New/Old Sonic Generations Screenshots, Including Emerald Coast

We’ve got a collection of screenshots from both console and handheld versions of Sonic Generations for you today, including some you may or may not have seen from Tokyo Game Show 2011 that slipped our notice and some more recently released Emerald Coast screenshots, which show the stage’s whale is just as passionate about attacking Sonic as it ever was.

You can check out all of the screenshots below.

3DS: Emerald Coast

3DS: Various stage screens from Tokyo Game Show 2011

PS3/Xbox 360: Various stage screens from Tokyo Game Show 2011

Sources: Sonic Scene, GameSpot [ PS3/Xbox 360, 3DS]

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  1. Is Classic Sonic using those jump panels like in Sonic Adventure? Or are they going to make you press different buttons each time like in Unleashed?

    1. You don’t need to criticize the 3DS version, just because you don’t have it. I betcha if you did have it, you’d be happy about the 3ds version. 🙂 Don’t hate bro.

      1. I have a 3DS, but I most likely will not be getting this. My plans aim toward the 360 version, as I don’t enjoy playing a game that was built in 2D for a 3D system…

        1. Well goood for you, but I want to play the full experience, because I have enough money for it 😛 Besides, a portable Sonic Generations will be AWSOME! Especially when you go on long trips, or if your bored 😛 The 3DS version.will be a fun experience. Sure the console ver. Will be twice as awsome, you still can’t take the game anywhere you want.

          1. Blah blah blah, who cares if you can’t take the game anywhere? Long trips, whatever. He or she will live without a portable version.

          2. Actually you can you just need to buy one of those portable gaming stream things. You can find a lot of them at Best Buy, all you need is either batteries or a plug outlet in your car.

    2. Those screen shots are legitimatly bad :/ I hope they improve on it a lot because the 3DS is more powerfull than the dreamcast.

  2. Phew, I spotted those new Emerald coast screenshots and wondered why Sonic Stadium hadn’t mentioned them yet.
    The HD version has AMAZINGLY AMAZING background detail. Since this is their one chance to reclaim glory, I guess they’re giving it their all

  3. I’m glad that the Sonic Heroes Special Stage is not included on 360 or PS3. It is hard as hell to chase an emerald down the tubes, just give me rings and checkpoints and I’ll be fine.

    1. The special stage in Heroes was completely broken. You would stop in your tracks and start running backwards for no reason at all. While they could have chosen a better special stage, I’m confident they’ve fixed it.

      1. You were probably playing the PS2 or Xboxversion. I never had that problem on the Gamecube.

        The Gamecube is a god-modder when it comes to Sonic games =O

        1. I played the GameCube version and had that problem… It made getting some of the later Emeralds incredibly frustrating.

          Then again I haven’t played Heroes in ages, so maybe I was just doing something wrong.

        2. People keep telling me that the reason I don’t like Sonic Heroes is because I didn’t play it on the Gamecube. Well… I played it on the Gamecube! The final emerald was infuriating thanks to the broken special stage. I could manage the first six, but the last one probably took two to three hours to get, and it was mainly down to luck that it didn’t glitch up on me.

          1. 😐 I just collected a few orbs for 15-30secs boosted and done…..I don’t understand how people can’t catch something so simple.

          2. Yeah the GC version of Heroes is the best one while the PS2 version is horrible back when I had the PS2 version It suffered and had a lot of problems back then I always thought you had to keep tapping the x button to chase the emerald I don’t know how I managed to get all those emeralds (It’s also annoying if you press the jump button it randomly does a homing attack on the PS2 one)

            I got the GC one a few months ago it’s much more smoother they are a few glitches but it’s better than the PS2 one I have yet to finish the game the reason I got the game again on GC was to celebrate the 20th Anniversary and release of Generations 🙂

          3. Hmm, I have both the PC version and the GC version(Which I play on Wii), and the PC version is easier, easiest played as Team Rose. My GC version must be damaged, as almost everytime I play a Special stage it crashes. Maybe it’s just not Wii compatible. Anyway,the new screens look awesome, on both systems!

    1. im gonna rant on classic sonic fans for a sec.
      #1 green eyes- you think they had technology to have green eyes in the game? cover yes game no.
      #2 buckle(in vid)- do you want to go back and make a new model of cs and reprogram it and redo all trailers?
      #3 light blue- look at sonic cd cutscenes
      #4 if youre gonna complain about tiny details that everybody is fine with dont buy the game! this is what they do. nobody cares what sega does for the most part. except you people!!
      #5 move on
      #6 go play the classic games over and over again.
      #7 stop bothering the people that want to buy the game and have no problem with it and sega!!!

      i rest my case.

      (plz do not delete this comment, Shadzter, on my comment that has something about generations.)

      1. I won’t delete the comment right now, but I will ask that you don’t post any more comments like both of the ones you’ve just posted. These sort of comments are completely off-topic and only provoke people to reply and complain about your comment. You’ve gone and complained about classic Sonic fans, when no-one has even posted a complaint about classic Sonic anyway. Your complaint about a person on YouTube has no place here either. Go and complain on that person’s video or send them a pm or something if you have a problem with them.

        Can you please stay on topic in future? I’ve already asked you once before. I’m not trying to be a jerk or anything, but we don’t want any hate or chains of off-topic comments ruining the discussion for everyone else.

        1. ok. i gotcha. you may delete comment. oh and maybe the comments below too. they’re kinda off topic too. 😛

      2. Rant about “Classic” fans all you want, bro… the other two eras of Sonic have their fair-share of irrationality too.

        I’m bothered by this “Some one does it, they all do it” mentality. It wouldn’t kill people like you who want to “prove” something to maybe add “irrational” or “crazy” before the era you’re singling out instead of implying that every Retro fan is obsessed with a shoe buckle or shade of blue.

    2. Dude that guy in the video is OBVIOUSLY trolling ppl just so he can laugh at their comments and rants. He even said that he loves sonic generations and that he’s just joking around but ppl are too naive or stupid to realize it.

    3. I still don’t get the myth that Classic Sonic never had buckles. I’m pretty sure that the very first concept of images of Sonic (alongside plenty other Japanese images – check out Sonic the Screensaver) had buckles. So ironically Sonic not having buckles is less classic than him having buckles…

      Some classic Sonic stuff had buckles (notably the earliest), some didn’t (they weren’t on display in the games for whatever reason). SEGA canonically accepted buckles as Classic Sonic. And, well, it’s a shoe buckle. Seriously.

      1. @Espy, the rumour probably started because of all the Animated Series, where they removed the buckle to save animation time.

  4. I just love the last pic for the ps3/360 version. You can tell there’s going to be a lot to explore in these acts. It’s what I loved about Sonic along with the fast platforming.

  5. The screenshots, besides a few jaggies, look very pretty.

    @It may be related to Generations, but there really is no need to rant on classic fans right now. No one here is bitching right now.

  6. ….Sparkly…..(What, you were expecting some huge post about how awesome the game is looking? I’m too awestruck. Come again another time ;D )

    …I feel like firing up my SA2B and playing City Escape.

    1. SEGA Japan always seems to be slow with screenshots compared to SEGA Europe and SEGA of America. A few of those screens look new to me though, and a few of them I think we’ve only seen in magazines before.

    2. The only ones that look new to me is the Chemical Plant one and the Classic Seaside Hill pic, the rest I’vseen already on here lolo

      1. Be happy September is nearly over This is why I love FRIDAYS 😀 One month away and the suspense and drama will be all over That will be the day 🙂

  7. I just noticed that the second face in the big grey Green Hill totem poles have their eyes covered by the top face’s hands. That’s adorable.


    Well Modern Sonic Looks Like A Retard I Mean Just Look At His Mouth What On Earth Were Sega Smoking At The Time They Made Him?


    This was one of my least favorite levels. It was hard enough having to f**king switch between characters but now I gotta do it all ALONE without them? Great thinking Sega, great thinking 😐


    B’aw I wanted 2 play as tails/knuckles this game is going 2 suck now im not buying it now this game sucks becuz I cant play as my favorite characterz.

    And that ends my impression of derpy Sonic fans.
    This game is turning out to look like a masterpiece of a Sonic game. We’ve seen so many screenshots and gameplay footage, some of us have even been lucky enough to play demos of City Escape and Mushroom Hill, but we’ve still got another Month and a bit before we’re playing the actual game itself. Even IGN are giving it good feedback.

    Brace yourselves guys – this game is gonna blow your mind 😀

  9. NOVEMBER 1st-4th :judgement day for american and english sonic fans….will “SONIC GENERATIONS” actually make it through and be the best sonic gameever, better than SA2….or is it gonna go down the drain of complaints and whinings of the retro and new fans of nostalgia….Only YOU can decide their fate.

      1. Y’know what, I want someone, ANYONE, to make a fake trailer of sonic generations and make it seem like one of those loud bumping thriller movie trailers and repeat some of the lines that i said. If Anybody does this I will love you forever, no homo.

  10. I bought Sonic 06 the other day just to celebrate Sonic’s 20th :D. I already beat Sonic’s story.

    1. Respect! It took me over a month to do that! Seriously though, I don’t know why people slag it off so much. It’s not that back a game…. (Ducks to avoid bricks.) Once you get past some of the annoying gameplay aspects(the almost impossible sonic speedruns), and work your way around the glitches, it’s actually quite fun. Fun enough for you to want to come back to it. Silver is undoubtably one of the best characters to play in this game, and could’ve been a strong contender if the game hadn’t sunk when players had slammed their controllers down when they heard the death-line “That torndado’s carrying a car!”. Sonic 06 had the protental to be a winner, but sunk because the graphics lead to glitches. That the end of the day for programers, it’s always got to be:
      Gameplay 1st, Graphics 2nd.

      So if they visit Sonic 06 in generations, and people say “The best game ever (generations)’s gonna recitfiy the worst game ever!(06), that’s a bit harsh. 06 alright, maybe not dynamite, but it just needed a few patches to fix the problems. And Sonic needed to slow down an bit (death by tripping on the world’s smallest stone?!?).

      Well, I’m done justifiing 06. Hope you have a great time playing it!

      1. You’re right, they could’ve made a winner. Too bad they made a stinker.
        And no, I’m not just following the masses on hating this thing, I own the abomination…

        The graphics are… uhh… decent. The music is pretty good, the story… I’ll keep that to acceptable without enforcing my bias on it. But the gameplay/glitches, there’s no excuse for that… the only reason I’ve gotten as far as I am in this game is because the glitches and bugs are so damn amusing.

  11. Looks great!, I cant wait to see the rest of the game and kick Robotnick’s but thought time and space! XD

  12. Looks great!, Cant wait to kick Robotnick’s but though time and space! XD
    Oh yea.. I’m getting both versions of the Game by the way! ^v^:

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