Date Set for Summer of Sonic 2011

Date Set for Summer of Sonic 2011

More than 800 people enjoyed the Summer of Sonic 2010 on Saturday, which took place in Shepherd’s Bush and featured the first public demos of Sonic Colours, Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 and an exclusive live performance from Crush 40.

At the end of the packed day, Svend ‘Dreadknux’ Joscelyne and Kevin ‘ArchAngelUK’ Eva took to the stage to formally announce the date of next year’s Summer of Sonic.

Those who wish to attend SoS 2011 will need to book their holidays for the 25th June 2011, the Saturday following Sonic the Hedgehog’s 20th Anniversary. After an intimate and exciting gig from Jun Senoue and Johnny Gioeli – only their second time playing together live, and the first outside of Japan – attendees were left astounded and wondering exactly how things can be topped for next year’s convention.

Feedback from visitors were mostly positive, with the lack of air conditioning in the venue not fazing Sonic fans eager to play games, watch Crush 40 and meet new friends. Unprecedented queues for Sonic 4, Sonic Colours and Crush 40 signings meant that there was some confusion in the venue, coupled with long waiting times.

Besides these drawbacks – which the team have taken on board to fix next year – the day went largely without a hitch, despite some issues with the venue and an alleged case of stolen equipment worth £3000 in total. Police are investigating the situation, after Roareye Black’s Sony Vaio laptop, netbook and HD camcorder went missing the very morning of the Summer of Sonic 2010 convention.

You can read recollections of the day from both ArchAngelUK and Dreadknux on the Summer of Sonic 2010 website.

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Founder of The Sonic Stadium and creator/co-organiser of the Summer of Sonic convention. Loves talking about Sonic the Hedgehog in his spare time. Likes Sonic Colours a little too much for his own good, apparently.


  1. I’ll get there.
    By all things that are holy I have to get to SoS next year.
    Again huge Kudos to all the people who worked hard for this event.
    You guys are awesome. Hopefully Roareye get his stuff back soon.

  2. @ SonikkuHedgehog
    What is it with you? That’s the 2. time you are making fun of me.

  3. Nothing will keep me away, especially after how amazing this years was. Looking forward to it, guys.

  4. Will be more expensive this year (coming from Glasgow instead of Kent), but I’ll be there for definite.

  5. Already in the calender 😉

    Man that sucks! Getting stuff stolen on what was supposed to be a great day! Only thing I can suggest is to make it very difficult for people to go up into the staff area, perhaps a different room entirely. Cause when I went up there, although I was supposed to be, no-one asked any questions. And there was a lot of valuable stuff there.

  6. You guys sure work fast.

    Sorry to hear about the stolen goods. It’s terrible how people can just steal other peoples possessions, more so when they’re needed to start up a massive event. You guys got through it though and that’s even more amazing.

  7. Already announcing the date? Thats really good actually, meaning il think this out this time on the whole thing. Meaning i might get their (Unless more sencless visa rules come by saying i have to go to the original country )

  8. Needless to say, I’ll be there.

    And seeing as for some perculiar reason I am unable to log into my SSMB account at present, I just wanted to say I sincerely hope the person(s) who stole Roareye’s stuff gets hung by the balls.

  9. I’d like to see some Sonic voice actors next year, possibly Mike Pollack, Ryan Drummond, and even Roger Craig Smith, seeing as he’s gonna be the new voice of Sonic. If only Deem Bristow and Long John Baldry were still with us. :c Also, I’d like there to be a bring and buy sale, where we can bring our old Sonic merch to sell.

  10. I’ll see if I can, Dad says I’d need to go by myself this time cause he’d be busy. O_o Still, I enjoyed the last one enough, so I need to try again for the sake of the 20th anniversary antics.

  11. I will get there… somehow… I don’t know how much it costs to make a plane ride from Kentucky to the UK… but I’ll find a way…

  12. I will definitely be going next year! The only thing I could possibly suggest as an improvement would be about changing for the cosplay contest; I couldn’t see a changing room about, and the last thing I’d want is to end up dropping something down the loo.

  13. Shame about the stolen equipment.
    other than the heat, and me not buying more Sonic merch, I had a way past cool experience! (This was my First ever Con)
    I’ve already booked June 25th! (actually, 21st – 28th to be specific^^)

  14. Judging by how amazing this years event was, there is no way in hell I will miss next years one! 😀

    And sorry you guys had the equipment stolen, good luck with getting it back.

  15. I have to come! And i hope my friend will come whit me! He is a Sonic fan to and is the only other Swedish Sonic fan that i have met in real life^_^

  16. The event was brilliant this year. Well done to everyone that was involved you made it a brilliant day. The only problems I had were small. The giftbags at the doors ran out extremely quickly and me and my cousins didn’t get one, which isn’t a biggie but kinda sucked given the amount of “woah look at how awesome this bag is, you’re all so lucky you’re gonna get one” that surrounded them on the site.
    Also there were no bins and I had to carry half a ton of food rappers and rubbish around with me for half the day smelling of rot in a boiling hot room packed with oter people so that wasn’t brilliant… there weren’t very many seats either.
    Also though this wasn’t exactly your faults I’d like to mention that all those pricks that kept pushing in the lines stopped alot of people from getting to talk with and get stuff from Nigel Dobbyn, yes I’m looking at you the fifteen year old idiot who drew the scribble picture of “Dark Super Sonic vs. Super Scrouge”.
    I’m not sure how much of this was actually the SOS teams fault so I’m sorry if I just sound like a complainer but honestly these were the only things that were wrong with what was mostly an incredible experience

  17. All in all I think this SoS was a MILLION times better than the last, last year was my first and I was a bit nervous, but this year everyone was friendly, and just catching a glimpse of Jun & Johnny was met with many fanboy/girl screams XD. Waiting outside was hilarious too, with some people singing Sonic songs and the evil widgeon’s crapping on everyones heads! Luckily some clever sod brought an umbrella. My only complaint is, yes, of course the heat, ruined my pic with Jun, I look like a sweaty hobo XD and the gap between things at the start of the day. After the introduction there was a long wait before anything happened on stage, which meant that later in the day when I joined the dreaded 2 hour Sonic 4 queue I missed a few cool things such as Juns ‘Afternoon Tea’ performance and the Cosplay contest. I also BARELY got a signing in the end as I was the last person Jun signed for before he had to go to the stage. He was so dedicated though, coming back to sign more later! All in all it was a brilliant event with a few MINOR issues, I’ll definitely be back next year for more!

  18. I finish school next year a month before the covention so i’ll be coming aswell but i was token by surprise i didnt expect this to happen but i’m very excited

  19. Not commented here before but after attending SoS I’ve resolved to become more involved in the Sonic community. I had never attended a con before so I was overwhelmed at the atmosphere at first but getting over that I really enjoyed myself. I’m definitely going to be there next year (providing I don’t get lost in London again).

  20. I never got to make it this year. mainly cuz the gig slipped under the radar for me. Which i am gutted about. Because of this I vow to be at SoS next year before anyone. i’ll find the venue and camp outside if i have to lol

  21. Do you need a ticket for next year or do you just turn up, also what is the venue address because havn’t been before? Thanks

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