Phantasy Star Online 2 Revealed at TGS UPDATED With Trailer

Phantasy Star Online 2 Revealed at TGS UPDATED With Trailer

In the lead up to SEGA’s TGS press conference, they showed a series of trailers for their upcoming games on their online ustream. Among them was a compilation trailer, ending with the screen I’ve posted below.

That’s right. As part of SEGA’s PSO Tenth Anniversary celebration, we are finally getting a true sequel to the game that started it all. The game is expected to be released sometime in 2011, and will be exclusive to the PC. It is not known at this time whether or not Sonic Team is developing the game.

Special thanks goes to SEGAbits, who provided the information. Be sure to check their website for a full account of the trailer. We’ll be sure to update this post with a trailer when it becomes available. Or, alternatively, you could check SEGAbits, as they’ll probably post it first.

Update: SEGAbits has posted the trailer! I’ve no idea how to post commercials on TSS, head over to SEGAbits to catch it. SEGA apparently pulled it from Youtube, so catch it while you can.

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Nuckles87 has been an editor at Sonic Stadium since 2007, and has been covering events like E3, PAX, and SDCC since 2010. An avid retro gamer, he runs a monthly stream on Twitch where he explores obscure Sonic oddities, and how aspects of the franchise have evolved over the decades.


  1. Oh, finally. I hope this will be done more like the original and ver 2 than PSU. I can’t wait to find out more about it- at least it was confirmed!

  2. I wonder if I should get this game? I haven’t played any PSU game yet. Maybe I should start with this one?

    BTW, I must ask: When exactly is Sega’s press conference at TGS?

    Just curious.

  3. I loved the original! Only stopped playing because I didn’t have a way to pay.

    Gah PC >.< If there are enough new features, I'll give it a try provided I don't need a high end comp for it.

    PSU didn't do so well, but good luck to it anyway!

  4. Yay and boo all at once. Yay for the fact that their being a Phantasy Star Online 2… boo for it not being on a console. I hope they eventually release it for HD systems or even the Wii. I don’t really care which one. Sure I have a PC that could possibly run it, but it would feel more at home on a console to me.

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