“Yardley Working” Contest Extended to Oct 30

“Yardley Working” Contest Extended to Oct 30

Hey folks!

Since there hasn’t been too many entries yet, I’ve decided to extend the contest to October 30th. In addition, there will be extra prizes added to each category! Now with 70% more Knuckles! Finally, with images of your prizes as well!

Category 1 will receive an art piece of Knuckles and the Guardians done by none other than Spaz himself! At least I think it’s him. He autographed it and Penders said it was, but it doesn’t quite look like his work.

category 1 prizes

Category 2 will receive an extra page of Yardley art. This one being from Archie’s own Sonic X comic!

category 2

Category 3’s secret prize is revealed to be a page of Rom Lim art (sorry XP) with Knuckles, the Chaotix, Mammoth Mogul and Enerjak! Instead of having to split the prize if you enter on your own, you keep both pages. Otherwise the author decides who gets what.

Category 3

Didn’t hear about this contest? Find out more on this page.

Remember, you now have until Oct 30th! More details, images and a video to come soon.

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  1. The amount of Sonic comics vs. Mario comics shows quite a statement to which franchise has more devoted fans if I do say so myself.

  2. I entered category 3, due to it being the only one with a “mystery prize”. I would now rather enter category 2. Now that we know the prizes, may those of us who entered earlier, enter in a different category again?

  3. Oh, I’m so glad to hear this. I really wanted to enter, but didn’t have time to finish mine. I guess I don’t have excuse now not to submit something. Needless to say, I’ve enjoyed Spaz and Yardley’s work for years now. It would be a honor to receive some of their original artwork.

  4. Does this mean I can do another piece for the funny Sonic drawing category? Just that I only did a quick image straight into Painter (which I haven’t used before) because I was short on both time and lacked a printer power cable. If I had known that there was an extension I would of drawn and scanned at uni.

  5. I’m sorry I haven’t entered yet, fall is just that really busy season. I’m hoping I’ll be able to make an entry before the new deadline.

  6. Dang.Nothing’s come up for me to draw,big block in the way I guess. I also dont have a sharpener or a decent pen that wont smudge or isn’t for smaller details. Ah well,I’ll see if I can try to enter something next time. It’d be cool to win another contest. *chizzles away at art block*

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