Sonic comics come to Toys R’ Us

Sonic comics come to Toys R’ Us

In a press release made yesterday, Archie Comics have struck a deal with Toys R’ Us to bring their comics into their stores across the U.S. The regular Archie comic, along with Sonic The Hedgehog and Sonic Universe will be available along with a new magazine called “Life with Archie”. The magazine will contain two alternate universe comics that deal with Archie’s married life with Betty in one story and Veronica in the other. It will also include articles aimed at the tween set.

This is great news for Sonic fans who might have a hard time finding a local comic store nearby. This also helps give the Sonic comics a much wider audience and is bound to help increase sales.

The comics start selling in August. Sorry UK fans, this deal is United States only.

Press release can be found here.

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  1. Not a big fan of the comics and I buy them when I feel like it.
    Since Borders closed, there was no other place to buy the comics…
    glad to hear that Toys ‘R Us is selling them, so when I visit, hopefully some are there.

  2. Nice but I already have a subscription to Sonic The Hedgehog and Sonic Universe…

  3. The very first Sonic comic I ever owned was bought at Toys R Us.
    Sonic Special #1 In Your Face.

    …good old days. <3

  4. Was in a UK branch of Toys R Us here today and there was no sign of any new Sonic stuffs either – I thought we were supposed to be getting some love!

  5. jeez, I havent been to a toys r us since 2003 xD

    Neat that the comics are gonna be there, there are absolutley no comic stores where I live.

  6. I think I’ll stick with helping the smaller comic shop stay in business :)*I’ve been a loyal customer for 10 years* I guess there are some good notes for them being sold at toys r’ us,but I cant think of any. I do agree with gamerkid125 saying the prices will be raised,toys r’ us is pretty pricey.

  7. Aww, no fair ): It’s the UK that needs more places that stock Archie’s Sonic comic… It’s almost impossible to find over here. Gosh darn it! 😛

  8. I was never a fan of the comics but it is nice to know that they will be in popular children’s stores, considering that a child audience is what Sonic is particularly aimed at these days. It’s a very good business move by Archie. Of course for some reason I always found the comics at my Meijers.

  9. I don’t really go to Toy R Us that much, but now maybe I’ll start heading there more often now. xD

  10. I remember when Toys R Us used to have tons of Sonic comics in two packs and four packs back in ’94/ ’95, it was a great way to pick up the back issues you missed, that’s how I completed my collection. I’m glad that Toys r us is going to start carrying them, now I can get my Sonic games, Toys and comics all in one stop.

  11. Always wondered why TRU never had Sonic comics.. good news 🙂
    I’ll continue to support my local mom n’ pop comic shop thou.. unless they sell out of Sonics which happens sometimes

  12. I always got my comics at Chapters, but shit….if TRU can get issues out faster, I’m game.

  13. I do go to toys r’ us on very rare occasions to check out there supplies of sonic figures*usually being disappointed by there selection* Ours suck at keeping things in stock.BTW, FYE has just started getting a TON of sonic stuff in*the one nearest to where I live anyhow…*I”m surprised FYE isn’t doing the same actually…ah well.

  14. I’m not a huge fan of the archie comics, but I buy them to collect, being the over the top sonic fan that I am. And I order them online through a place I found on ebay called A place in space, if anybody is interested. I get the main comic and the specials every month without fail through the door.

  15. You obviously want the Sonic Comics to end, just END! That way, Archie can work out a deal with Nintendo, and make Super Mario Comics. Either that or Star Fox Comics, that tell stories like the Origins of the Star Fox Team, the Adventure on Sauria, and Krystal’s defection to Star Wolf! That oughta satisfy the Furry community!

    Or maybe Viz Media or Tokyopop can localize some RECENT Sonic Manga adaptations, much like Viz does the Legend of Zelda.

  16. Darn, it really would be useful if the deal made it over to the UK, so that more fans can get a hold of em’ (Mainly the fans who don’t have a Forbidden Planet in their area).

  17. I love how people say they are not a big fan of the comics, when they obviously are too lazy to understand them. ;D

  18. (Does anyone actually read the Betty/Veronica/Archie comics anymore…?)

    I like the Archie Sonic comics. It’s still a bummer they don’t sell them at my grocery store anymore. But I do like that they’re going to Toys ‘R Us. It seems like the natural place for them to be.

  19. Not a fan of the Archie Sonic comics so I can’t say this thrills me but still I wish they’d release it in the UK so I can at least read it in the shop for any decent issues.

  20. That’s good to know, though I always buy my comics at this little anime/manga store I go to. It’s quaint, clean, and the figurines are so cute. X3

  21. oh c’mon the us gets everything. why don’t we in the uk? i want them here so badley. insted i have to download them. worthless >:(

  22. @sonicwaiter What are you complaining about? The UK Sonic Fanbase gets BETTER stuff than us Americans! If anything, we don’t even see ANY GE Animation Classic Amy Rose Plush toys! If they had any Sonic the Hedgehog or Sonic X Branded Amy Rose Plushes (The Modern Red Dress Amy) Those would be more common!

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