Sonic Colors: Official Japanese site goes live!

Sonic Colors: Official Japanese site goes live!

Sega of Japan has put up their official Sonic Colors website. Not much is included at this time other than the same sceenshots and trailer we’ve already seen, but was is new, is an all new orchestral theme. I believe this is likely to be the main menu theme but I’m not sure.

You can check it out here.

Those of you who can’t wait can check out this youtube video by Soniman032


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  1. Awesome track. Game got some real good music. Except the main theme at least from what I heard.

  2. I like this orchestral theme better than the unleashed one. If there’s one thing 3D Sonic games don’t fail at, it’s the music. Always pleases me.

  3. I’ve seen this before. Around last tuesday I went on Sonic Channel to get some wallpapers for my sis and decided to see what’s on there. It may have been live before that date, too.

    The music’s awesome, though. 😀

  4. Niiiice! As expected of Colors, this game has yet to dissapoint me in any way. Still can’t wait.
    Wonderful music, it’s very beautiful!

  5. That Orchestral Music was there since they added the Screenshot and Movie Buttons, nothing new to my ears, but nice. I´ll be honest here, it´s not as memorable as the Unleashed theme, though it sets a nice mood!

  6. Old news but thanks for sharing anyway Jason =), I say that music will be used on the World Map when selecting which planet you want to go I say.

  7. If this was in super mario galaxy, i really wouldn’t be able to tell the difference

  8. @ just4lolzz

    No offense dude but as good as this is it has nothing on Galaxy 1 or 2. I’ll reserve judgement for the finished product.

  9. Is it just my imagination, or is that people are more excited for Sonic Colors as they are for Sonic 4? Oh please, not another debate people are going to rant and complain about (I’m so tired of complaints, I want a civilized discussion on Sonic, not a flame war, people). I’m looking forward to both Sonic 4 and Sonic Colors, but fortunately not everyone thinks that way. God, I still wish people would have a more open mind and get over all of this mess. To me, 2010 is going to be a great year for Sonic games.

  10. In response to Vulpine’s comment I am more excited for sonic colours but not for the reasons you think. Even with all the negativity that Sonic 4 faces, there are some stronger reasons I prefer Sonic Colours.
    Firstly, It goes retail and not online which makes it more accessible for more ppl.(and in my own’s smth new..and sonic RUSH 3!!)And Sonic 4 is great and all..but music-wise falls to Colours and it seems basic as that’s the direction they want to take..I’m looking forward to episode two even more as it will delve further and Tails could be back as well..

    As for this song, It’s great and all but not as memorable as Unleashed but does the suit the Colours Galaxy seamlessly..

  11. Oh, even though I said this has nothing on the Mario Galaxy series music if I hear music of this quality in this game I might just have to buy it……..

    …or just download the soundtrack XD

  12. @ Kyle Boyle

    Amen, brother!!!

    You can hate ’06 all you want, but His World was probably the BEST thing(Besides Silver XD) that ’06 Spawned.

    This Orchestrated theme is as good as, if not better than, the Mario Galaxy theme! I mean seriously, that theme rocks for mario music! This is pretty much Super Sonic Galaxy!

  13. The 3D games can be a bit terrible at times, but one thing you can count on is the music. You will just about always get some deep, or rocking song to go along with the game.

    But this game really looks good. Can’t wait to try it out.

  14. Personally I’m excited about both Sonic colours and Sonic 4, there can never ben enough Sonic games for me. There aren’t really any sonic games I disliked, I always try and look for the good. There are some I liked more than others, and I won’t deny any flaws but still, I like to see the best in things.

  15. 😀 i likey this music. hope it’s the plot music (which means the beguning before the gameplay)

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