SoS: Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing Tournament Announced

SoS: Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing Tournament Announced

Sonic fans get your driving gloves on for it is time to take the pedal to the metal for Summer of Sonic’s Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing Tournament. That’s right, we at Summer of Sonic will be giving you the chance to compete for the honour and priviledge of being the S&SASR World Champion – a nice little trophy to add to your Sonic collection and we may just have some other prizes in-store too so keep an eye out for a future announcement.

That’s all fine and dandy Shadzter but what format will the tournament be held in and just what version will you be using? Glad you asked! The tournament will be played on the Xbox 360 version. The qualifiers will be held in Time Trial mode where you will be challenged to earn the best time possible in a track we’ll be choosing at the event, the players with the best times (number of players to be determined) will be going through to the knockout finals later in the day where they will race for victory.

So if you’re up for some racing action then come and join me and the games staff at SoS’s gaming area, we look forward to seeing you!

Source: My article at the Summer of Sonic website.

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  1. You are all lucky this isn’t on the PS3 version, because I’d smoke you all…

  2. Just edited the article as I’ve been informed we are crowning the winner the World Champion :-O

  3. * sits in a corner and cries.
    Seriously as soon as I get paid I’ll move my a** every year to that awesome convention.

  4. I’ll be entering, alas I can’t drive on the Xbox version, I own the PS3 version…. mind you I can’t drive on that version either!

    I’m only entering so I can act like Jeremy Clarkson as I do my lap.

  5. When the heck are registrations gonna be open!? It’s less than a month before the event, and the SoS site still says “Coming Soon” under the registration area.

  6. @ Will
    We’re still waiting for Terms and Conditions to go through unfortunately.

  7. Please tell me there will be rules against glitching…PLEASE! I got so pissed off with people having 13 second laps…that’s not skill. And it’s obviously not a REAL lap if you don’t drive through the whole thing.

  8. @ Lobo-Amaruq
    Don’t worry, we’ll be keeping an eye out for cheaters/glitchers. πŸ˜‰ There will be none of that at SoS!

  9. Shame I don’t have the game. Not like I would be able to play it without LIVE…And the fact our beloved 360 got the “red rings of death” a month ago >.< Sucks, because I had Sonic Unleashed on there.

    Ironic that Halo: ODST is what killed the console :/ Too much action, perhaps?

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