Sonic Adventure 2 Original Soundtrack 20th Anniversary Edition Revealed

Quickly following news of the Sonic Adventure 20th Anniversary OST re-release delay, listings at and have outed a new release of Sonic Adventure 2’s OST.

Like with the Sonic Adventure OST listings, there’s no cover art or track list, but both retailers give a release date of June 22nd, which is just 1 day before Sonic’s 20th birthday. There is also no indication of which version of the soundtrack this re-release will be, or whether it will be a new selection altogether.

You can pre-order it now at for ¥2,400 and for $28.25/£18.36.

We’ll bring you more details as they’re made available.

Source: Sonic Scene

Thanks to Woun and Kjeldo at the SSMB for the heads up!

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  1. I wonder if there are more soundtracks then just these two that’ll get a 20th anniversary addition?

  2. Well, this is quite fair. SA fans deserve at least some present for the anniversary.

  3. I’ve got the soundtrack already so I don’t really need a second one. I don’t have that kind of money. I also have to take into account the amount of money I’m going to spend at SOS’11.

  4. Any chance you could get a batch of these to sell at Summer of Sonic? I wouldn’t mind waiting until then to buy them

  5. With the new sonic game there should be a collectors adition that has the soundtrack for the game and one of those game guide things

  6. “June 22nd, which is just 1 day before Sonic’s 20th birthday”

    Don’t you mean the day after Sonic’s Birthday cause IIRC its June 21st and not the 23rd?

  7. Despite SA2 being the start of the .. horrendous line up of 3D Sonic games, the soundtrack was boss. Throw it all away is one of my fav songs of all time

  8. @Jix
    To me SA2 is one of the best sonic games (especially 3D) there is. I can’t say if it’s better than Colors to me as I haven’t played it, but definetely better than Sonic Unleashed sonic-stages, those are ofcourse pretty similiar to Colors gameplay.

  9. To me, Sonic Adventure 2’s speed stages are the best out of any 3D Sonic game ever. Since then, no game has come close to that level of greatness except for Sonic Colors. I can’t wait to get my hands on this soundtrack.

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