Me and my boys hanging out at E3

Me and my boys hanging out at E3

Question: How do you top off a great E3 which was the biggest year for Sonic yet? On these 3 days of glorious gaming, how to you top it? Put the cherry on the Sunday?

Me and Some Sonic legends

Left: Yuji Naka Middle: Me and Sonic Right:Takashi Iizuka

That’s how folks. Me with two of the biggest Sonic creatives in the biz.

Best. E3. Ever.

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  1. I wish I could get a picture with them… Also, I wonder what Naka thinks of Sonic 4.

  2. did you ask yuji naka in what he thinks about sonic 4 if you did please tell me(he probably laughed his ass off) and did you asked him about colors

  3. It´s things like THAT, that make me mad that I´m living in europe…. wish I could´ve been at E3 (my usual words as every year)! 🙁

  4. Why is Naoto Ōshima never at these events? He is the creator of the character of Sonic, so it seems only natural that he show up for the hedgehog’s biggest announcements in years! I know hes no longer a part of Sega, but it wouldn’t hurt to show up. lol.

  5. Because he doesn’t work for Sega at all anymore and he has his own company to think about.

  6. It was fun, but we’ve still got some write ups to do and interviews to write down. Expect some more E3 info over the next few days, including some info on Sonic Free Riders ;).

  7. I’d be interested in hearing what Naka or Iizuka think of DKC Returns. Perhaps it’ll influence Sonic 4 in terms of physics tuning or graphics?

  8. @Monty: Naka-San doesn’t work at SEGA, either, and, like Ōshima, has his own company to deal with. What’s your point?

  9. Meeting Naka is like a life-dream for me. To meet one of the men responsible for Sonic the Hedgehog’s creation and rise to fame would be such an honor. If I even saw one of them I’d flip out, let alone be able to speak to one of them.

  10. @Tobibrocki
    If you live in England, you should be glad you guys have Summer of Sonic! if you’re in another part of Europe then… bummer. But (Im sure the case is the same for Summer of Sonic) I live here in the US and I’ll probably never get to E3! I guess all we can do is wait and see what fortune fate brings us. ^^”

  11. You lucky guy!!!!!!!

    I’m not going to E3, and I LIVE in America! Well, granted, I live on the opposite side of california. XD

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