Mind the Dust / Advance Design Alert!

Mind the Dust / Advance Design Alert!

Hey everyone! In between my real life work, socialising and co-organising the Summer of Sonic with ArchAngelUK of Sonic Wrecks (which went absolutely brilliantly, by the way, despite mishaps – you can check it all out on the official website, or check back on TSS for reposts) I’ve not had a lot of time to dedicate to you guys. The visitors of The Sonic Stadium, where it all begun.

Well don’t worry, I’ve not forgotten about you guys – although some of the editorial is done by some awesome members of the community, I’ve always had my head buried around the back of the site, tinkering with this and that. After ten years, you’d probably know me by now – never sitting on one idea at a time. And with TSS’ 10th Anniversary just around the corner (24th October) I’m making some preparations that will ensure we have an awesome time all over the Network.

First off, this post serves as a heads-up, in more ways than one – I will be doing some rather odd things to the site over the course of the next week or two. And that will occur across the whole TSS Network – TSS, SEGASonic Radio, Sonic Showcase Network and The Sonic Show will all seem a bit odd on occasion. Don’t freak out and think we’re being hijacked or something – we’re not. It’s just me faffing about.

Speaking of the TSS Network, I am able to say that we can proudly add a new site to the fold. Welcome SEGADriven, an awesome fansite dedicated to all that is… well, SEGA. The transition won’t be made until I’m done with my ‘faffing,’ but when it does arrive you should be able to log into SEGADriven with the same login credentials as this very site here. That, in fact, should go for all TSS Network sites, when I’m finished. Nice, eh?

What’s even nicer is that I’m making some priorities clear on The Sonic Stadium itself. We’ve been at the forefront of important Sonic News, we’ve been there for you in terms of thought-provoking features, and we’ve done an awful lot of community promoting. But one area that’s been lacking is what I consider one of the pillars of the site – its information. That will get a major overhaul – as will the site itself. Take a look below.

What you see there is a work-in-progress of The Sonic Stadium. When will it be ready? Can’t really say. In fact, the only reason I’m sharing this image right now is to get some form of advanced feedback – do you think this is a more useful design for this website? Are you more inclined to click links to different sections if the site looked like this? I’ve noticed, when we have had a list of sections running down the sidebar, that a lot of the lower links don’t get a lot of love, despite being just as important as those at the top. In this manner, the sidebar in such a new design would be more context-sensitive – displaying Sonic Show videos and other Network-related updates in the sidebar on the homepage, for example, or listing online users.

It’s food for thought, and I want to make sure that you guys are happy browsing this website for another ten years! So I hope to have most of these plans laid out and in motion by TSS’ 10th! A bit unorthodox of me to reveal some of the surprises for such a big day, but hey – sometimes even I can be a little bit unpredictable. 😉

Please give us feedback on the site in general as well – what would you like to see improved? What sort of sections would you like to see? Are we too tardy with updating various media? Write your thoughts in the comments box below, and I’ll take a good look at them. In the meantime, get excited for some pretty nifty changes!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

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Founder of The Sonic Stadium and creator/co-organiser of the Summer of Sonic convention. Loves talking about Sonic the Hedgehog in his spare time. Likes Sonic Colours a little too much for his own good, apparently.


  1. That looks really nice. I can’t wait for it. Will it have different skins, or only a Sonic one at first?

  2. Well is this the reason we can’t acces the Media site anymore?
    Anyway the new design looks interesting enough and a change here and then is always nice.
    It has more of this blogish nature, which is a bit of a double-edged sword.
    I would prefer if News, Articles and community posts are still separated.
    Looking nice though.
    Also Dread you have a message. XD

  3. Awesome! I love it! I think that it would be really awesome to release it on the sites 10th birthday. (October 24th right?)

    I think it’s also cool since it looks like it’s incorporating the SSMB into the main site instead of being on a completely different page.

  4. Hmmm.
    I’m not sure.

    I like the layout currently because you can see communityblog/ articles and news all categorized on the same page.
    Correct me if I’m wrong but that new layout looks as if it will lump all three categories into one big news feed?

    Thats my only bone to pick with the new design idea.

    On a positive note I really like how clean and uncluttered the new design looks as well as the “All about” section that showcases all the new/recent games.

    But yeah, I think if you took a bit of the old and a bit of the new we would end up with something amazing.

    Sorry for the wall of text =P

  5. A small thing but on the news archive pages etc maybe displaying more than 10 articles? Or maybe an option to? Thanks, looking forward to the updates!

  6. I have a question. Will this have the news ticker and the old changing banner thing that used to be on this site like a year or two ago? I miss those.

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