Sonic Colours Sells Nearly 2 Million Copies Worldwide in 2010

SEGA’s parent company SEGA Sammy has unveiled their financial results for the last nine months of 2010 and among the figures is an impressive record of 1,850,000 copies sold for Sonic’s Wii and DS exclusive, Sonic Colours.

The title was SEGA’s best-selling of the period and managed to gain that number in less than 2 months on sale. Vanquish (PS3, Xbox 360) was the company’s second highest selling game at 820,000 copies sold and Football Manager 2011 (PC, PSP) ranked third with 690,000 copies sold between the U.S. and Europe. In total, SEGA shifted 13.6 million games around the world in those 3 quarters of the year, 3.6 million less than the previous year.

For the full figures and report, head over to CVG.

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  1. Ugh, i know this joke’s been done to death, but… this news is…GOOD! GREAT! AWESOME! OUTSTANDING! AMAZING!! its good to hear that sonic colors is getting the recognition it truly deserves.

  2. Also not to mention, sales dont really matter, Halo 2 sold loads but its considered one of the disappointing games, that everyone got rid off. avatar was a awful film with seen it all before plot etc, it was a film to show off the graphics and 3D only, yet that made alot of money but yet alot of people now are admitting its a rubbish film, there’s even a group now on Facebook called avatar sucks.

    sonic colours did well but im shocked to see that its only nearly got 2 million while Unleashed sold over 2 million? but colours is 100 times better then unleashed.

    In the end sales prove nothing in this generation of gaming, im just happy to see colours getting mostly positives mainly thanks to its Gameplay and soundtrack and graphics. its the VA and storyline that’s got alot of bad reviews from gamers and fans. while the new fans are loving the new VAs etc.

    but lets face it, the plot and Voices are aimed for the younger fans while gameplay is aimed for both younger and older.

  3. SK72 – a sonic game has probably not received that much of copies in a LONG time. Just wait till the next sonic games 🙂

  4. Jix the Hedgehog wrote:

    “Well, there we go A good game sells well”

    Yes, a good game sells well, especially if its been hyped for months by the Sonic Community.

  5. Did I just double post? Sorry if I did so.

    Anyway, seems solid (even if these are just shipped to retailers numbers, not actual sell through).
    Wii Sonic games aren’t front loaded, they are slow burners. We saw that during the christmas period, and on the UK charts
    And despit never charting high, it sold very much, and I think it will continue to do so.

  6. @ SK72

    Who in the hell said that Halo 2 was one of the most dissapointing games ever? It did well commercially and critically as well as fantastic staying power on Xbox Live. Far as I could tell it was internet trolls that shot it down.

    Anyway, I’m actually glad that Sonic Colours has at least done fairly well at retail considering it’s the hedgehog’s best game in an age.

  7. Good for Colors, but “a good game sells well” isn’t always true.

    One of the worst games of 2010, “Kane & Lynch 2,” recently sold 1 million copies. If I recall correctly, “Sonic Unleashed” sold 3 million copies. Sonic comes down to more brand recognition than anything. If it has Sonic on the box, it will sell well.

  8. That’s good news

    I actually enjoyed Colours for both versions…..Though it did suffer several problems and just small bugs despite that it is a good Sonic game it may not be the best but I think it was good overall nice to hear it has sold well around the World

    I think I like the DS a bit more…

    I still like Unleashed though in Some ways Colours has a few advantages for the stages and in some ways Unleashed has a few advantages for the stages

    Having said that….I like Colours and Unleashed (Xbox 360) equally…none is better than the other both equal IMO

  9. Bought Sonic Colours for a Christmas present for my sisters. Of course I had to finish it before the holiday was over but I was so disappointed that it wasn’t out on the 360. I would buy it in a heartbeat. As soon as I got back to my Xbox I tried Unleashed again (still not finished) and couldn’t do more than half an hour.

    @SEGA: If you do decide to port Sonic Colours, you’ve got a customer right here.

  10. @SK72
    “its the VA and storyline that’s got alot of bad reviews from gamers and fans.”

    As far as I have heard or read a lot of fans and critics have been very happy with the VA’s and story line.

    Me thinks you need to a bit more research.

  11. Remember, this was a Nintendo-exclusive, and it’s only been 2 months (wow, 2 whole months?). Unleashed sold more than 4 million, but it had 4 console releases and had half a year to reach that.

  12. I’m pleased with the sales it has achieved. 1.8 million+ isn’t half bad, and a good start in this new decade for Sonic. I’m sure all the positive reviews, and good word of mouth have played a good role in it as well. ^_^

  13. @SK47

    “its the VA and storyline that’s got alot of bad reviews from gamers and fans.”

    Really? Seems like a silly thing to complain about given the idiotic storylines of some of the previous games.

    Also I really don’t get all the complaints for the new VAs, particularly Sonic’s. I like them (with a few exceptions).

  14. @SK47

    Not exactly all the time….It was also the gameplay too

    VA is not as important as others elements but I liked The previous Cast a lot than the Original and Storylines I had no problem with well there may have been some problems

    I don’t really care what reviewers say…..most just brag about how good the past was….I liked the past 3D games because they brang a lot of different features which were never used before….and some worked well Sonic will always be Sonic to me no matter what happens…

  15. That’s good news

    I actually enjoyed Colours for both versions…..Though it did suffer several problems and just small bugs despite that it is a good Sonic game it may not be the best but I think it was good overall nice to hear it has sold well around the World

    I think I like the DS a bit more…

    I still like Unleashed though in Some ways Colours has a few advantages for the stages and in some ways Unleashed has a few advantages for the stages

    Having said that….I like Colours( and Unleashed (Xbox 360 Version) equally…none is better than the other both equal IMO

  16. @Truesonic

    I agree but disagree too I didn’t like the Wii Version of Colors it didn’t really work out for me…..I liked the DS Version better it had almost everything Rush had then took out elements to make it more challenging though the Special Stages and Super Sonic Boss could have been better but I’m still glad that it sold well

    It was a good for DS, Not so good for the Wii in my opinion…

    But hey here’s to hoping the next game to be as bigger or better 🙂

  17. @truesonic
    I agree I liked the DS version more had loger stages one simple control ansd we herd less of Roger “Consoles” Smith (The polls dont lie Griffith is win) but when it comes to conosle Sonic Games Sonic Unleahed for 360/ps3 wins for me but still not bad in sales.

  18. That to good hear

    It’s finally very good game on Sonic Colors is stages and gameplay is really excite to me. i saw badniks is comeback.

  19. Not suprised, it is a very good game. Not exactly a party game like M&S at the Olympics or Wii sports, but is very fun to look for S rank routes and to smash through as Super Sonic!

    A game worth every penny!

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