Sonic Adventure Original Soundtrack 20th Anniversary Edition Track List & Box Art

The box art and track list for the upcoming release of Sonic Adventure Original Soundtrack 20th Anniversary Edition on May 18th 2011 have hit the interwebs. The single disc album will contain 30 tracks ranging from all areas of the Sonic Adventure game to some character themes.

Check out the track list below:

1. Introduction …featuring «Open Your Heart»
2. It Doesn’t Matter …Theme of «Sonic The Hedgehog»
3. Boss: CHAOS ver.0, 2, 4
4. Azure Blue World …for Emerald Coast
5. Windy and Ripply …for Emerald Coast
6. Theme of «Dr. Eggman»
7. Egg Mobile …Boss: Egg Hornet
8. Windy Hill …for Windy Valley
9. The Air …for Windy Valley
10. Welcome to Station Square
11. Blue Star …for Casinopolis
12. Mystic Ruin
13. Be Cool, Be Wild and Be Groovy …for Ice Cap
14. Twinkle Cart …for Twinkle Park
15. Pleasure Castle …for Twinkle Park
16. Theme of «CHAO»
17. Join Us 4 Happy Time …for CHAO Race
18. Run Through the Speed Highway …for Speed Highway
19. Mt. Red: a Symbol of Thrill …for Red Mountain
20. Egg Carrier – A Song That Keeps Us On The Move
21. Skydeck A Go! Go! …for Sky Deck
22. Theme of «E-102γ»
23. Crazy Robo …Boss: E-101R
24. Boss: CHAOS ver.6
25. Tricky Maze …for Lost World
26. Theme of «Tikal»
27. Red Barrage Area …for Hot Shelter
28. Mechanical Resonance …for Final Egg
29. Perfect CHAOS Revival! …Boss: Perfect CHAOS
30. Open Your Heart – Main Theme of «Sonic Adventure»

The album is available to order for ¥2,400/$28.25 US/£18.36 GBP from the below retailers:
Source: Sonic Scene

Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for the heads up!

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  1. Ahhh, no “Crank the Heat Up” or “Red Hot Skull”… still, at least it has Gamma’s theme and “Crazy Robo”. I want to get this, but first I’ll need to find some money…

  2. It looks to me like this has less tracks then the orginal soundtrack… I’d probably rather buy the original, when I can find it. =P

  3. These better be remixes or at least SLIGHTLY different from the original. Otherwise, that’s another thing we can add to the ‘Things SEGA has overported/repackaged’ list.

  4. I’m getting this right away when I got some extra money!
    When waiting… Sound test here I come!

  5. This version only has the music used in the sonic story of the game. Still, it’s a nice deal. I’d get it.

  6. I really do think that SA1 had the best soundtrack in any 3D Sonic Game. These tracks are just so rememberable and not too many games impress me with their soundtrack. Especially those character themes! Call me a women (I’m male XD) but I love Believe in myself and My sweet passion to death! I’m also sad that they didn’t include most of the character themes but I still might consider getting this soundtrack.

  7. This is pure speculation, but the boxart is 640×640. It could mean nothing, but that is iphone size. Perhaps this could signal an itunes release like the Sonic Colors OST.

  8. @Raphiel: There are at least two that aren’t from Sonic’s story or Super Sonic’s story – “Crazy Robo…Boss E-101R” and “Red Barrage Area…for Hot Shelter”.

  9. Shame it doesn’t have all the music. I have all the songs anyway so I wasn’t going to get it anyway. Now we just need to learn what’s happening with the SA2 anniversary soundtrack.

  10. I would get this no matter what if all the songs were here, but alas, I must continue searching for a copy of the actual OST.

    Yeah, I realize that’s pretty much impossible. :A

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