GamePro Germany Previews Sonic Generations, More Sky Sanctuary Footage


GamePro Germany has posted up a new preview of the Xbox 360/PS3 version of Sonic Generations. From what we can make out in the Google translation, the website appears to be positive about the game, from the physics to the level design. In this preview, we also finally find out how the ‘hubs’ work. By a simple button press, players can switch between Classic and Modern versions of the stages.

Whether the levels in 2D or 3D, plays depends on what you choose for Sonic: Sonic the chubby little retro (for the 2-D version) or the large, hip Sonic for the three-dimensional interpretation (hence the “Generations” in the title). By pressing a button, we switch to the upper world between the two generations, and thus also between the dimensions back and forth. An exchange in the level itself is not possible because the sections are fundamentally different.

There is also a video version of the preview, which shows us more of Classic Sonic’s Sky Sanctuary stage, where there’s even a nod to the beginning of the original Mega Drive/Genesis level.

You can read the full preview over at GamePro Germany. (Google Translate)

Thanks to ForgeCircuit at the SSMB and Thomas Jones in the TSS comments for the heads up, and thank to Dusk Golem at the SSMB for the YouTube conversion!

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  1. The Death Egg rising from the clouds gave me goosebumps and it’s official the classic City Escape does have a easy mode only available to the public. Chemical plant looks fucking fantastic as well. This game is already proving to be waaaay too legit for ANY sonic fan to pass up.

  2. hm, hub world looks a bit interesting, i guess its more of a side scrolling area and some of his friends are just standing around.

  3. dam it! i’m at school so i cannot see the video until i get home in the next 3 1/2 hours 🙁
    but by the sounds of this article, i think i might get a little excited when i get home, SG is legit

  4. This is the kind of shit I wanna wake up to in the morning, oh yeah!!!
    The Death Egg rising in the background scared the crap out of me, I’m guessing there’s gonna be a cutscene where C. Sonic finishes up Sky Sanc. and hops onto the Death Egg where he will battle the Death Egg Robo.

    Today is Monday right?? That means only a few hours left before IGN uploads there preview :DD

  5. Nuzamaki90@
    How Do you know IGN will upload a prewiev abaut Sonic Generations? If that happens,i wanna hear music in the sky sancutuary,see more of hub worlds,switching sonics,crisis city and speed highway ^^

  6. Sky Sanctuary looks amazing. Though I wish the cloud cover wasn’t so thick. You don’t really get the impression that Sonic is miles and miles up in the air when you can’t see the ground looming distant below you.

  7. hey shadzter can i ask somthing you said somthing about ign making a generations video today do you know when

    1. I don’t know when their preview will go live, sorry, and I didn’t say they would have a video. I just said there would be a preview. It’ll be great if they do have a video version of their preview too, though.

      1. I think they said there would be a video but recently stated it won’t be today. The embargo has been pushed back a few more days. The new date is unknown. 🙁

  8. OMG…I’m literatlly on the floor I can’t stand this were not far away from the release now but man September’s last few days are going so slow but FRIDAY is gonna be a good day….know why? because it’s the LAST DAY OF SEPTEMBER 😀 The end of September soon and WE ONLY HAVE 1 MONTH TO GO! see This is why I love FRIDAYS! 🙂

      1. By leaping up and down XD I’m on my laptop My hands are still able to reach the keyboard while I still lay down Over excited 😛 I’m just too hyped up for this game XD

  9. I wonder- are the hub worlds only going to be the little entrance we see in the video, or are they gonna be like Unleashed?

  10. Ahh man. Listen closely when they are showing the Chemical Plant ”Hub” It sounds like a happy map version of Chemical Plant but only for like 3 seconds. Nevertheless, i’m impressed. But I really wanted a 3d hub world like in Unleashed. Darn. Ahh well. That doesn’t make the game any worse. It’s great so far, lovin’ it. =D

    And I understood some bits of the German review. They are excited and they are praising the incredible graphics and Soundtrack/Sound effects and physics. They sound really positive so far. Good stuff 🙂

  11. First, wow this is a nice teaser, they give enough narration but it doesn’t take your attention away from the visuals.
    2nd, so much detail (and spotted Amy) Plus every botnik has a new reaction to Sonic’s movement. Those Bees swarm, and the Gun truck unleashed a ton of mechas from its convoy (now that was intense!)
    3rd, did the Gun truck actually chase our Blue friend across the side of a building!? o.O

  12. I can’t believe there’s finally a Sonic game coming out that everyone is excited about.
    The new bits of Sky Sanctuary look amazing I can’t wait to get on one of those teleporters and warp through the sky in HD.
    I haven’t seen much of Chemical Plant (that level means too much to me to have it spoiled).
    I wonder if the trick combos are at least a little harder to pull of than they were in Sonic Colors. The announcer in that game was very impressed with me pressing the A button over and over.
    The Hub world reminds me of Crash Bandicoot Warped.

    I hope you can turn off Omochao <_<

  13. I call bullcrap that Sonic doesn’t know where Mighty is! How else did he learn to wall-jump like that!!
    I also wonder if any of the bright sparks over at TSSZ have stopped arguing about how the Death Egg is white’ish long enough to work out it’s possibly because of the whole time/space thing that’s making everything else white. Then again maybe they just wanted to redesign it lol.

    P.S : Where’s my Mecha Sonic cameo!!! It’s not Sky Sanctuary without him!!

    1. Sky sanctuary is Sonic 3…sonic and knuckles and Sonic 3 were suppose to be one game but it was too big and had to be separated.

  14. I find it kind of odd that the Sky Sanctuary’s buildings are not the same yellowish colour they were back in Sonic&Knuckles. Doesn’t seem quite the same without it. Still looks good though.

  15. OMG IGN!! Stop updating with crap no one cares about and get to the Generations preview, seriously!!

      1. Nope it’s today, supposed to be, they said Monday last week, and it’s Tuesday here in New Zealand, so it must be Monday in the States by now >.< I'm impatient!!

  16. Alright IGN, Ill play your game. But just know this, your gonna have ,a bunch of sonic fans watching your preview, waiting for you to give the score, waiting for you to say the wrong thing, hell even watching your every move…but just remember, if you fuck up…there will be hell for IGN. >:)
    Dont do it like ya did Unleashed and colors

    1. Dude they are pissing me off already lol, “We can’t wait to show you what we have seen and let you see our preview we had with Sega”. My ass, if you couldn’t wait it would be posted already!! Even a German site has beaten them to it!

  17. Woot! Oh yea! I love Sonic Generations and only 4 days left til setember is over can’t wait! I will pick it up for ym 3DS and PC!

  18. it doesn’t look as fast as unleashed. not that that’s a bad thing but still. they’re using the hedgehog engine

    1. Cuz losers cried their eyes out when they noticed sonic was boosting so much that they couldn’t see the stage in full view.

      Sonic is faster than the speed of sound, who cares if he’s boosting like shit, hes tryingto keep is reputation alive. And it’s their fault for using that broken add on anyway

      1. Sonic is a platform game, not a racing game. If you want to see Sonic doing all the stuff while you press the boost button, you can just watch a movie -.-

  19. Apparently IGN once again posted up a different review of ace combat….Whats the matter IGN…..Are you scared to put up your sonic generations review?

    1. wait the game is finish so they making a review? If so i hope they wont fucked it up or let a girl do it.
      the girl looks like she knows whats best for the fans instead of comparing it to call of duty

  20. Will they Post the re/preview on this site? i keep refreshing ign’s page to see if they posted it yet.

      1. It’s almost Tuesday afternoon here in New Zealand and IGN still haven’t posted a Monday preview. Slackers. Mr Strickland in Back to the Future would not be pleased!!

  21. i have seen this video 8 times and every time i watched it i was thinking about how IGN is going to fuck this up AGAIN for sonic and they better not because i didn’t find one flaw at all with this game i think this game deserves a 10 right of the bat 🙂

    1. Oh you know it won’t get a 10 from them. It’s not Mario or Zelda or some game with guns and blood…I’m going to think they will give it an 8. WHile I myself, fromw hat I’ve seen think it deserves a 10, don’t hold your breath on IGN giving it that.

      1. o sure because its Mario its automatically gets a 10 because for the past 25 years Mario has been the same damn thing over and over Peach gets taken by Bowser its Genius ?

        1. xD IGN (or any gaming site for that matter) doesn’t care about Mario’s plot. Just look at the Galaxy 2 review.

          1. my point exactly because clearly saving the idiotic fag of a princess is clearly genius for the past 25 fucking years IGN is just mad because they know sonic is better than mario ( 06 , secret rings , riders series , and black night) don’t coount because 06 was rushed near the end of its process so i’v heard

  22. Sorry UMvC3, SFxT and GOW3, you’re going to have to wait a while.
    This holiday is for Sonic Generations, Skyward Sword and Kirby Wii.

  23. Lol you know what people who are waiting, we should just troll IGN’s youtube ….every time they post a new video thats not sonic generations, We Should say, “oh IGN, Im still waiting on my Sonic Generations Preview you promised us about.”

    1. That’s a remarkably inmature idea.

      The Sonic Fandom is already nominated the Black Sheep of all videogame fandoms around the world, we dont screw it up any further please.

          1. Bravo! I hope you realize your a faggot who doesnt understand what IM saying, but you also seem to be lacking the point i made right? IT….WAS…A….JOKE…..I dont care about the black sheep shit, Their are plenty of sheeps JUST like this so please fuck off.

          2. I’m interested to know why calling someone a “Bundle of twigs” is supposed to be insulting >.< clearly he has no grasp of the English language.

          3. lol I feel for you. Dontcha hate it when someone decides to act stupid and doesn’t know when to stop so you can ACTUALLY comminicate?

            Joke or not, fans of the other games are just gonna see Sonic fans as Sonic fags again and the fans WOULD’VE taken that joke seriously and done it too. I like more than just Sonic anyways. :/

            Reading through these comments I just thought to myself “Wow, look at all the angry and over-eager nerdlings go over a little video.”

    1. IGN must have something big if they still can’t post it…then again, they (probably) have the full copy of the game now so I don’t doubt that.

      1. Yea I just saw that, what a bunch of crap. Waiting all day just to be let down by a rubbish excuse. If a German site and whatever the other site was before that can do previews and spill new info, why can’t they? They probably went oh shit we forgot to put together that preview video, oh well it’s just Sonic, no one will notice, and let’s blame Sega to get the fans off our back.

        1. Their only excuse is if they’re going to show off something pretty big, so unless it’s that; a lot of people are going be extremely pissed off.

          1. @ sonichedgehog
            << You're reading my mind, I can't wait to see gameplay of Crisis City.
            My new pants and mop are on stand-by ~(*o*~)

        2. That’s not necessary. This is exactly what I meant by “Look at all the angry nerdlings go.”.

          Boo hoo, they had to extend the embargo. So we’re just gonna whine and gripe over a little video. If it’s nothing big then the German video should hold us anyways. If it is something the German video didn’t have then of course they’re gonna extend the embargo if they don’t want that something revealled yet. (Most likely Speed Highway)

          What I don’t get is how is “We’re not legally allowed to show you this yet because the higher authority extended the date” a rubbish excuse? It’s a pretty good one to me. I mean how can they work around that? lol

          1. People assume it is bull because three other sites have had previews up. Written and video, which showed or told new info and features that American sites haven’t made a peep about. Like the hub worlds and original games (or at least Sonic the Hedgehog) being included as unlockables, mention of the challenges and Sonic’s other friends. One even mentioned Speed Highway as being present I’m the build they got.

            So if they can show/talk about all that, why can’t IGN? Unless when the video comes out they mention Crisis City or some other not mentioned stuff then the excuse it’s embargoed still is just that, an excuse. As there’s plenty an English speaking gamesite could report on that has been shown or spoken about elsewhere which obviously isn’t embargoed.

      2. thats a sad excuse their just scared of one wrong thing they say ppl r gonna bitch about wat they said wrong

    2. OH thats such fuckin bullshit(excuse my language) What the hell do they mean Sega extended the embargo? Gamebro already did their thing, why cant you? I swear IGN you are a bunch of lazy faggots who only post lame shit no one cares about.

      *whew*…nerd rage is done.

    1. its not coming this week that for sure, they would have said it (yeah right :/ ) if you look closely at their site their writing stupid articles such as 10 character who should die. And in the list both Tails and Zelda are in that list. Imagine the fan rage of the zelda community from that inclusion. and the tails fans as well. What’s worse is that IGN is having a 24-hour live stream HYPE for the Dark souls game.

      Someone should go on that petition website and start a petition to boycott IGN.

    1. It isn’t. That’s the IGN preview. Sega apparently extended the embargo and the IGN preview is going to have to wait.

      1. IGN said in a comment that the release date is unknown, and in the description, it says “has been pushed back a few days” -_- IGN doesn’t even know what they are saying.

        Honestly, if its something big, then I’m not expecting it until 2 more weeks. We are all patient, and we can all wait. 🙂 For now, just think in your mind on how you think cutscenes will be like, make up your own story.:) Or imagine how awsome the gameplay for the yet unknown stages will be like! Cmon guys, no one can be bored, as long as you have imagination.

        1. noooooooo! if people start to imagine their own cutscene and make up their own stories then its all over. The whole game would probably get a bad rep cuz said true cutscenes/story wasn’t what the fanon in everyone’s mind was.

          1. I mean like thinking of a story just to kill time, not to literally remember the the story for a while.. 😛

        2. My imagination is all used up from trying to imagine how Sonic Heroes fits into the Dreamcast Era when it wasn’t even on the Dreamcast and the Dreamcast was all but dead by the time it came out. Technically there’s 4 modern zones and only 2 Dreamcast Era ones.

          I’m guessing Sega will release a new “Dreamcast Era” trailer, like they did with the “Classic Era” one they did recently, which will show Speed Highway, then the embargo will magically lift. All so Sega can go haha we showed you it first!

          1. Well, when I consider Heroes and even 06 as part of the ‘Adeventure Era’. See what I did there. Heroes is a squeal to SA2 and the Sonic’s gameplay and control scheme is very similar to the adventure titles. It was Unleashed that made a beig change in gameplay and controls so I consider Unleashed to be the beginning of the Modern Era.

  24. RAWWWWRRRRRR~! ….Gimmie Generations naow, SEGA. pwease?? :3

    No, no… on second thought; don’t rush it.
    This looks amazing. Every preview looks better than the last.

    Can’t wait!

  25. He Did Mention something about the frame-rate… Could Any of you please tell me if he said that the frame-rate is good or Bad…?

    1. He said that if you play the game in full 3D with 3D-glasses (that is if you have a 3D compatible TV at all), the frame-rate may drop a little.

  26. IGN have pushed their preview back and that’s all we need to know. There’s nothing you, me or anyone here can do about it.
    Stop being so greedy and have a little bit of patience. Exerting your verbal wrath over the internet will not affect anyone but yourself, badly.

    Now for something a bit more on topic: Don’t get your hopes up and I know there’s been no footage or leaked information, but maybe… Chao Gardens?

  27. My question and rant are:
    !. How the hell can a truck on a side of a building, dont give that rocket or anti-grav nonsense.
    2. this is about IGN, How the hell can some people still be so stuck-up and have IGNs back when They pissed SO many people off, Saying that they will have to postpone their preview due to the fact that they just said this like hours ago “all of a sudden”…Thats not a logical excuse, if they were to show us if Sega said this, which they didnt, then I would believe them. until then I dont believe in that dumb excuse for not posting a video on Sonic, You dont hype so many people up and then all of a sudden shoot them down saying, I bet they said this, “Oops, damn we forgot to get the video ready, let’s blame sega so we can have time to do it”.

    1. All IGN promised was a preview. It was entirely the Sonic fanbase that decided that there would be a major announcement or video and hype it up out of proportion. And now they’re raging at IGN for something not their fault. Sonic fans at their worst.

      1. But look at it this way, You make it seem Sonic fans are the worse, Their are WAAAAY more worse fanbases on the internet, I could point out Cod,Halo,WoW, Megaman, and hell even some nintendo fans act the way sonic fans act. So please, dont just catalog the sonic fanbase as being worst by itselfs when there are other. IGN has a history of hating sonic as it is now thats basically one of the reason why some ppl hate and rage at IGN, probably because they think IGN is just trolling around. and then they pop up saying their excited about it, even promise a preview of it on the day they said they were gonna post it, but out of no where, they say Sega had a extended “embargo”. but if you look around some others already showcased their preview of it. So this why I personally think IGN is full of shit.

    2. If you’re questioning the truck, I ask you this:
      How can Sonic run so fast?
      How can Tails fly?
      How can Knuckles glide?
      Since when do crocodiles like music?
      When were chameleons ninjas?
      How does Sonic survive the fall from space?
      How does Mario, a fat plumber, have extreme jumping capabilities?
      How does a plumber throw fireballs?
      Come on, you’ve got to have some imagination….

  28. where in the world are the trapped animals. i thought rescuing the animals (and stopping eggman)was the whole story for classic sonic

  29. …People are nuts, I like Sonic, I’m impatient but I don’t care, it’s just a video game, make love not flame war, and some other sixth thing. (^_^)
    P.S. By the word of God and Rule of Internet, I have to make it clear to you that that statement is my own personal opinion that I’m entitled to THAT I SHOULDN’T BE JUDGED FOR UNLESS IT’S CLEARLY BIASED…see what I did there? So if anyone challenges me with a ranty comment…challenge accepted.

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