Sonic Colours Rises Up The UK Top 40 Chart

Sonic Colours Rises Up The UK Top 40 Chart

With two full weeks of sales behind it, Sonic Colours has proven it has what it takes to stay relevant in the UK chart results for last week released by Chart Track today. Since last week Sonic’s latest adventure climbed two places to number 16 in the all formats chart and achieved similar success in the individual units chart by rising from 29th to 27th place on Wii and jumping four positions to number 31 on DS.

On the Wii only chart Sonic Colours rose up one rank to number 6 and beat out popular shooter Goldeneye 007, which placed at number 7. In the DS chart Sonic Colours remains seated at number 4, while Sonic Classic Collection drops one spot from 16th to 17th. Finally, in the Xbox 360 chart Sonic Free Riders stays put at number 19, but beats out some of the Kinect competition this week and interestingly places one position higher than SEGA’s well received third person shooter Vanquish.

Source: Chart Track
Top 40 All Formats
Top 40 Individual Units
Top 40 Wii
Top 40 DS
Top 40 Xbox 360

Share your thoughts on this weeks results in the comments.

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  1. WOOP WOOP 😀 I knew it was bound to be at some point

    Its a great Sonic game and it deserves it’s place 🙂

  2. Good to see the game’s having a bit of a long tail. I reckon it was because Colours initially was going up against AAA titles like Call of Duty: Black Ops and other big hitters. Hopefully now everything’s dying down a bit, the game can rise the ranks even higher!

  3. WOW Sonic is already beginning to “reach for the stars” XD
    Lets hope SEGA can keep this up for future titles like Sonic 2011, whatever that may be.
    and hears hoping for a Sonic Colours 2 or a port of the first.

  4. @electrithehedgehog I’m sure there will be a port. The Sega employee who hinted at the existence of Unleashed and Colors stated this.

  5. Sonic games tend to be slow burners with long legs. It may not pull out numbers like Mario, or even Call of Duty, but it slowly but surely sells thanks to the Sonic brand and its popularity that is still relevant in the gaming space today.

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