Sonic 4: Episode 2 Planned For 2012 Release

Those waiting eagerly for the second installment of Sonic the Hedgehog 4 should expect to see a title in 2012. According to the head of Sonic Team Takashi Iizuka in an interview with Eurogamer:

“This year, 2011, is the anniversary, so we’re focusing on the celebration title,” Sonic Team’s Takashi Iizuka told Eurogamer, “But moving forward to 2012, Sonic will still be going, so I’d hope to provide Episode 2 then.”

There was no comment from Iizuka with regards to whether or not there would be a release of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 3, and our guess will be that this would be dependent on the reception the second title in the episodic series gets.

For now, Iizuka has stated that priorities are set on the anniversary title, and that the plan has always been to release episode 2 after Sonic Generations.

For now, we will have to sit tight – it may be a while before we hear anything more with regards to this game.

SOURCE: Eurogamer

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Published by

Adam Tuff

With a decade under his belt, Adam is one of The Sonic Stadium's most seasoned writers, with interests in the music and merchandise of the Sonic the Hedgehog universe. Adam is the co-organiser for the Summer of Sonic convention.


  1. Well, of course he wouldnt comment on an Episode 3, but remember that SEGA said they already know how many Episodes we are doing, when they were in development in Episode 1, so no worries πŸ™‚

    1. Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich had a trilogy planned for their American remake of “Godzilla,” but due to the incredibly negative feedback they got from the first movie, they canned the sequels. “The Golden Compass” was a movie adaptation of the first book in a trilogy, and it even had an open ending that all but said “to be continued…” Then that movie got a lukewarm reception from the critics and performed disappointingly at the box office, so they didn’t continue the series.

      Just because Sonic Team planned how many episodes they wanted to make in advance doesn’t mean it’s set in stone. Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 sold pretty well, and it received generally positive reviews from the critics, so it only makes sense that they’d follow through with their plans of an Episode 2. However, the target audience of Sonic 4 seems to be indecisive, many liking the game, and many hating it. So I can see why Iizuka would be cautious about continuing the series. I doubt Episode 2 will do as well as Episode 1, even if they improve the physics, and I’m sure Episode 3 would perform even worse. We’ll just have to see how well Episode 2 performs and see if Iizuka thinks it would be cost effective to make more.

      1. πŸ™ just dont wanna see Sonic 4 die! Sonic 4 should be completed all the way, that way we get the FULL Sonic 4 experience! To those people that give Iizuka a hard time and complain: Im sorry, but screw you guys.

        1. I can understand your concern, but I think your last statement is a bit… meh. I think Sonic 4: Episode 1 was pretty awful, but I don’t want the series to die any more than you do. I’d love to see an Episode 2 with improved mechanics and physics, and lots more nostalgic awesomeness. I criticize Episode 1 because I care about the series enough to try to get Iiuzka to take notice and step up his game.

          Look at SEGA as a whole. A few years ago, everybody was ripping on SEGA and making fun of them. SEGA was a laughing stalk. Now they’re releasing higher quality games and people seem much more interested in hat they’re selling. Sonic 4: Episode 1 wasn’t up to par with, say, New Super Mario Bros. It was buggy as hell. Sonic needs to be on par with Mario, as he was when SEGA was still in the hardware business. I hope that the criticism Episode 1 got is taken into consideration and Episode 2 becomes a really top notch retro game. Who knows, maybe they could even patch Episode 1 to play more like Episode 2, or release a hard copy with all of the Episodes, and fix them all to play alike.

          The level design and visuals are there. Just a little bit of tinkering and Episode 2 could be really awesome.

  2. Well I’m just looking forward to Sonic Generations at the moment so I’m not bothered waiting at all!

  3. Wow, this was a huge bum out to me.
    Im looking more forward to episode 2 than generations…
    And that last post about it said “Very soon”

    How sad.

    1. The last post said we’d hear something about it very soon, and we have. We heard it’ll be out in 2012. Tho I’m not suprised. They only announced it was in developement the in the first 1/3 of this year.

      But why are you more excited about Ep 2 than Generations? 0.0

        1. Yeah but Ep 1 was supposed to introduce us to what we were familiar with (I think it’s to help them get into the retro feel first) then the second game would introduce a completely new thing (I believe it’s so once they’ve gotten a grip of the retro feel they could make completely original retro stages. I don’t blame them. I’ve NEVER seen a new retro styled stage even in the fangames. Always remakes, remixes or it just didn’t fit in with the actual retro stages and was a completely different style. XD)

  4. Pretty sure Sonic Team won’t have to worry about sales – Episode 1 broke the 1m mark not too long ago. Iizuka tends to give a big damn about what the fanbase think of the series and the games, so maybe if he feels the results aren’t up to snuff (remember, the fact it’s episodic means that Episode 2 was locked down from the start) he may just let it die gracefully. If he’s able to get Dimps to turn it all around though, and the fanbase react positively, it might be a go’er.

  5. I should hope so too… I’m getting tired of SEGA starting series’ then never finishing them.

  6. No big shock there. Though I am happy SEGA is taking it one game at a time now (My Wallet is asking for mercy xD). The only thing I wonder about is not what characters are playable or what kind of zones we could expect, but how far
    Iizuka is going to go in terms of changing the physics due to a big amount of people complaining about it. I know how the old school games added new features but I wonder how it’ll be now in the “modern” age lol

  7. I’m thankful to hear that the focus is on Generations for now, it’s a very wise strategy, and great odds that the finished product will be polished to perfection. ^^

  8. I just hope that its more than an oldschool tribute to please fans and that it feels more like a sequel now, with a proper storyline, shields, new features and stuff.

    It will be sad if at the end of “Sonic 4” it doesn’t live up to its name.

  9. To be honest I really dont care about Sonic 4. I am more hyped for next mainstream title after Generations and Vita title.

    My predictions for 2012:
    -Episode 2 of Sonic 4
    -PSVita Sonic game (since 3DS get its this year)
    -SA2 port to PSN and XBLA
    -Annoucment/rumor of possible WiiU exclusive/Multiplatform mainstream title with relase in 2013

    1. I don’t know if they’re going to make a game for Vita, considering how “well” the Sonic Rivals titles did. I swear, those games are practically forgotten at this point.

      1. I think it’s a shame, because I enjoyed the games a lot more than the Rush series, or any Dimps Sonic game, for that matter. I’d love to see a “Sonic Rivals Collection” much like what Sony is doing with their God of War collections, for the 360 and PS3. Enhanced graphics and online multiplayer in Rivals would be awesome!

        1. Your not interested in Episode 2?? Aww πŸ™ anyway, SEGA is bound to make a Vita Sonic game, i just dont know when. I also want an SA2 Port!! Is SEGA even continuing the Dreamcast Collection? If they arent, then there’s no way of us ever seeing a digital port of SA2. I think you already know this, but SEGA is doing digital ports of the games that got the highest sellings. Since SA2 came around the time the PS1 was out, SA2 didnt get many sellings, and the Dreamcast was technically terminated at that time.

          1. I never said I wasn’t interested in Episode 2. I have gripes with Dimps, but Sonic 4 was as close to decent as they’ve ever been. The level design was great. They just need to make the physics… make sense.

            I’d love to see a SA2 port. In fact, I’d like to see a Sonic Adventure Collection. Both games had exclusive content on each console, and I’d like to see Sonic Adventure with the extras from DX as well as all of the original Dreamcast DLC. Sonic Adventure 2 would get all of the Battle content, as well as the Dreamcast content and DLC. I’d buy that for $60.

            But I’ll settle for an XBLA/PSN SA2 port. πŸ™‚

      2. What does that have to do with anything? Vita is like a portable PS3. The game could be completely different. XD

      3. I really liked Rvials 2. But then, I really like Espio, and that might be why (because of his uncommon appearances).

        1. We liked Rivals because they featured more playables while mainstream games were/are sola Sonica. Sega dont want to “alienaize” (put in different situation) Vita users so they will probably make hedgehog 3 playable. And I want Blaze too. Its possible considering Rush series is as well as dead (sadly)

  10. If I was sega I’d be like what’s the point anything we release people just bitch so yeah I’d say there will be no episode 3 we are lucky we are gonna get episode 2 after all the crying that was done after episode 1.

    1. I think you’re being a bit unreasonable. It’s true that a lot of fans had a lot of stupid complaints about things like Sonic having green eyes, but a lot of the complaints were justified. If I had to compare Sonic 4 to a 3D Sonic game, I’d compare it to Sonic 2006. Both games have potential, but suffer from half-baked, glitch-ridden gameplay. If Sonic 4’s physics made sense, and Sonic couldn’t do things like lay down on the ceiling, it probably would’ve been very good. Also, even if the game was fun, it would still be a total rip-off. $15 for an hour-long game? That’s bogus.

      By the way, despite how horribly unfinished the game was, I actually enjoy Sonic 2006. I don’t enjoy Sonic 4. They definitely did something wrong if someone who can have fun with what is arguably the most infamous game in the Sonic series (or any SEGA game/series, for that matter) isn’t having a good time with Sonic 4.

  11. Now that Generations is coming out, idc about Sonic 4, I mean I will still play em..probably, but I will be more excited for the console games to come after generations.

  12. Aaron told me the same thing @ Comic-Con *nod*
    No worries, it’s not like we don’t have anything to play in between now and Episode 2 πŸ™‚ Take your time boys!

      1. I don’t get your response. That comment wasn’t even confusing. XD

        Aaron Webber, at comic-con, told him that Sonic 4 ep 2 would come out in 2012. But it’s not like we don’t have anything to play until ep 2 comes out because Sonic Generations comes out in just a few months. =p He was saying they could take their time with Sonic 4 and make it as good as they can this time while we play/watch Sonic Generations. :]

  13. I hope tails and knux is playable AND they actually have original levels

    the site meter ITS OVER 12,000,000!!!!!!!!!

  14. I Really hope this comes out on the dsi shop. not the the 3ds though I could give less than a crap about a 3ds version.

    1. I think SEGA is done with DS Sonic games. As soon as he went to 3DS, then he’ll continue to go through it.

      1. yes and then next year nintendo comes up with a new ds and say oh new system screw 3ds lets make one for the 3ds DISC! Made that one up.

  15. They should have intertwined Sonic 4 and Sonic Generations’ stories together somehow.

    Just sayin’

    1. Um, do you mean by including Sonic 4 in the “Sonic History” we’ll be going through in Generations? Because Generations is pretty much just going through all the mainstream games. But they don’t even have any Sonic 3 stages in Generations. They SAY Sonic 3 & Knuckles but both versions use a stage from Sonic & Knuckles. The 3DS version at LEAST has a boss from Sonic 3 tho but the console version doesn’t. XD

      Plus, Sonic 4 would come between Sonic Unleashed and Sonic Colors in Generations cuz that’s when it came out, and then the fans would be confused since Chronologically it comes in between Sonic & Knuckles and Sonic Adventure. XD

      1. “Um, do you mean by including Sonic 4 in the β€œSonic History” we’ll be going through in Generations?”
        No. I mean literally making Sonic 4 an extension of Sonic Generations.

  16. I’m not worried about sonic 4 at the moment, just bringing that up makes me ignore it, I’m more focused on generations while others sit and wait for a SA3(its sonic 06 wtf???) and sonic 4 ep 2…

      (for those who dont know him read this)
      the well known Ntom64 is a british guy who commentates video games with puns of the gods for a living, him and two other friend, Thehelldragon and FTA, have a group called Hellfirecomms. *fact: if im not mistaken, him and FTA are big Sonic fans, especially FTA. There a ok group, i do enjoy their commentaries.

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