Sonic 4 Gets Fantastic Reception at SGC

Sonic 4 Gets Fantastic Reception at SGC

This video was taken at ScrewAttack’s Game Convention during their Iron Man Tournament. The last game was a surprise and was revealed to be Sonic 4. What’s more surprising to me is the huge crowd reaction.  I’m glad to see such a positive reaction for this game.


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  1. Jesus, calm down. You’d think they’d captured bin Laden from the noise they were making. It’s just a video game.

  2. And the crowd goes WILD! lol
    That surprised me how big of a reaction that got.

  3. ……Why do I get the feeling Richard Kuta is the guy in the middle of the screen? Naw……..that couldn’t possibly be him. =P

  4. I’m glad that people got this hiped up for Sonic 4. I’m really exited about the game my self!

  5. It makes me happy to see that there are people who would react like me. It gave me chills when the spin dash noise came on and they went crazy. It just makes me happy. C:

  6. I’m assuming they’re chanting “SGC” given the setting and logo at the final frames.

  7. It’s nice to see that Sonic 4 is still alive (since some people prefer Sonic Colors). Just hope both games turn out to be great, just to tick off this those horrible complainers who say that Sonic 2006 bombed (I liked Sonic 2006, so take that, haters!).

  8. God I can hardly wait for it. I really want to play it… but not as badly as that lot. 😀

  9. @ Vulpine

    Sonic 06 is a bad game, ever since i broke out of the sonic obession, ive now become a normal fan now instead of what i used to be…i used to be obessed with the series loving everything sonic did , i feel silly about that now because, we should just be fans for a series not worshipers. (does explain why i was picked on way back)
    any way when i was obessed i loved sonic 2006, until i woke up, i see all the gltiches etc.
    But i do admit theres gameplay in sonic 2006 which is why i preffer it more then boring unleashed, unleashed looks nicer thats its trick, but gameplay? what gameplay? sonic just hold forward and Run in dead/dull/empty levels, werehog just god of war tamed down for kids etc.

    i still like flame core level in sonic 2006 thats a classic platforming type level.

  10. Tears of joy ran down my face, I’ve never seen so many people excited about a Sonic game…. it was beautiful…

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