Ask the Answer Man: A New Sonic Show Series

Ask the Answer Man: A New Sonic Show Series

We have a new member of The Sonic Stadium team.  His name is Answer Man.  Coming straight from his Answer House in Answer Town, he’ll be answering your questions about anything Sonic related.  For real.

We’ve been receiving feedback about what people want to see back on the show and my “Slingerland’s Corner” segment was the one that people wanted to see again.  I don’t know why.  People throw a big fit when I write articles full of truthiness, but I can lay into people in a video and people will like it.  However, I’m a little tied up to respond to your questions, so the Answer Man will be taking over.  He’s a cool dude.  He’ll be keeping my format, but do it more efficiently and with flashy graphics.

For the first episode of “Ask the Answer Man,” we need some questions.  Want to ask the Answer Man something? Then post a question on the link below and it might be answered next week.  Keep your questions brief.  Treat it like Twitter or something.  Answer Man doesn’t want to read your rants.  He’s too busy with his Answer Women.


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