroes!”

    I said a really lame joke…. I did not understand the Cream one.

  11. Kids, just remember not to actually SAY “Way past cool” or “Way past school” in this case when you’re GOING to school. It won’t end well. lol

  12. I read the CUBE in the winning entry the way the announcer yells it in-game. Imagine saying it like that in front of someone.

  13. Sorry for taking so long to give a proper reply. I’ve been busy.

    Thanks T-Bird, for willingly parting with some of your merch (and recognizing talent when you see it). 😉

    I’m kind of surprised that particular entry won. I had already sent in several other excuses, which I had put more thought into, when I was reading some other entries, which mentioned LASERs. I didn’t get them at first, until I remembered the laser ability in Sonic Colors. That’s when I got the idea for an excuse involving the cube ability, since cube also happens to be an algebra (and geometry) term. I’m surprised I was the first one to think of it. o_0

    So, to the people whose homework was destroyed by LASERs and DRILLs, thanks for the inspiration. Thank you again, T-Bird, for the awesome prize, and congratulations to the runners-up. I actually remember skyblaze’s entry. I LOL’d when I first read it. 🙂

    I remember Curty’s entry, too. I didn’t get that one… and I don’t really want to. o_0

  14. Another one for the road: “Sorry I didn’t bring my homework. My Dark Chao went on a feeding FRENZY and ate it.”

  15. The “CUBE!” one because significantly funnier if you read it in the announcer’s voice. I’m sure that goes without saying though 😛

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