Archie Starts a Sonic Magazine in the U.S.


Much like their ”Life with Archie” magazine, Archie is planning a quarterly magazine dedicated to Sonic “Sonic Super Special”. Similar to the UK’s “Sonic the Comic”, it will be mostly made of reprints of some of the bigger Sonic stories from the comics (although the UK version had new stories in theirs), but with some extras and articles included. The first issue arrives in late October.

Sonic the Hedgehog’s 20th Anniversary celebration kicks into high gear this fall with the all-new SONIC SUPER SPECIAL MAGAZINE! Get your need-for-speed on with non-stop action and tons of heroes and villains from the SONIC THE HEDGEHOG games and cartoons! This magazine-sized, quarterly collection takes new readers on a journey into GENESIS, a bombastic birthday bash with Shadow the Hedgehog, and the incredible assault on Eggman’s Empire! Sonic super-fans will also be treated with part one of the SONIC TIME LINE, featuring new art from fan-favorite artist Jamal Peppers, as well as tons of bonus features!
Script: Ian Flynn.
Art: Patrick Spaziante, Tracy Yardley!, Jamal Peppers, Terry Austin, Jim Amash, John Workman, Jason Jensen and Matt Herms
Enhanced Cover by Patrick “Spaz” Spaziante
Shipping Date: October 12th, 2011
On Sale at Comic Specialty Shops: October 26th, 2011
On Sale on Newsstands: November 1st, 2011
128-page, full color magazine
$9.99 US

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      1. He said “still being made”, though. Unless they’re doing a second one, it doesn’t really count.

  1. sweet. sucks that borders is going out of business, dunno if any of my local grocery stores will carry this.

  2. No, Sonic the Comic ended in January 2002the last 38 issues were basically reprints (185-223) However Sonic The Comic Online has been continuing the story unofficially since May 2003.
    One day though the U.K hopefully will get another shout for a comic 🙂

    1. Given how few comics get made in the UK *at all*, I find it highly unlikely that one of them will ever be Sonic in the future, unfortunately. And even if there was, I expect it would be far more likely to utilise Archie reprints than produce original material next time (we were lucky that there wasn’t a large enough backlog of material when STC started up in 1993).

  3. Is this just US or is it coming to Canada as well, since we pretty much get all the comics Archie makes?

  4. So this is just another excuse to reprint material? SCAM!

    (still going to buy it)

    Maybe this is where the material from the canned Sonic Encyclopedia is going to end up.

  5. Don’t Archie already print a hell load of their Sonic material? This really does sound like a cash machine when they’re already doing reprints in graphic novel form.

  6. So Sonic finally has a magazine. I wonder if it will be anything like Beckett Collector with Pokemon, Digimon, and Yu-Gi-Oh, instead of just focusing on the comic series (STH, SU, Sonic X, and KTH).

  7. They’ve named it after the old quarterlies. Those each told brand new stories, but those were only about 48 pages long. This is 128 pages. More than enough for old and new stuff.

  8. thats taking it too far now. the us gets alot of sonic comics and merch, but now a magazine?! this is crazy. does anyone think in the uk that we should have sonic magazines/comics? speek at your will if you can. i might start a campaing in the future

  9. It doesn’t sound ANYTHING like Sonic the Comic, other than being a bit bigger than most US comics (it won’t even share the same dimensions).

    You might want to clear up that first paragraph anyway because it implies that STC reprinted Archie (a fairly common misconception) – it never did.

  10. I’ll definatly ask my provider to get this for me! I’m from the US,but I do think they should be doing this for both UK and US,they’d get so many readers for it.We also have that 500 black and white super comic coming out too,so it leaves me to wonder,why don’t they branch out to the other countries?

    @Espy same here,I smell scam,but heck!As a collector,I cant help myself!I’d continue buying sonic archives,but I find them slightly pointless since I have most of the comics already,and adding more reprints,holy cow. Guess we’ll just have to see what kind of content it has,maybe the older comics in nice glossy paper eh?(hint hint)

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