AAUK Reveals New Sonic Colours Info

AAUK Reveals New Sonic Colours Info

After some hands-on time with Sonic Colours, SEGA Europe Community Manager ArchangelUK has revealed 7 new pieces of Sonic Colours information via the Sonic City Blognik today. The information focuses on story, characters and call-backs to Sonic Unleashed. Some teases are also made to news coming in next week, which we’ll be sure to report on as soon as it is revealed.

Here’s the full list of information below:

1) Dr. Eggman has built his park after developing a sense of remorse for his past “indiscretions”. Hmm… a likely story.

2) At one point in an early cutscene Sonic “breaks the fourth wall” and talks directly to the gamer.

3) SA-55, the round red robot also known as “Ergo” by fans who appeared in Sonic Unleashed will return, but slightly more jaded than before. Oh and by the way SA-55 ISN’T his name… his name is actually “Orbot”

4) Orbot also has a counterpart this game… who we’ll be revealing next week.

5) Tails’ “Miles Electric” handheld device that appeared in Sonic Unleashed makes a re-appearance.

6) The boss you have already likely seen from Tropical Resort Dr. Eggman refers to as the “Big Boy”.

7) The curly haired white Wisp is important to the Colours story and its name is…. something you’ll have to tune in next week to find out!

Source: ArchangelUK at the Sonic City Blognik

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  1. Yay for the return of Ergo! I mean Orbot. 4th wall breaking’s back, yay! Colours just keeps sounding better and better.

  2. Orbot! Already am used to his new name. He’s great! And another! I am loving this game more and more! November can’t come soon enough!

  3. Fourth wall breaking FOR THW WIN!!!!!!
    Oh,and I think I should go ahead and play Unleashed to get a reminder of the story :3

  4. Thank god for the great releases between now and november to keep my sanity intact between now and then.

  5. This game is Unleashed 2 minus werehog plus wisps! And thats info make me sure of that!
    This game will rock!

  6. Ergo-I mean Orbot was hilarious. Seriously, he brings comic relief to Sonic games.

    But seriously, I wanna know If I’m getting a cool statue with mah pre-order!

  7. The fourth wall breaking excites me, and im looking forward to more hilarious Eggman cutscenes. ^^

  8. Cool. I like everything aside from the fact that there will be fourth wall breaks (unless Sonic says “HEY KID! CHECK OUT YOUR CONSOLE!”). That was the only thing I despised about Disgaea 3 was that it broke it so frequently. Hopefully it won’t happen *too* much in this. I think it’s best for the Chaotix to do that job.

  9. The white wisps with the curly hair is probably the main leader of the wisps and it went to Sonic and Tails for help

  10. No, no no no no no no noooooooooo!!! Not freaken SA-55. that guy was there to remind you that not only can Sega not write good characters but…………they REALLY can’t write good characters. it was like a Saturday morning cartoon show for kids, and he was the one every character hated.

    Ok, he wasn’t anyway near as bad as Professor Pickle (hire some writers Sega……plz)

    The other stuff sounds good though.

  11. Some very pleasing information. The references to Unleashed will make this game even more fun to play. That ‘fourth wall’ comment bothers me a bit though, as it reminds me of “Kids, don’t use formula one race cars to chase hedgehogs”. Hopefully, we’ll get something worth breaking the fourth wall for. Deadpool in MvC3 is a good example.

  12. Hmm……Orbot (specifically known as “Ergo”) from Unleashed is coming back for more humor?
    A fourth wall entering inside a modern Sonic game? And the curly-haired white Wisp being the leader of the race, wanting a lot of help to Sonic and Tails?

    This could be very exciting and cool. 😀

  13. @SonicChrono “And the curly-haired white Wisp being the leader of the race, wanting a lot of help to Sonic and Tails?”

    No, those are my thoughts on what I think the white wisp is but I could be wrong. Don’t take my word to heart.

  14. Ergo is back. Ergo, this game will be fun. Ergo, I WANT THIS GAME D=

    Can’t wait for next week =D

    BTW, why Sonic things always have to do with number 7?

    We’re gonna reach for the stars toniiiiiiiiiiiiiight

  15. @ sonfan1984

    Okay, I understand. Sorry, but what I said about the white Wisp getting help are my own thoughts.

    Won’t happen again.

  16. Awesome, Erg- eh, Orbot is back! He always made me chuckle.
    I remember when Sonic broke the fourth wall after landing on Chip, it was very amusing 😛

  17. Anyway, about that Orbot thing, I noticed something that I posted here:


    But to show you in post if you don’t wanna click the link:

    “As you know, Ergo, or SA-55, the robot who served as Eggman’s assistant in Sonic Unleashed who made fun of and insulted Eggman, is returning to Sonic Colors. However…


    As shown here, where the news came, his name is revealed to be, in actually, Orbot, as shown here:

    3) SA-55, the round red robot also known as “Ergo” by fans who appeared in Sonic Unleashed will return, but slightly more jaded than before. Oh and by the way SA-55 ISN’T his name… his name is actually “Orbot”

    Not a bad name to me, and this seems like a name Eggman gave to his little assistant.

    Though there is more to that name, for it may be a reference. Why?

    Remember the Genesis/MegaDrive days? Sega had different game series used from back then, but one of them stars a character shown here:


    This is Vectorman, the hero of the game of the same name and its sequel, both were shooting and platforming games. Still, even back then, Vectorman was one of the “orbots” left on Earth to clean it up.

    Take note: ORBOTS.

    Since SA-55’s name is Orbot, let me ask: Do you think SA-55’s name is a possible reference to the name of the robots the main character was a part of in the Vectorman games?”

    I just wanted to share that here. Any thoughts, guys?

  18. 2) At one point in an early cutscene Sonic “breaks the fourth wall” and talks directly to the gamer.

    I love that. That’s proper Sonic that is. Remember how he used to look at you and get pissed off if you left him standing still in the old games?

  19. Sonic also broked the fourth wall in Sonic Unleashed when he looks at the viewers and said “Oops, did I fall on him?”

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