Bowling for Soup to play SonicCon 2010

Bowling for Soup to play SonicCon 2010

Some of you may be aware of the Texas based convention SonicCon which we reported on a little while ago. Well, it looks like the event set to take place in Plano next month now has a bumper roster this year, including Dr Eggman voice actor Mike Pollock and ex-Sonic voice actor Jason Griffith. Not only this, ska-punkers Bowling for Soup will be playing the event, fronted by Endless Possibility singer Jaret Reddick. Although there is no confirmation as of yet, attendees may be treated to a live version of the song.

If you’re planning on attending the event next month taking place from November 5-7, do let us know in the comments!

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Published by

Adam Tuff

With a decade under his belt, Adam is one of The Sonic Stadium's most seasoned writers, with interests in the music and merchandise of the Sonic the Hedgehog universe. Adam is the co-organiser for the Summer of Sonic convention.


  1. It looks kind of creepy. It, in fact, doesn’t look like a Sonic convention to me at all. The Summer of Sonic looks so much more original and better.

  2. They’re still trying to pass themselves off as a Sonic convention? I hope they at least do a good job. Sonic’s already had enough damage to his reputation in recent years.

  3. Im going as a VIP so I will provide you guys withh all the details including BFS’s performace from stage side and Interviews with the guests (and come on guys SOS cant be the only Sonic convention around)

  4. @KidReny you even try and you’ll answer to my 3million volt stun gun not only am I a vip Im also a guest body guard so just try it

  5. I’m suprised so many ppl on here are usually so close to these things all over the world. Do you people like.. travel for this stuff? O-O Geez..

    Well I’m actually close to there. It’s not likely I’d go but if I do it’d be interesting. o.O

  6. @Ax I’m not close at all, but Robbie (my buddy) lives a few minutes to an hour away. I on the other hand, live almost 5 hours away, but the wife and I don’t get to travel much and this would be the second con she’s gone to with me and the first she’d actually be helping me at. It’s out of the way, but I’ve kinda gotten used to working at or attending these things in the past few years.

    Been to quite a few bad ones, and some really good ones. I’m not sure how this one will be, but I’m hoping it’ll be better than the A-kon I went to a few years ago. I like Bowling For Soup so there’s hope…for me at least…

  7. While I’m all for a Sonic Convention other than SoS, this looks horrible XD
    More like a fanchar convention… and they’re CHARGING! 50$ on the door!! Wow! They’ve not even got anything that good 😐
    I’m amazed Griffiths, let alone BFS signed on to do this…

  8. I saw them play before back in october 19 09 and they were amazing, you guys will be in for a treat if they play.

  9. BFS aren’t really ska 😛

    Still, interesting to see them go to a lowly Sonic convention. Though I suppose they’re bigger in the UK than their home country. Plus, they’re from Texas, so they don’t have far to go.

  10. Saw a flyer for this at Louisianime. If I wasn’t so broke and jobless, I’d probably try to make it. Sure, it’s no Summer of Sonic, but Texas is a heckuva lot closer than the UK. : P
    I figure, all this can do is whip up interest for more Sonic cons!

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