The Sonic Stadium’s 10th Anniversary Month!

The Sonic Stadium’s 10th Anniversary Month!

Did you know that The Sonic Stadium has been around for nearly ten years? TEN! It only seems like yesterday that I was hosting this humble little website on an Angelfire free 20MB account, nursing it through its toddler years. Now it means that TSS is about to enter its terrible teens – expect some tantrums, unkempt hairstyles and accusations that I ‘just don’t understand’ it.

If I was any kind of responsible parent, I would be making sure it doesn’t get led astray and not to go too wild on the celebrations. But I’m 25, and a party animal – so I want to throw the biggest, meanest party for your favourite Sonic site that there ever was. All month long.

I’ve collected snapshots of every single site design this place has been through since its inception – plus a few bonus designs that I have in the vault that have never seen the light of day. A site redesign will be hitting to bring the place bang up to date. Giveaways will be had, and memories from TSS’ early years shared. The first episode ofย Sonic 4 will be coming out (I’m sure SEGA arranged it to be released in time for our 10th ;)). The staff here will no doubt recall their times at the site, and there are many anecdotes I can share, let me tell you.

I want you to join in the fun with us, though! Brad has already made a call out for Autumn-related pictures and works, but if you want to create something to help us celebrate our 10th Anniversary as well, please send them in to us! Videos wishing the site a happy birthday, Sonic art, audio messages holding the site to ransom… anything is cool. Send them to thesonicstadium @ for the birthday wins. And let’s celebrate The Sonic Stadium together!

This website’s actual birthday, just for reference, is the 24th October 2000. Love Sonic? Love TSS!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Published by


Founder of The Sonic Stadium and creator/co-organiser of the Summer of Sonic convention. Loves talking about Sonic the Hedgehog in his spare time. Likes Sonic Colours a little too much for his own good, apparently.


  1. I’ve been lurking here for most of those 10 years… although i spent more time in Sonic-Cult earlier at the start. ๐Ÿ˜›

    Happy Birthday, TSS!

  2. Happy Birthday TSS, And hope you won’t be as cranky as a stereotype ๐Ÿ˜€

    Really, this site is really nice, Happy Birthday TSS, and may you still shine on the net!

  3. TSS deserves a pat on the back for all its done for the Sonic communittee for the last 10 years. Well done you guys! 10 more years!

  4. 10 years? It’s been a long time. Other than that, congratulations on the 10 years on creating/monitoring this site!

  5. I would make a cake for TSS if I had enough ingredients and time. Happy 10th anniversary TSS.

  6. TSS paved the way for how I connected with Sonic..
    Thanks for keeping it cool through 10 years TSS!

  7. I’ve been coming to this site for about 4 years now, and I can tell you with a straight face that there’s nothing like it. This is a Sonic fan community at it’s best, and you should be proud for creating something this well-put together.

    So Happy Birthday, TSS! Here’s to another decade of excellence!

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