Screwattack’s Sonic Colours Wii & DS Previews and Gametrailers Gameplay

Screwattack’s Sonic Colours Wii & DS Previews and Gametrailers Gameplay

Screwattack’s Ben has added a short video preview of the DS version revealing Sonic’s Slide technique seen in the Wii version is in the DS version which is activated by sliding your finger on the touch screen.

Check it out here.

Thanks to chaoscontrol14 at the SSMB for the heads up!

Screwattack’s resident Sonic fan Ben has posted up a video preview of the Wii version of Sonic Colours including his very positive impressions of the game, the only problem that he seemed to have was with drifting which is controlled with the Nunchuk. Another of Sonic’s techniques from Sonic Unleashed have been brought over to this game, the Quick Step which allows you to quickly move left or right to avoid obstacles.

Check it out here.

Thanks to Hedgehog Unleashed at the SSMB for the Screwattack find!

Gametrailers have posted up an HD quality on screen recording of the Wii version in play which gives us an extensive look at the alternate paths you can take in the Tropical Resort Zone aswell as some of the treasures you can find digging around with the Yellow Wisp’s drill powers. We also get a better look at how the Cyan Wisp’s powers at work which involve you charging up a spin dash, aiming and then blasting off temporarily in a flash, ricocheting off of walls and taking out any enemies in your path. You can also hear the music of the stage, sound effects, Eggman’s commentary and some announcer guys voice that pops up when Sonic does an action such as when activating the Yellow Drill Wisp it shouts “Spin it!”.

Check the footage out here.

Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for the Gametrailers find!

The game looks to be shaping up quite well, what do you guys think? Speak out in the comments.

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  1. As soon as my parents clear it… Gamestop already has a preorder avalible for both systems.

  2. Bop it! Spin It! Flick It! Twist it! – Sonic Colours and Bop It… in one! I love the way dramatic way they say “LASER!”

  3. Mike’s awesome again.
    Wisps are really looking interesting.
    If this is truly the final product than I’m sold.

  4. …. Sonic’s on a roll with the games lately.
    Whats next, a sonic anime without Guitars or chris thorndyke.

  5. Sonic: I’MMA FARIN MAH LAZZAH (wisps)

    Tropical Paradise Zone music is catchy, really catchy.

  6. @ Rundas
    Thanks for that, edited it now. I had a feeling I was wrong about that name XD

    No he doesn’t have a new voice actor, it’s some odd announcer type guy they have set up in the game. You can still hear Jason’s Sonic grunts in parts of the Gametrailers video.

  7. You really can’t hear anything well since it’s recorded with a cam, but it does sounds so darn similar to Sonic’s voice.

  8. ..I thought ScrewAttack hated Sonic, given their piss poor reviews of the Wii games a while back, picking Black Knight as the worst Wii game?

  9. @ BlueChaos

    I never really thought Screw Attack were that professional but still (everyone) stop saying that reviewers hate Sonic just because they give his games bad scores. They review games and aren’t (usually) biased towards a particular brand unlike many of the people that occupy this site posting area.


    Anyway, this game looks like it could be pretty darn fun, maybe even great but the idea of it being like Unleashed doesn’t appeal to me unless they give us more control and lay out the level designs so we don’t have to be freaken psychics. They drifitng mechanic also looks like it could be a game breaker, especially if it’s needed for particular sections. Let’s hope Sega takes crit well and fixes that.

    Sonic Colours looks like it (once again) could be THE game to bring the blue one back into the gaming limelight so I have my fingers crossed.

  10. Overall this looks like a pretty awesome game. Like Unleashed without werehog, (“Thank God!”) the gameplay looks fast and fun, but challenging as well, the Zones are colorful and look really nice in HD, (I’m in love with the giant burger,) and I’m anxious to see more and how the final game turns out.

  11. HOLY ****, Colors looks amazing! First, it’s definitely obvious that the Storybook team is working on it, since it has that “flair” with the music and the announcer whenever Sonic does his Color moves. But more importantly, it looks as if they’re taking the lessons of Unleashed and making it their own. And I REALLY hope they understand those lessons… it looks like they do.

    For that matter, one of the 3D sections in Act 2 seemed to drag on a bit long, but I think the 2D segments are perfectly well-designed.

  12. Upon closer inspection….
    The new Okami games logo is behind the guys head 😀

  13. @Barry No, lol, it’s saying “Colour!” then what the power-up is… Sounds like an announcer’s voice, not Sonic.

  14. Sonic Colors looks AWESOME. I love the gameplay style, music (especially when he uses the drill thingy XD) and the graphics look amazing for the Wii! I definetely know what I’m getting for Christmas this year 🙂

  15. @Sam: Sounds more like “C’mon!”, I mean, “Colour! Laser!”? Anywho, it’s just speculating, unless you have been to E3, we can’t tell until we’ve got good quality sound.

  16. haha has anyone else listened to some of the stuff eggman says in background?
    “will sonic the hedgehog please report to…” (couldnt hear the rest) and
    “will the owner of the white hovercraft please….” (couldnt hear that either) lol
    made me smile lol

  17. Has anybody seen any more gameplay from Sweet Mountain floating around? I saw act 1 but not 2…

  18. I want the music!! It sounds so catchy!! Judging from the game play, looks like Unleashed PS360 for the Wii which is a great thing. Looks like he controls tighter too and not like a heavy car when you want to turn. I got nervous at first with the QTE for the extra jumps off the ramp, but hopefully, that’s all it’ll be. Not “missed QTE = death” like in Unleashed HD.

    The wisps are just power-ups, not a tacked on gimmick. I want more!! ^_^ Might have to get both versions.

  19. So the Old-School gets Sonic 4, and the New-School gets Sonic Colors…

    Feels good to be a fan right now.

    DAT MUSIC!!!

    This sh*t’s gonna be looping on my iPod for WEEKS once the OST drops.

  20. @ProjectZuel Well, I didn’t say that reviewers ‘hate’ Sonic, it’s just that they gave very low scores on some of the better 3D titles and always compare them to the classsics. I mean IGN giving Unleashed for the 360 a lower score than 06 was just plain pathetic, sure the game wasn’t perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than some others.

  21. Now make another game that’s just like this but different, for 360/PS3. The more the merrier 😀 I’ll get both.

  22. dude i am sold! one minute in on the gametrailers music, we have robotnik in the background with some sharp guitar notes coming in, sounds amazing, looks amazing, they really refined the gameplay that worked in unleashed. Looking forward to this and sonic 4!

  23. Wow.
    Sonic 4
    Sonic Unleashed 2 & Sonic Rush 3 (come on. Who are they trying to kid)
    Sonic Free Riders

    Gonna have a busy sonic year this year….but maybe no free riders. It looks decent but Im not sold on kinect till I see a few games I want. So far ive seen one.

    Cant wait. These games are gonna be awesome.

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