Sonic Colours’ Green Wisp Art, Screens & New Video

Sonic Colours’ Green Wisp Art, Screens & New Video


UPDATE 2: SEGA have released new screenshots of the Green Wisp in a new stage.

UPDATE: SEGA have just officially revealed the Green Wisp at the Sonic City Blognik. We also have a new gameplay video from Gamescom above, which gives a better view of the Green Wisp’s Green Hover power and our first look at its Ring Dash ability.

Video source: Revogamer

Thanks to nuckles87 for the heads up and to JasonTheJackass for the find! /UPDATE END

SEGA has issued the above artwork and information about the Green Wisp today, previously revealed at Gamescom. Along with the new artwork, some official information about the Wisp’s powers has been detailed:

Go Green with the Green Wisp in Sonic Colours!

Sonic Colours gets more colourful all the time! The Green Wisp is the next in line to unveil its special Colour Power. By absorbing the Green Wisp Sonic gains the ability to soar in the air with the “Green Hover” Colour Power enabling you to find hidden paths, or explore much higher levels than normal! With help from the Green Wisp’s Colour Power you are able to perform a Ring Dash near a series of rings!

More Colour Power reveals soon…

We expect SEGA will officially reveal the Green Wisp later in a blog update. We’ll let you know if anything new appears.

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  1. YAY!

    I’m actually kinda stoked that they’re calling it the Ring Dash… I’ve always called it that, even back when it was called the Light Speed Dash. It’s a more fitting name, I think.

    Here’s to another powerup for a great Sonic game!

  2. Pretty awesome new power, the animation for it reminds me of the scene in the OVA where he rolls down a huge mountain and leaps of a cliff, and when he curls into a ball for a second it looks just like it. Blue, of course, but shape-wise it’s uncanny.

  3. @Shadrow

    It’s close, but still quite different. =) In this, he’s shaped like a ballon of Sonic’s head almost. In the movie it was more like spikes of speed stretch backwards as he spun.

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