Ian Flynn Teases Future Plans for the Sonic Comic

Ian Flynn Teases Future Plans for the Sonic Comic

Every year, Ian Flynn gives fans a little Christmas present: vague details on what’s going to happen within the Sonic comic over the next year. This year, Ian Flynn hinted at some big things that are liable to get fans excited. Since I know many of you don’t visit Bumbleking, here is what he’s said, in full:

It’s that time of year again, folks. That festive time of year where I give you all tantalizing hints of what’s in store for the upcoming year, and you all delight me by going insane trying to figure things out. Fa-la-la-la-la-bwah-ha-ha-HA!

!!! REMEMBER !!!
All of these plans are not set in stone. Nothing is for certain until it’s actually published. Things may change as of this post.

The new kid on the block! I still can’t say anything about the series, except to say it’s about Mega Man and Spaz is at least doing cover art. Maybe more.

We’ve got three arcs lined up for the year, as per usual. The first one, as you all know by now, will be starring Silver to coincide with the book’s silver anniversary. This arc was inspired by editor Paul Kaminski’s desire to see Silver fight one of the coolest villains of the series. I found a nice little patch of continuity to explore in the process. The results will be glorious.

After that, we’re going to do an arc focusing on a character we haven’t seen in a while. We’ll also be delving into the backstories of some supporting cast members I’ve wanted to get to for a long time.

And then, as revealed by the man himself, Tracy Yardley will be returning to writing duties! I don’t want to steal any of his thunder, so I’m staying mum on this. Suffice to say, he showed me the story outline and I giggled like a fan boy. You guys are in for a major treat.

Sonic Select vol. 3 and Sonic Archives vol. 14 are on the way. Keep your eyes on the blogs for a special contest announcement about the latter.

You’ll also want to check out Sonic Archives for a tease about the upcoming new graphic novel series. And that’s plural.

Oh man, where to begin….

Okay, so, obviously we’re coming up on the big #225 anniversary issue. Which happens about the same time as SU#25. Which also syncs up with the franchise’s 20th anniversary. An alignment of the Sonic stars cannot go by without something big happening. That will be “Genesis.”

And even that is going to be a drop in the bucket compared to what we’ve got planned.

When I first came to the book, my agenda was measured in issues and arcs. Trim the fat here, organize characters there, get everything in order. Then I upgraded to sagas – “Enerjak: Reborn,” “Eggman Empire,” “Iron Dominion.” What we’ve got coming up, started by STH#219, is bigger than that. What’s coming isn’t an “arc” or “saga” so much as it is an “epic.” Events set into motion now will literally be playing out for years to come.

I’m especially excited for what’s coming because, up to this point, it’s mostly been about building and organizing. There will still be some of that, but from here on out, nothing is sacred. It’s time to shake things up – hard. And it’s not going to tie itself up in a neat little bow any time soon. You guys are at the start of a far reaching adventure. I can’t wait for you all to see it!

Happy Holidays,

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Nuckles87 has been an editor at Sonic Stadium since 2007, and has been covering events like E3, PAX, and SDCC since 2010. An avid retro gamer, he runs a monthly stream on Twitch where he explores obscure Sonic oddities, and how aspects of the franchise have evolved over the decades.


  1. Oh God :O…….I’d be lying if I said I didn’t see any of this coming :/…..*Shudders* Archie Comics O.o *Backs away slowly*

  2. Oh yeah, the Knuckles Archives are hinted at in Sonic Archive #14, so they’re bring back the Knuckles series books.

  3. Megaman – Get Spaz to work on the inside and out for a year and I’ll buy!
    SU arcs – Silver battles Mogul, (Character not seen in a while – Scourge?) and I’m sure the Babylon Rogues will get an arc.
    Sonic Selects – Own all the originals
    Main series – Anything could happen.. seriously, they left a door wide open for main characters to end up being random dimension counterparts without anyone knowing.

    I’d like to see Fiona get her ass handed to her. Don’t keep me waiting Archie 🙂

  4. Wow. I wish I hadn’t stopped reading the comics around #190. This “epic” might get me back into reading them again.

  5. This makes me wanna poo my pants in excitement. Honestly, the comics are probably my favorite part of the whole Sonic franchise and a lot of that is due to Ian Flynn’s contributions.

  6. I really REALLY hope that second SU arc is about Scourge and the Suppression Squad. I will die of happy if it is ♥

  7. @Nintendo bros. 64
    YES! that would be EPIC! Mighty is one of the greatest characters, makes me wounder why they never put him back in the games.

    And anyway fingers crossed that next year is way past cool in the comic universe.

  8. Yeah, you guys are probably correct with the Mighty arc.
    He disappeared with Ray to find his sister

  9. I used to be so fond of Tracy Yardley but not anymore. I wish I was but his artwork has gone downhill. I just look at the differences in his older artwork and his newer one and the older one looks more detailed. I use to always strive to get close to Tracy Yardley in my artwork but now I can do even better than he can. I love Steven Butler cause he reminds of the old artwork from Yardley. But hopefully Tracy will go back to his old artwork with more detail and polish

  10. @Marcellof
    Yeah… although there are some very good Sonic Universe comics I have to admit that I wish they would release the Archives faster

  11. I would LOVE a Mighty and Ray arc. (Thank you comics for giving long obscure SEGA chars a chance!) if not an arc then at least some clue as to what they’re doing as of now in his sister search. 2011 sounds good for Sonic so far on comics side, and games are also looking up to the future as well. Looks like I’m gonna be a happy fan next year 🙂

  12. I’m kind of hoping against Scourge, they only just booted him out not very long ago(issue-wise anyway). I expect a side story involving his time in prison, but that’s it for now. As for the villain Silver can fight against… It could be any villain, even the dead ones, thanks to the Time Stones. I’d love to see Mighty get an arc, just because he is under-loved. As for the epic, sounds like utter chaos is coming. I can’t wait. It’s time to see what Flynn can really do.

  13. OMG!!!!!! Ian is killing me!!!!!! But, I think I know what’s going to happen to the sonic comic. If some of you guys would go on to YouTube, there’s an interview with Paul Kaminski (the editor). Paul says that his fav game is Sonic 2 which was available on the sega genesis. Maybe, the title “Genesis” means that Archie is going in the direction of SONIC 2!!!!!!!!???? dun dun duuuuuuuunnnnn!!!!!

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