Voice Recognition Confirmed For Sonic Free Riders, Rocky Ridge Videos

Voice Recognition Confirmed For Sonic Free Riders, Rocky Ridge Videos

A SEGA representative has revealed in an interview with Hip Hop Gamer that their first Xbox 360 Kinect title Sonic Free Riders will feature voice recognition. Players who aren’t keen on navigating and making selections in the game’s menus with their hands will be able to use Kinect’s microphone to choose things like their characters, extreme gears and tracks with their voice instead. HipHopGamer himself shares his views from his playtest with Sonic Free Riders throughout the interview in his usual excitable manner and has the most positive opinion seen from the press yet. Accoring to HipHopGamer, the game works really well in terms of controls, so well that he says they’ve nailed it where most Kinect games haven’t.

To see the video interview, head over to Hip Hop Gamer.

In other news, a couple of very short gameplay videos of the Rocky Ridge track have hit YouTube, which give us a look at the minecart section of the stage, where players will need to steer with the lever like you would a real minecart.


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  1. The voice tech is never going to understand a Yorkshire accent, no matter how hard you try… “Ex-Box turn on thar telly, Champion.”

  2. I like how I can hear Splash Hill Zone Act 3 in the background.

    Oh, the game play videos look really good too; it doesn’t make me want to get a wii with no controller though.

  3. Yo, Free Riders, Ima happy for ya and Ima let you finish, but Sonic 2 for the Master System had one of the best mine carts of all time.

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