Sonic Colours (Wii) Playable At SoS 2010

Sonic Colours (Wii) Playable At SoS 2010

The Summer of Sonic team are pleased to announce that not only will the convention house a Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing tournament and a playable demo of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 (E3 version), but we will also be giving you hands-on time with Sonic Colours on Nintendo Wii (E3 version). That’s right!  Thanks to the good folks at SEGA, you’ll have access to another of Sonic’s upcoming titles before it’s released later this year.

The demo contains two levels for you to explore, Sweet Mountain and Tropical Resort. Players will also be able to try out two of the Wisp powers, including the Yellow Wisp (Drill) and the Cyan Wisp (Lazer). The game will be available in our Games Zone on our Wii pod.

We look forward to seeing you in the Games Zone and, if you haven’t done so already, you can register for your Summer of Sonic tickets here.

Source: SoS Website.

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  1. Darn it.

    Darn it all.

    Sonic 4 AND Sonic Colors?

    And I still can’t go.


  2. ……………………………………….GAAAAAAAAAAAAAH SO AWESOME!!!! You really do spoil us you know…

  3. Oh my freaking god, they are really spoiling us! They can’t make this any better!

  4. Must resist urge to give big hugs to you guys! Ah what the hell. (hugs) Thank you!

  5. O.O

    The only I’m not writing a WHY!!?? post is cuz I’ve already preordered the Wii AND DS versions.

    what the heck…


  6. Now after Crush 40 and 4 this wasn’t expected.
    I try to look on the bright side of it.
    A preview from people who actually knows how to judge a Sonic game.
    I’ll just go in this corner there and wait till summer is over.
    Oh and huge thanks for supporting this convention.

  7. Crush 40, Sonic The Hedgehog 4, Sonic Colours, SEGA All-stars Racing tournament, free goodies, Big area for the convention AAAAND it’s Summer of Sonic…………..My god……you really truely do spoil us….I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again… spoil us

  8. Gah, darn.
    I wanna go to Summer of Sonic, but I don’t live near it.

    Oh well, “My body lies but still I roam”

  9. ok, you guys are just showing off now! SASR tourney, 3 freebies (comic, lanyard, bag), Crush 40 live, Sonic 4 demo and now a Sonic Colours demo!? This will be the best time of my life!
    Small question: After all this, how are you gonna top it for next year?

  10. Though I’m scepticle on how both Sonic 4 and Sonic Colours will handle I am absolutly thrilled that we have been given the opputunity to play these games.

    You guys are the best.

  11. This is easily the biggest SoS that’s ever been held. Doesn’t help that I’m allll the way in California.

  12. I wonder if Colours will feature Jason Griffiths archived Sonic sound clips, or if the new guy has recoreded some new lines.

  13. @Will I think it’s gonna be the new guy, they said he’ll start in Colours and the various noises he makes when attacking and stuff in the gameplay vids are new, and lower pitched.

  14. @sonicguru: That’s a pretty stupid question to ask, if you ask me. Next year’s Sonic’s 20th anniversary, and if anything, it’s going to be flippin’ HUGE.

  15. Maaaaaaaan. Why do I have to live in America? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!?!??!??!?!?!?!?!!!?!?!?!?

  16. With Colors and 4 being on the demo, I wonder if that will mean even more direct feed of gameplay footage. If so, that would be wonderful. I’m not fond of looking at off screen vids. Especially with the awesome music that’s in Colors. Reviews of the demos and more direct footage, if you can; would be really awesome.

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