3 More Sonic Generations Green Hill Zone Screenshots

It appears GameSpot managed to grab three more Sonic Generations screenshots after the game’s proper unveiling on Monday. The three images show more of the Green Hill Zone in both Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic versions and the above screenshot in particular really shows how pretty the game is graphically.

Source: GameSpot

Thanks to Blue Blood at the SSMB and Rickyrick in the comments of a previous article for the heads up!

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  1. The Rocks on the classic sonic one, kinda looks Wii/PS2 ish lol oh well im not fussed about graphics never have tbh, that’s why i still love playing the old games, most people say they cant due to graphics. for me Graphics is a bonus, gameplay,characters, level design and Music come first.

    I wonder what type of game the Wii will get this year, we all know that this will be like a unleashed situation where PS3/360 get there own while Wii gets its own version. ill be surprised if Wii gets nothing to celebrate

    Cant wait to play a demo of this at Summer of sonic πŸ˜‰

    1. Sonic Generations is only coming to Xbox 360 and PS3. So far for Wii we only know there’s a new Mario & Sonic game coming, thanks to leaked temporary box art. We also know Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 is in the works, thanks to comments from SEGA’s Ken Balough earlier this year, and we know from that leaked document at E3 last year that there’s a Sonic game in the works for Nintendo 3DS. Time will tell if there’s anything else coming to Wii soon.

    1. I hope not! As we’ve learned from recent outings, less is more. Tails or Knuckles at most, no more than that.

    2. I’d be happy for just Tails, Knuckles and Shadow – With Shadow meeting his Dreamcast self.

      1. Remember, this game is in the past so the only chance of seeing Silver is if they do levels from 06

  2. The first one really looks beautiful, looking forward to playing a game with scenery like that. πŸ™‚

    Also, I’m not complaining or anything since I still really like this game, but how come Sonic shrunk? They went to all this work to recreate the classic levels, but all of a sudden everything’s really big compared to Sonic. Look at motobug in the third picture, he was like half of Sonic height in the original. I saw this in the trailer too with the swining platform classic Sonic was on.

    Still, not trying to complain about the game

  3. I think these look beautiful…

    Those rocks dont look wii/ps2 ish at all to me… they look very high def.

  4. If only they were a bit bigger, I could use one as a desktop wallpaper…!
    Sooo pretty thoughhh. ;w;

  5. I am loving the amount of detail they’ve put into the Green Hill/Greenhill/whatever we’re supposed to call it nowadays, it’s simply beautiful!

    Adamis on the STC-O forum linked this video too, dunno if you’ve seen it yet: http://www.4players.de/4players.php/tvplayer/4PlayersTV/Alle/26733/71509/Sonic_Generations/Spielszenen.html The screenshots are gorgeous but it looks lovely in motion! However, where Modern Sonic is boosting it makes the levels look a little empty, though that may just be showing off how fast it can go.

    1. Awesome now we can fully enjoy the Green Hill Zone’s Modern and Classic theme πŸ˜€


  6. I think it will be good if classic tails or knuckles or someone makes a non-playable appearance πŸ™‚

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