New Sonic 4 Screenshots On Xbox Live Marketplace

New Sonic 4 Screenshots On Xbox Live Marketplace

17 new Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 screenshots have appeared on the Xbox Live Marketplace, which give us more insight into the recently revealed Lost Labyrinth Zone, as well as more of Splash Hill Zone. The screenshots look to be taken from the recent demo being shown to press, since we can see some of the changes in effect, such as Sonic’s speed-induced blurred running animation.

Since these screenshots are currently not available anywhere on the internet, I’ve taken the pleasure of capturing them on camera from my TV, so apologies for the quality. If we see better versions of the pics, we’ll update. If you have an Xbox 360, you can view them on your TV at the games section in the Xbox Live Marketplace. Unfortunately, the screens haven’t been added to the games product page at

Check out all 17 screenshots below:

Thanks to Nsonic22 at the SEGA Forums for the heads-up!

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  1. they changed the running anim abit, he looks more serious, his spikes go back and its more blury, watch the lost lab trailer

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