Sega of Spain Retracts Sonic Anniversary Comments

Sega of Spain Retracts Sonic Anniversary Comments

Sonic Paradise has reported that Sega of Spain has gone back on their comments on Sonic Anniversary and retracted their statements. Here is a loose translation.

On the last day of Gamefest 2010, some board members attended the event Sonic Reikai to realize that this time Sega’s booth was in charge of a woman, and that the statements to the press about the game had changed.

Also confirm that is indeed Urretabizkaia Izaskun female (probably a she), the official in charge of the said retracted earlier claims that “could not” say anything about the next Sonic Anniversary. What is striking however, was not even consulted directly by the specific title.

More details can be found here.

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  1. It’s already too late, we ALL know about it. You can’t just take back what you said.

  2. lol I hope thats a mis-translation and they’re seriously not blaming the rep because she’s a woman are they?

  3. @ MamaLuigiBarrelRoll

    …Then Sonic was blasted into space in a capsule where he exploded and presumably died.

  4. —————————————

    … the official in charge of the said retracted earlier claims that “could not” say anything about the next Sonic Anniversary. What is striking however, was not even consulted directly by the specific title.


    I detect large amounts of fail in this section…

  5. What’s said has been said,you cant retract something thousands*or millions?*of people already know.

    @Gato my fail scenes are also going off.

  6. Wow, I bet none of the women on this site would make remarks like that if the official had been male >__>;

    Anyway, Sega seemed to spill enough news regarding Sonic titles this year so they can’t do a whole lot now that everyone has an idea..

  7. You know, guys, there are female Sonic fans here…

    Oh SEGA and their bean-spilling ways. ^^”

  8. All the translation specified is that a Sega rep. spilled the beans. The fact that it was a woman is a DETAIL, not an INSULT so people need to just shut the eff up about it.

  9. Oh boy… everytime there’s something to do with a female the guys gotta make themselves look like idiots. First there’s a female assassin in Assissin’s Creed Brotherhood sparking comments like “Stupid woman. This is a man’s war.” and now this…

    Secondly, considering this sounds like a literal translation and not a grammatical translation it can easily be misinterpreted. So far it just sounds like they said something about the game that was likely not even correct and was then retracted (which is funny because the statements were tagged as “rumor” in the first place, not confirmed.)

    It’s cool. Any of us could be right or wrong and someone’s gonna end up looking like an idiot once the truth is revealed months later when no one even remembers this moment. XD

  10. @the she hulk women defenders brigade

    Oh for Gods sake. Yes we know that the fact the rep is a woman has nothing to do with women in the workplace or any other kind of “man rules ok”junk that you might want to accuse people of.

    If you would be so good as to come down from your high horses for a moment, maybe you would notice that we’re laughing at what the translation/segas excuse looks like at the moment. That’s what everyone is laughing at.

    And if the translation had come back saying it was a man, you can bet that there would be plenty of jokes about that excuse too. In fact here’s one for free

    “that’s all you men have on the mind! Sex, sandwiches, Sonic and Sleep!” or here how about this… “typical man! Thinking with his Hog as usual!”

  11. A world without sexism is a world where a male/female can make a joke about the opposite sex and both can laugh, without a third party stepping in and flipping a shit about it being sexist.

    Anywho, my apologies for insulting post, ladies. Just kidding.

  12. @SoySoy

    *….then SoySoy was blasted into space in a capsule where he/she(most likely she) presumably died.


  13. First we got complaints of a new Sonic game…

    now we got sexist comments about women :/

    yeah we, female Sonic fans, are loved…

  14. You DO realize this was most likely translated with the Google Translator which happens to be THE MOST BROKEN translator ever. Seriously, crap doesn’t work too good.

    The original text most likely says something not so offensive, just the Google Translator does LITERAL translations only, and it doesn’t fix broken sentences.

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