Make-A-Wish & SEGA Make A Young Ill Sonic Fan’s Dreams Come True

Make-A-Wish & SEGA Make A Young Ill Sonic Fan’s Dreams Come True

Well, here’s a story that will warm your heart up and maybe even bring a tear to your eye. ArchangelUK over at the Sonic City Blognik has posted up a touching story about a young boy with a life threatening illness who recently turned 4 called J-Jay. J-Jay is a huge Sonic fan and his biggest wish was to have his hero Sonic share his Birthday with him. Thanks to the combined efforts of the Make-A-Wish Foundation and SEGA Benelux the lad’s wish came true. A special Sonic themed Birthday party with Sonic himself in attendance was thrown to celebrate brave little J-Jay’s big day.

Check out the full story with loads more photos over at the Sonic City Blognik.

For more details about the Make-A-Wish Foundation, head over to their official website.

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  1. I bet he was scared to death! “AHHHH! A huge chunk of blue spiky hedgehog is coming to flatten me! Why can’t he talk?” Aww nonetheless 🙂

  2. What sonicspeeder1 said!!

    I am very proud to be a Sonic fan and not to forget to mention that Sega is an awesome company.

  3. People may bitch at SEGA for their Sonic games, but damn do they know how to care for their fans. The most uplifting story I’ll read all month I’m sure 🙂 Bravo SEGA and Best Wishes to J-Jay.

  4. Aww, that’s the sweetest thing ever, I’m glad they were able to make the little guys day a good one 😀

  5. Aww… this is a sweet little story, made me feel all fuzzy inside. 🙂

    It seems like little J-Jay really enjoyed this, and I wish the best to him and his family.

  6. Poor kid. Well that’s nice. 🙂

    And… pround… to be a Sonic fan? o0 I don’t see an actual accomplishment in that… nor any contribution to others poeple like this boy because of it.. but… ooookaaaaaaay. lol

    Still. I’m glad it worked out. 😀

  7. We can bash Sega all we want for bad decisions, but this proves that there are still men of honor behind it all. Kudos, Make A Wish and Sega. Kudos. ^_^

  8. I was a Make-A-Wish kid. They are truly a fantastic company, and I appreciate them for organizing so many awesome things for children, I know I’ll never forget mine 😀 Sega is awesome for agreeing to help the kid, that’s very generous 🙂 Awesome story!


  9. Awww. >u<
    That's so cute. It was really nice for Sega to do that~ I feel so happy for that kid. <33

  10. I agree. This is such a cute story, and SEGA are so great for doing this. I bet Nintendo wouldn’t send Mario to a dying kid’s birthday.

  11. This just goes to show you how much SEGA really cares about their fans… *sniffle*

    Most heartwarming story I’ve heard all month. *lolzthemonthjuststarted*

    I totally aggree, sonicspeeder1, It’s stuff like this that makes me proud to be a Sonic fan. This and Sonic Relief.

  12. Just the sight of Sonic should annihilate any Illness.

    I seriously wish I could meet the kid.

  13. God bless this Boy I hope he makes a full recovery in the future….This was one of his best days I’m sure he’ll never forget it 🙂

    SEGA does care for their fans a lot and this proves it…..It isn’t all about Eye Colour, Voice acting, designs and animations

  14. This made me happy! There is a saying that goes somting like this! A healthy person has a thousand wishes, but the sick have only one desire!

  15. Nintendo and SEGA are very caring about their fans. Still, it’s always nice to know that a kid’s wish can reach the ears of an executive. Dreams do come true…Even those little odd ones 😉 People always seem to forget that behind that metal wall of a game company lies the beating interior of human hearts. Cold on the outside, perhaps, but definitely soft on the inside <3

    Best wishes J-Jay!

  16. And what else do you need to show that SEGA pays attention to the fans.
    Best wishes J-Jay and take care! 🙂

  17. I see no reason for the fanbase to be proud of themselves here. Call me a cynic if you must, but there’s a reason the Sonic fandom has earned its reputation for atrocity; and the Sonic fandom didn’t do anything here, it was SEGA.

    However, I am completely and utterly proud of SEGA here. A lot of people forget that Sonic the Hedgehog is ultimately a franchise for everyone to enjoy, not just the “fandom.” And reading articles like this reminds me that SEGA does have their priorities in order – focusing on making people happy rather than appeasing a bunch of whiny “true” fans’ desires about eye colors and voice acting and trivial crap like that.

  18. Nice… Very touching story indeed…

    I’m proud of SEGA, Sonic and all the fans out there…
    I just wished that Sonic will visit here in the philippines.. 🙂

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