Ask YOUR Crush 40 Questions At Summer of Sonic!

Ask YOUR Crush 40 Questions At Summer of Sonic!

I know many of you “Crushers” out there can’t make it to Summer of Sonic this year, and that some of you have burning questions to ask Jun and Johnny…well, here’s your opportunity! During the Q&A session that we’ll have in the afternoon, I’m giving you all an opportunity to have your questions put to the dynamic duo!

Due to the limited time we have on stage to ask questions, and because we’ll also have questions being pitched by the crowd on the day, I will only be able to ask a selection of questions – so make your questions interesting and unique to increase their chances of being asked!

If you have a question you would like to be asked, please send them in an email entitled “Crush 40 Questions”, to tbird [at] I’ll see if i can rustle up some C40 goodies for what I think is the best question as well!

Please submit all your questions by Thursday at 9:00am BST, so I have sufficient time to prepare them.

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Published by

Adam Tuff

With a decade under his belt, Adam is one of The Sonic Stadium's most seasoned writers, with interests in the music and merchandise of the Sonic the Hedgehog universe. Adam is the co-organiser for the Summer of Sonic convention.


  1. Wait, so it isn’t them going around the crowd and asking questions? oh…

    [“we’ll also have questions being pitched by the crowd on the day” – T]

  2. Will you please talk to Sonic Team about the Classic Sonic issue in Sonic 4? ;D

    Nah. But hopefully somebody has interesting to ask them. xD

  3. Will you do anymore cover songs that aren’t covers of current Sonic songs(a la Fire Woman)?

  4. okay off topic but ask dimps to fukin fix sonic 4 and copy-cat the physics of the classics for crush 40 ask them if they’ll consider making a world tour in the future that is all

  5. @Brad and Shoryuken: This is about questions you would like to ask Crush 40 as clearly labelled on this blog post.

  6. My question is, will you be working on Sonic Colors? Will you just be doing a remix of the theme song, or will Jun Senoue compose any music for the game?

  7. “What happened to the Rock Band Network deal with The_Ozone? I thought that was going swimmingly, and he says he just needs to hear back from Jun…”

    Tis my question. :V The fans really want Crush 40 in RBN.

  8. @Shadzter i did after i said off topic then and explained the off-topicness i said to ask them “IF THEY”LL CONSIDER TOURING AROUND THE WORLD IN THE FUTURE”

  9. Shoryuken, kindly SHUT THE HELL UP.

    SONIC 4 will be whatever they decide to make it. They’re ALREADY “fixin” it, as you put it, and the fact they even bothered listening to the criticism about the minecart and acceleration is proof of that.

    So quit whining about a game that hasn’t even been released yet, and have some faith in Dimps. I’m confident they’ll do good, and you should be too.

    Oh. And you seem to have not bothered reading the entry concerning Crush 40 questions- You need to E-MAIL it to T-Bird, not post it here.

  10. @ Shoryuken: I know you asked that too, I meant this blog post is only in regards to Crush 40 and no-one else such as Dimps. Also, has ProfessorZolo said, you need to e-mail the questions for Crush 40 to T-Bird though you’re welcome to post them here aswell but they’ll only have a chance of being put forward at SoS if you e-mail them to T-Bird.

  11. here’s a good question for them…

    *When making music and writing lyrics for Sonic Games or Crush 40 in general what kinda thoughts go through your minds, what do you think about to make the songs you have made so awesome, and what do you think of the songs yourselves after you have created them…?*

    there is my question….hope its a good one…

  12. @ProfessorZolo get of your high horse i was saying “OFF TOPIC” wasnt i so you shut up and it doesnt look like you care about sonic 4 at all hopefully somebody goes and yells to dimps but this isnt the place to talk about that.Anyways man im jealous of those who can go at SOS man i wished i would see Crush 40 in person someday

  13. On your website you say you are looking forward to coming to London because you can visit your favourite restaurant.
    Where is it and what is it called?

  14. I have a Question for Crush 40?
    What was the Original Name of the Band, before it was name Crush 40?

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