SEGA Permanently Drops Prices of Sonic 1, 2 & 4:Ep 1 on iPhone

SEGA Permanently Drops Prices of Sonic 1, 2 & 4:Ep 1 on iPhone

SEGA has announced permanent price drops on most of their iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad games, including Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1. All three games have been jumping up and down in price in recent months, but now you can grab them pretty cheap without worrying about special sale time limits (and just in time for Christmas, too). The two classic Mega Drive/Genesis titles Sonic the Hedgehog & Sonic the Hedgehog 2 have been reduced to Β£2.99/$4.99 each and Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1, which is barely 2 months old, has been dropped to just Β£3.99/$6.99.

Check out the full list of games and prices at the SEGA of America Blog (via SEGA Bits)

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  1. Rats, I bought Sonic 4 for $10 too. =/

    SEGA better get that GameCenter update already. I wanna see if someone can beat my 0’35″64 (Non-Super) time for Splash Hill Act 1. πŸ˜›

  2. @Crackers: I’m up for that challenge, if you can wait until May when I can finally get the friggin’ game… haven’t played it yet!

  3. Nice!I’m going somewhere that has wi-fi over the weekend of Christmas so I’ll buy it then,and a few other game apps πŸ™‚ It’s a shame we cant get proper internet at my own house… I’m missing out on some good stuff. Sadly it’s my dads ipad,so I”ll have to share :/

  4. I was thinking of getting sonic 2 for my ipod but i spent my money on a game called giana sisters which ive been addicted to for days now lol. but i might get sonic 2 im not fussed with sonic 1 ive got it everywhere, same goes for sonic 2 but still i love sonic 2. but sonic 3 and Knuckles will always been my fav sonic game and best game ever for me.

  5. @Chris

    Lol I’m with you too πŸ˜€ I think I’ll just stick to my classic collection….I don’t have a Ipod unfortunately….

  6. @SK72

    Looks like I’m not the only one addicted to that game after all… πŸ˜€

    Anyway, it looks like now would be a good time for me to pick up some more classic games to play on my iPod. Or if I don’t feel like picking up more copies of games I already have in collections, at least I could get Sonic 4. πŸ™‚

  7. Could a price drop mean S3 is coming? Frankly, I think its ridiculous that S3&K wasnt in the app store when S4E1 launched.

  8. Just bought it yesterday,I’m not used to not having buttons to push. Defiantly something different. The special zones are kind of tricky. Also got robot unicorn attack just because it was so darned cheap. I now have games to play when my power or internet goes bye bye.

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