Underbelly Reviews The Sonic Franchise

Underbelly Reviews The Sonic Franchise


Underbelly, the internet series that delves deep into the world of games, movies, comics and the web, has changed target to the Sonic franchise. In their latest episode, titled ‘Sonic the Failhog,’ the show looks at how the Sonic series has changed and developed over the years. It’s an interesting take on the franchise, which fans of the recent games won’t agree with, but even the biggest fans will get a laugh out of some of the sketches in the video. Stay tuned until the end for SEGA’s “latest game announcement.”

Source: ScrewAttack

Thanks to SSMB member Indigo Rush for the heads up!

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  1. Wait, how did they confuse Puyo Puyo with Sonic Eraser? O_o

    Do I need to whip out the ‘why is sonic in a car’ comic again? 😛

    Hahaha at the end bit.

  2. Pretty funny! I can’t help but wonder why they really didn’t get into the more modern games though, it seemed like they stuck with games up to the Dreamcast.

    I never heard of this “Underbelly” series, but I think I like it.

  3. Sonic Shuffle was in development before Mario Party so dosent mean Mario party is the rip off?!

  4. coming from true sonic fans… Jeez, i think every cannon sonic game is super fun! including 06 shadow and unleashed. They cant just speak for most sonic fans like that! they speak for reviewers opinions BS. I enjoyed this video, but really now, sonic games have been beaten down for so long, anyone could say they hate the new ones without even trying them just to fit with the crowd.

  5. The Adventure games were awesome, though Big and Amy really screwed up. The second one has aged as badly as the first, but they’re still both great to play now. Heroes was okay… and from then it’s really been hit and miss for me. 06 was… never mind. Secret Rings had awkward control, Unleashed had the werehog (but other than that was fantastic) and Black Knight (hold B to win). Never played Riders, Rivals or ASR, not really into to those games. Rush games were fun, but I got bored after completing them.
    Colors looks to be the grand revival of Sonic in 3D, and Sonic 4 does the same for Sonic in 2D… I wonder what they’re planning for his 20th anniversary?

  6. Heh I expected something different, but that thing wasn’t insulting at all.
    They even look forward to Colours and 4.
    I loved the ending, but how planned he to play with those Knuckles gloves?

  7. “Sonic Shuffle was in development before Mario Party so dosent mean Mario party is the rip off?!”

    I’ve read a lot of incorrect statements in the TSS comment section before, but this one takes the cake.

  8. All I read was that this somewhat makes fun of the Sonic series, that’s enough for me to not watch it.

  9. @ RaveToTheGrave:
    The video isn’t about making fun of the series. It’s a review of how the series has developed over the years, with some comedy mixed in.

  10. @ Brad Flick

    You are correct, and also sonic drift came before mario kart, thus, isnt mario copying off of sonic? It really doesnt matter, it only matters who can do it better, its a competition really. A lot of people dont like to look up facts before they spew them out. for instance, a lot of people dont realize digimon came before pokemon did, in the form of a male tomagatchi called monster in a cage that had digimon inside.

  11. @ shad

    Dude, Mario Party was on the N64, Sonic Shuffle was on the Dreamcast. I think you can figure the rest out……

    This was a decent vid and they weren’t just ripping on Sonic.

    Sonic Reloaded? I get the feeling that’s something Sega really would do

  12. @ thewafflefactory

    Ok, seriously I am sick of people not looking up their facts. Super Mario Kart was released for the SNES in 1992 (Japan) while Sonic Drift was released for the Game Gear in 1994 (Japan). Ego Sonic was copying the Mario Kart series! True, just because a game follows a similar template doesn’t mean it’s plagerising but it’s much easier to point it out when the cartoon Kart racing genre was just introduced back then; today it’s a staple part of the Racing genre.

  13. “You are correct, and also sonic drift came before mario kart, thus, isnt mario copying off of sonic?”

    Welcome to the incorrect parade. Thanks for doing work, ProjectZuel.

  14. I love the enraged fan at the end. wow….

    I have the feeling that some of the fans screaming for classic sonic will actually imitate that scene…

  15. I know this is just a fun little video, but in all honesty, I’m so sick of all these lame online review shows ragging on Sonic. They all think they are so clever, but they really are just all saying the same thing. Plus, this girl says “Sonic Shuffle” was “pretty fun” meaning she knows it exists and has never actually played the game, boom, all credibility lost.

  16. “Plus, this girl says ‘Sonic Shuffle’ was ‘pretty fun’ meaning she knows it exists and has never actually played the game, boom, all credibility lost.”

    Explain how saying something like that proves that she hasn’t played the game?

  17. Sonic Shuffle was pretty fun, actually. The only problem I had with it was the darn load times.

  18. A funny video i dont mind people bashing the series because i enjoy the games and if others dont i dont mind them giving their opinion. I absolutly love the mystic cave remix ‘Strip Mine’ at 2:10 🙂

  19. @ sonictoast

    Though I too lowered my eyelids slightly when she explained how Sonic Shuffle was “pretty fun” (eh, no) this does not mean she didn’t play the game. I too managed to get some enjoyment out of the game though I defiently wouldn’t buy a sequel.

    You mention your distaste against online reviewers for “ragging on Sonic” and “saying the same thing” but if a game has very obvious faults then of course reviews may point out similar features! I will admit it wasn’t very professional but it was still a humourous little vid.

  20. I thought everything they pointed out which was stupid about Sonic was fair and just.

    I really want that S&K logo that was in the living room at the end too!

  21. Hey guys, I am Justin Silverman and I made this Sonic episode you saw with my excellent crew. We hope you enjoyed it and your comments are VERY inspiring. We make this show for free in our spare time, so finding positive comments on actually fan pages is awesome! Anyway, we have done a lot of other game franchises too… how ’bout you become facebook friends with us and catch ’em all (like Pokémon)?


    I’m not trying to advertise, we just want the hardcore/knowledgeable fans.

  22. Hello, host and writer of this episode of Underbelly here. Glad you guys are digging the vid! Underbelly tries to focus on parts of our subject most people wouldn’t know or haven’t heard about (the ‘underbelly’ of Sonic), so it wasn’t supposed to be an in depth review of every Sonic game that’s come out… that would take forever!

    Also @ sonictoast- I certainly have played Sonic Shuffle. It was one of the few games I owned for the Dreamcast. And for what it was, I did find it ‘pretty fun’. Now mind you I haven’t played it in years so mabye it’s much more lame than I remember.

    I love Sonic, I really do- he was a huge part of my childhood and that’s why I wanted to do this episode so much!

  23. We all love Sonic, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t rather sad to be a fan. Either you suspend reality and pretend nothing’s ever been wrong with the franchise or the company, or you understand it, accept it, and attempt to reach a compromise between being a fan and being a rational gamer with little or no bias to speak of. If you can do that, then there’s more hope for the fanbase to garner some respect and appreciation than it has for the past decade or so. Rational humility.

    That said, the video was okay. Nothing I haven’t seen already as far as Sonic is concerned. And I’m also cautiously looking forward to Sonic 4 and Colours.

  24. HEY! I’m Frankj and I was the Nut in the end. Sam and myself are the HUGE MEGA sonic fans in our group. We have both been with the games since we were little kids. So we have been crushed time and time again as these games come out bad or sub-par. However we have love for the hedgehog! we will always stand behind him! HUZZAH SONIC!!!!!!

  25. Oh dear, another debate on which Sonic is better.

    Sonic 2006 does not suck, people. It (and many other recent Sonic games) just plays a little differently from the classics we all grew up with. Honestly, the hate needs to stop. And besides, SEGA has learned a lot from their flaws, anyway. With Sonic 4, Sonic Colors and Sonic Free Riders coming out, I say that Sonic is going to have a good year.

    If you are *really* fans of Sonic, then you should be nice to each and every game in the series, not just those you grew up with. True Sonic fans respect everything that has to do with the series, whether you like it or not.

  26. To the Underbelly people that came over to reason with “true Sonic fans:”

    Good luck. The Defend Sonic Brigade is quite the obstacle. Welcome to TSS and we hope you come back sometime to read us and discuss.

    “If you are *really* fans of Sonic, then you should be nice to each and every game in the series, not just those you grew up with. True Sonic fans respect everything that has to do with the series, whether you like it or not.”

    You’re about a year and a half too late, Mr. True Sonic Fan.

    I don’t know if you guys noticed, but Underbelly spent most of their time ragging on older games that are deserving of dubiousness, like Spinball and Sonic Drift. Hell, they pegged the start of Sonic’s fall on 3D Blast. Did nobody notice their optimism at the end about “hoping for the best?” No? All right.

    But, hey, I forgot. You’re supposed to like everything regardless if its terrible or not. My mistake. Let’s go play Sonic Labyrinth.

    “A funny video i dont mind people bashing the series because i enjoy the games and if others dont i dont mind them giving their opinion.”

    This is the smartest thing I’ve ever read in the comments section. I’m pretty sure each one of us at TSS has an article about this. We should bookmark them on the front page. One cannot coarse a fanbase so large to think uniformly. The more minds, the more opinions. That’s everyday life.

  27. @ Vulpine

    Sorry but I just can’t agree to this. Just because I grew up with Sonic and I have a fondness for the blue blur does not mean I have to like his game without question. It’s simple self deception. As much as I like Sonic because he’s a part of my childhood and he has a certain……magnetism to his character, the games aren’t great simply because he is in them. If you start holding back critic on his games simple because you are a fan then your not really accepting the game for it’s mechanics, just the character.

    I am also upset on the bashing of reviewers simply because the majority give Sonic average scores or worse. It’s not just a matter of personal opinion on the reviewers part that we should sympatise with but also that they, in the same context are not part of a group of ‘Sonic reviewers’. There’s no Sonic reviewing cult that bands together to publish reviews on websites and magazines to give Sonic games bad scores. They are just playing the games and giving opinion with good analysis and years of gaming experience.

  28. I fucking loathe these videos. Why do people continue to bitch about the same damn thing. Who gives a damn if Princess Elise? IT’S A DAMN GAME, and nobody ever complained about Robert fucking Rabit. Why the hell are they bringing up why Sonic is in a car!? IT’S A FUCKING CART RACING GAME.

  29. @Edge

    Awesome response, Edge. Not sure who “Robert Rabit” is… but, Roger Rabbit is a ladies man and his character is BASED around his lust for human women. Sonic, on the other hand, is a character that was pushed into that very late in the game- so it is different. All in all I highly enjoyed your comment. Also, I am also glad when people do bitch about the show they are only concerned with what we talk about instead of the production quality or our HD image quality. Pretty happy about that. Everyone’s a critic.

  30. I don’t mind the reviews of individual Sonic games. Just videos that address Sonic as an overall ‘has been’ are starting to bug me because it seems like everyone is doing it, GameTrailers, College Humor, that banana thing etc etc. It has become a stale routine.

    Though I admit, the whole Diary of Ivo Robotnik thing was pretty funny. That was well done.

  31. I don’t… i don’t get it. Maybe im a stupid, hungry sega fan but i don’t have any complains with sonic franchise if not only sonic drift…
    It makes me sad that Sega is receiving sooo many critics with every game that thye had to feed us with sonic 4

  32. @thewafflefactory

    That whole Digital Monster Pet Tomagatchi thing came out in 1997, but Pokemon was created a whole year earlier.

  33. That’s so weird… I was afraid going into this video that there was going to be some kind of slam on the sort of beliefs I had about the Sonic franchise, but it turned out that I already agreed with the majority of what was brought up… Although my idea of what went on behind the scenes at SEGA was a little different:

    Naka: We’ve locked ourselves inside this room without food or water until we come up with a new idea for a game!
    Oshima: *over at his own studio, laffin’*
    Iizuka: *sprawled on the table in the middle of the locked room* Maaan I’m hungry… I could go for some cream cheese…
    Naka: Cream… and cheese? BRILLIANT!
    Iizuka: and some vanilla…

  34. @ Brad

    There’s a difference between music and real life. Music doesn’t need swearing to be ‘hip’ or ‘cool’ or whatever the crap kids say these days. This is real life and it gets annoying of people saying the exact thing over and over again.

    ‘Oh Elise kissed him’ Yeah? So? That kind of thing happens in cartoons all the time. I’m amazed nobody has brought up Shadow and Maria.
    ‘Every Sonic game now sucks and every Sonic fan thinks so. SEGA needs to kill the series. SEGA can’t do anything right’ Uh, yeah they can. There is no game that is better than another.

    It’s getting ridiculous to the point of where I’m having to do this because I’m so frustrated. I’m sick and tired of this. Why is this even in the community blog?

  35. @ Silverman

    Oh, sorry, didn’t notice all those typos. It’s hard to type when you’ve been at school and working all day and it’s about 12:00 at night.

    And the content of the video is much more important than the fact that it’s in HD. And Sonic fans don’t bitch because they are concerned anymore. They just bitch because they can.

  36. “Music doesn’t need swearing to be ‘hip’ or ‘cool’ or whatever the crap kids say these days.”

    …and swearing every other word doesn’t make me want to take your comment seriously, Anger Pants. “Kids?” Aren’t you a youngin’ yourself?

    “Why is this even in the community blog?”

    Because people with a sense of humor who aren’t lying to themselves day-in and day-out find it funny.

    “They just bitch because they can.”

    Right now, you’re bitching because you can. If you bitch about the bitching, which you do every day, then you are also bitching. Thank you for bitching about bitching, Mr. Bitches.

    Are you quite done? You’re sick of “this shit,” but I’m sick of “your shit.” You don’t like it? Don’t post, Captain Crusader. Everything’s a fight with you.

  37. You know what Brad, I may as well just tell you straight up right now why I’ve been acting this way. I know that I may have been acting unreasonable, but there is a reason for it. I may have taken it too far and I know when to quit.

    For an AP class in my school I have to do an essay and I decided to do my essay about the Sonic the Hedgehog fanbase, so I’ve been complaining a certain amount, and praising a certain amount, just to see the reactions of the community.

    I’m terribly sorry if I’ve been coming off as a troll, but really, I just sort of threw it out hypothetically since I had no better ideas and the teacher said to run with it, so I can’t argue with that.

  38. @ Underbelly

    Hehe, sorry for the rude comment. Considering that I just blew my own cover to make peace with Brad- whom I must say, is the one of the few people I’ve seen actually put their foot down and show some maturity in this fanbase – I’ll just start posting my true feelings on subjects and I’ll start by telling you what the real Edge thinks of this video. (Before I start, I must say that in all honesty, I love the Underbelly series, particularly the POK’eMON episode)

    I’ll begin with what I liked. I absolutely love the beginning of this video, the amount of effort that it may have taken to make this part is very noticable. The amount of information that the video gives out is also great. I really liked the part where it shows the two Japanese men at the table coming up with the idea for a 2D Sonic game with guns, that part is absolutely hilarious, as much as I love Shadow the hedgehog, I have to laugh at this due to the horrible idea. I also adored the ending of the video, that had me laughing so hard that it woke my mom who is usually impossible to wake up.

    What I didn’t exactly like is how it stated that the levels and camera were horrible as a fact (considering I, and nearly all my friends have had no problems with that), and I also didn’t like how it had to bring up that there are too many characters, considering that many characters are just one-shots, and the whole ‘SonicXElise’ deal considering many cartoon characters like Bowser and Roger Rabbit are animals with some type of human love interest, yet they don’t get bashed for that (let’s not forget the fact that nobody bashed ‘SonicXSarah’), lastly, I didn’t like how it’s stated that Sonic Team had to ruin a game as a fact, I and literally all of my real life friends have no problem with nearly every 3D game. The final, and biggest concern I had with the video is how the girl narrating the video seemed to be completely uninterested in it due to how monotone she was talking.

    In closing, I really liked the video and the amount of effort that was put into it. It’s very educational and fun to watch, I’m sorry for the previous comments I made and hope that the two people against me can forgive me for the whole deal.

    @ Every member of the community.

    Sorry to all the people I may have offended or hurt during this study, but to accomplish what nobody else has, I had to go around changing my posts to basically make myself every type of person you can find in the community, that way I could see exactly what those people feel like, and in turn, come to terms with what those kind of people go through to make myself a better friend in the community, and at the same time, find how others may respond to said person to better see what the opposing person feels like. It’s kind of confusing to say the least, but when I’m done writing this, I’m sure people will learn to better respect others. It’s school work, and a life changing essay… awesome.

    When I’m not undercover for some fan or school project, the real Edge is completely honest and very understanding and kind, and has good grammar… so I’ll just post like this from now on since I have seen that I hurt and upset a few people. I can understand with my explanation and previous comments that you may not believe me, but seriously, I am sorry and this is the real me speaking, not me taking the form of some obsessed fan, not me taking the form of some butthurt fan (oh are there a bunch of them!) this is me, the real me speaking, and from now on that’s exactly how it’s going to be. I will never do anything like this again.

  39. ok…I’ m sorry…..but at the end of the day….i need to make it aware that this chick is exactly like every other writer (video review, magazine article, etc.) all critic and no gamer…..i think the fanbase needs to be looked into more than just the games. I honestly enjoyed a lot of the games that have been claimed as duds….so hearing that this game is bad, or this is pathetic…or this is just sad, that’s like being slapped in the face to me. Cool stuff underbelly, but watch what you say next time….if you think something sucks, then try saying “in my honest opinion” first instead of trying to play it off as a fact….because…NEWS FLASH…opinions….are not equivalent to facts

  40. @ Edge

    WHAAAAAAAATTT?!?!? Thanks for the honesty, but I am not 100% sure what is going on with your covert ops tactics. I do appreciate you have watched our other videos. We do believe that we hit a vein on this episode… Sonic fans seem to take their franchise VERY seriously. Pokemon and Metal Gear guys just take our episodes and love em… but, you guys are more serious. I like that. We can use your ideas and make the show BETTER.

    What do you think would have made this episode BETTER? WHEN we cover Sonic again, what should we cover?

  41. Well my tactics were to start posting with the grammar and such of other members of the community. The reason was so I could better understand what every member goes through and how they may feel towards certain members. That way, I could understand how I need to treat other members. I also did this because I need something to do an essay over in my AP English class and my teacher and I decided an essay over the Sonic community would be the way to go. But now that Brad has gotten on to me I realized that I was wrong in starting to post like a troll so I decided to stop since I got all the research I needed and continuing was only turning me into one and upsetting other people. Thanks for the wakeup call Brad.

    I think that a little more emotion from the speaker and that another sketch here and there would make it better. Kind of like the layout of the POK’eMON episode, where it was mainly all sketch comedy. I loved how that episode was trying it’s hardest to be funny while seeming all serious.

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