Contest: Win This Holiday’s Sonic Games!

Contest: Win This Holiday’s Sonic Games!

It’s Christmas time! And what have we learned? Well, we’ve learned that Sonic Team can really get their heads down and crack out a decent game when they’re not distracting themselves with fluorescent flying toys or something similar. We’ve also learned that controller-free gaming can be done (somewhat) with a Kinect and that the chaps at Sumo Digital are heroes. Seriously, we want S0L’s babies.

Would you like to learn what we have learned in 2010? ‘How, and where exactly is this going?’ I hear you ask. Well, by entering our awesome Christmas competition of course, and winning yourself a PAL copy of four Sonic game released this year.

We’ve got a copy of Sonic Colours on the Wii and Nintendo DS, Sonic Free Riders on the Xbox 360 and as a bonus we’re throwing in Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing on either the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 (not pictured, obviously).

The Challenge

So, what have you got to do? As I said before, it’s Christmas time. Round about now, kids are going to start knocking on your door and sing butchered versions of carols. Some won’t even bother to sing carols, only choosing to mumble half the chorus to ‘We Wish You A Merry Christmas.’ We think the characters in the Sonic universe can do a bit better than that. Your task is to create a Christmas Carol, as performed by a Sonic character.

You can take any approach to this as you wish – you can modify an existing Christmas Carol and replace certain words with some of Big the Cat’s favourite things, for example (so that would just be fishing, then). You can write an entirely new carol for a villain or hero to sing, if that’s what you’d rather do. It doesn’t even have to be written – if you’re an artistic type, why not draw a little comic or art piece with your favourite character singing this new masterpiece of yours in front of someone’s house? Or for the really brave, you could record yourself on audio or video and send it to us that way.

This competition is now closed. Winners will be announced in a new Community Blog post soon.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Published by


Founder of The Sonic Stadium and creator/co-organiser of the Summer of Sonic convention. Loves talking about Sonic the Hedgehog in his spare time. Likes Sonic Colours a little too much for his own good, apparently.


  1. Cont. from last comment


  2. @chcoman 123

    I don’t know about the consoles, but I have a PAL version of Sonic & SEGA All-Stars racing for Nintendo DS and it works just fine on my American DS Lite.

    @ everyone else

    This contest sounds great. Thanks TSS for always keeping the community active.

  3. This contest sounds super cool, I just hope we don’t get a bajillion Sonic versions of 12 days of Christmas.

  4. So I have American consoles, and these games for each (minus Free Riders). But I may just participate anyway, not hoping for a prize. Could be fun! 😀

  5. @truesonic:

    as long as you HAVE an e-mail of any kind (hotmail,. Gmail, ect), it doesn’t matter what the other person has!

  6. It was great fun making my entry for this and I hope it’s raised a few smiles. Can’t wait to see what the rest of the community has in store too! 😀

  7. @Nemain I feel the same way- it was a lot of fun entering, but the best bit will be seeing the Sonic community’s entries all together!

  8. This contest is pretty dope. Too bad I am NTSC region once again haha, but yeah if anyone wants to compare sonic avatars and stand next to a real yakuza dual light saber weilding sonic avatar and then maybe battle it out on STH2 add my gt MAC METAL FACE.

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