NYCC Exclusive: Sonic Comic Preview Cover Art (UPDATED With #225!)

NYCC Exclusive: Sonic Comic Preview Cover Art (UPDATED With #225!)

The video of today’s Archie panel is still incoming, but we’ve got some pics straight from the panel for you to take a look at. These are covers for what is believed to be an as of yet unknown future issue of Sonic (not #225), and Sonic Universe #25. UPDATED with covers for #225 and SU #24

We’ve also got issue #225’s cover incoming.

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Nuckles87 has been an editor at Sonic Stadium since 2007, and has been covering events like E3, PAX, and SDCC since 2010. An avid retro gamer, he runs a monthly stream on Twitch where he explores obscure Sonic oddities, and how aspects of the franchise have evolved over the decades.


  1. @Aqua I know right, why have people been doing that lately?

    Artwork looks awesome, looking forward to seeing more 🙂

  2. For some reason the images don’t come up and when I click on them they redirect me to the TSS homepage.

  3. Sorry for the double post. Just ignore my previous comment. The art looks amazing though. The #225 is one of the amazing covers I ever seen.

  4. I love how vibrant and how nicely set up issue 225 is 🙂 lots better than issue 200’s cover right? just sonics big mug plastered on the cover*It was an o.k.ish milestone*,this one…it’s got more atmosphere and actually kind of tells a bit on what the story might be about.Hard to believe sonics been around 225 issues,I feel old… also treasure team tango looks like it’s shaping up nicely!Wonder who’s arc will be next.

  5. WHOA! Antoine looks PWNsome on 225’s cover! (I just hope nothing happens to Bunnie… wait, given what happened in the latest StH issue, maybe Bunnie is the REASON everything’s happening so quickly. Ol’ Chicken Coydog Bleu had better be on his toes.)

    Wait… is it just me, or has Antoine reunited with his old foe the Krudzu? And, more importantly… is he CRYING? During the Scourge arc, he mentioned that he would be unable to go on without Bunnie…

    Man, things do not look good for this coyote. Is he PWNsome, or LONESOME?

  6. Wow, that Sonic Universe cover is great with all those game characters! And that one with Mina makes me very interested.

  7. #225 is pretty epic! However, I’m thinking they might do some more work and make it a bit different from that cover. That one with the girls on Sonic has got me interested as well!

  8. Wow, that Silver art is awesome! Also Treasure Team Tango, the Rogues are back! This is soo cool! Bean will meet Jet and madness will ensue!

  9. @edwin maybe we’ll be lucky and get ourselves a silver arc next eh? Ether him or mighty should get there arc next. The way antoin looks,it’s like he’s been stabbed in the back pretty bad,maybe bunny wants lying in the tails arc… I still have my suspicions for a few others though.

  10. @ Ryan

    Dude, are you bored or something?

    SEGA won’t listen to fan trolling. Well, Sonic 4 is an exception.

  11. Can’t wait for Treasure Team Tango, glad Cream made it into the main series after *counts fingers* 7 years?

  12. Why is it that only Archie seems to care for Silver? I don’t mind though. They make him look cool! I know I’m getting the Silver Arc. The 225 one looks awsome! I wonder what the story will be….. And the one with only Sonic on looks unique. Even Sonic Universe seems to be getting an awesome cover! Archie’s getting better and better with the comics.

  13. Hmm~

    My favourite image is definitely the second one. The 225 cover, to me, seems to be lacking a bit of punch considering the content, like the SU24 cover (though that one’s got more of the appearance of a random doodle in my notebook). The Silver artwork is pretty nice, but he’s floating on a red backdrop and a head-on angle like that isn’t very interesting to me.

    On the other hand, that second image’s got shine, sparkle and energy. 😉

  14. I think that all the covers are very good. Me thinks we’ll see Jamal peppers and the guy who colored the sides stories in issues 215 and 216 doing sonic universe issues 25-29. And it’s great to see Spaz’s art again, an the colors are so vivid too!

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