Summer of Sonic & First 4 Figures Team Up!

Summer of Sonic & First 4 Figures Team Up!

Another big announcement has been made at the Summer of Sonic 2010 website that will get all of you merchandise collector types pretty darn excited. I’ll let ArchangelUK explain below:

“Before you even ask me, I don’t even know how I managed this one but Summer of Sonic and First 4 Figures are happy to announce a partnership that will see F4F as a sponsor of this yearโ€™s Summer of Sonic and will allow SOS attendees to gain possession of a special free gift from the specialist figure manufacturers.

All attendees will, whilst stocks last, receive free of charge one of First 4 Figures brand new Series 2 of their 2 inch Sonic figures line, which we are also exclusively revealing today. Series 2 will contain Super Sonic and Classic Amy Rose; these will be in shops soon where you can purchase them individually. Also at some select shops, F4F will be releasing a collectors 6 pack which includes both Series 1 and Series 2 together!

A 6-pack AAUK? Wait surely there must be another character then! Well you’d be right. The figure you will be getting is not Amy nor is it Super Sonic, attendees will be getting – before its even out on sale anywhere in the world – METAL FREAKIN’ SONIC!

That ladies and gentlemen is the look of a robot that is going to rip your face off the first chance it gets. GLORIOUS.

And there’s more – somehow…wonderfully… there is more!

First 4 Figures have been even more generous and they will also be entering all attendeeโ€™s names into a raffle draw where you can win one of the Super Sonic Exclusive statues – yes the ones that light up! We’re hoping to have the prototype of this figurine on display in our merchandise case this year as well.

Details of this prize draw will be made nearer the time, for now SOS attendees content yourself with the knowledge that a pocket-sized Metal Sonic is coming your way. Everyone else can check out these images of the new Series 2 figures and the limited six pack below.

My thanks to the incredibly generous First 4 Figures. ย For more details about First 4 Figures products, including the Super Sonic Statue and other video game figurines visit:

Source: Summer of Sonic website

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.


  1. F**king hell this is awesome. I was planning to get to SOS early but now I have to get there super mega early!!!!!

    Thanks Dreadknux and AAUK for making this event possible!!

  2. You guys! Are just simply amazing and what you have been putting together for this years event!

  3. Each announcement gets me a little more hyped up for this year – Glad I’m able to go!

    I’m not a huge Metal fan but gosh isnt that figure ADORABLE? (with a dash of menace)

  4. Aw wow! I’m defintely making a mention about this on my show this Sunday! ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks Kev and First4Figures for the sweet-as giveaway.

    And thanks for making the post Shadzter! Svend’s idea of SOS from the very beginning continues to rock the Sonic fandom.

    Also Kev is your show on usual schedule this Sunday? I hope I got the advertising right: Let me know if your show starts earlier or later so that I will modify the advert. Cheers. *thumbs up*

  5. :O

    Freaking wow. That’s just… awesome. SOS just looks amazing this year.

    I wish I lived in the UK really really badly. I hope SOS is still going (and is as awesome) when I get a chance to come someday.

  6. Metal Sonic looks like the pudgy version of the Jazwares one I bought.

    The leg snapped off, and I can’t put it back on… :_(

  7. Oh wow, you just keep coming.
    Words can’t show how amazed I am by this event.

  8. Now that ive got my tickets I can get real excited about all the free stuff,this sounds silly but will there be stuff we can buy at SOS as well?

  9. To put it simply, those figures are cute (Odd though it sounds). ^^ I need a set when they come out in the shops.
    I actually hope everyone enjoys Summer of Sonic. I’m not going, but it’s nice to know about these things.

  10. So then…. is anyone else seriously considering camping outside the venue all night!

  11. That’s so awesome! You Brits are so lucky. ๐Ÿ˜€

    Notice something different about the Tails figure in the box? This one’s orange, like he was in the ’90s. I have a set of these same (series one) figures and the Tails I got is yellow.

  12. He looks alot more sturdy that previous interpretations, LoL.

    Make sure you keep an eye out for people running out the back door and coming in the front again to get another one ๐Ÿ˜€

  13. Yeah, where can I get that six pack. I read about the Sonic, Knuckles and Tails on Sonicgear, but can’t find the in any stores.

  14. will the 6 pack be available online? Id love to get two if possible, I live in Canada and would hate to see these remain UK exclusive… we have the vinyl 3 set, but no the two inchers, where can these be found?

  15. would it be silly if I said that Metal Sonic is the Bobba Fett of the Sonic universe lol ๐Ÿ˜€

  16. They look aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwsssssssssssssssssssooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Damn. The people attending this year sure are lucky. I’m not the complaining type, either, but I can’t help but feel a little bitter that I’m not able to go… :c
    Oh well, I really hope that whoever is attending has a great time.

  18. They look awsome! and im not sure why they called her ROSY THE RASCAL . its a stupid name and i think they should call her CLASSICAL AMY ROSE. but of course they look RADICAL!

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