Full Pictures Of First 4 Figures Super Sonic Statue Revealed

Full Pictures Of First 4 Figures Super Sonic Statue Revealed

You may have seen our article posted 18th June regarding First 4 Figures announcement of a Classic Super Sonic figure in the works with a small teaser picture, well today First 4 Figures have fully unveiled the project which has turned out to be a statue of which is second in a series after the last one they created of Classic Sonic standing on a Green Hill Zone esque platform. This Super Sonic statue also has a second version which brings something completely new to the table(or wherever you decide to place it *bad joke*) with it’s ability to light up the energy shockwaves the powered up hedgehog is giving off on the Chemical Plant Zone themed platform.

Here’s the statue’s features from the F4F website –
Normal version

Dimension: 15 inches to top of hair
Edition Size: 1500
Available: Q1 2011
Artist: Goran Sadojevich
SRP: $139.99

Light up version –

Dimension: 15 inches to top of hair
Edition Size: 350
Available: Q1 2011
Artist: Goran Sadojevich
SRP: $159.99

You can pre-order the statues starting today over at First 4 Figures website where you can also find more pictures from different angles of the statues.

Thanks to Frozen Nitrogen at the SSMB for the heads up!

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  1. I wish I could get it but I am saving up for an XBOX 360. (Kinect and Sonic Free Riders made me change my mind about it sucking.)

  2. @ Marcellof
    Good save, thanks XD

    Think I’ll go have something to eat, some brain food perhaps? lol!

  3. I might’ve actually bought this. If it weren’t fatty dead-eyes Sonic. When are we going to get some decent figures for fans of the contemporary designs? Those crazy-joint Jazwares figures ain’t gonna cut it. I don’t care how posable it is, I just want it it look like Sonic.

  4. Wow looking better than I expected.
    * looks at prize O_o
    And that was it already for me. Farewell cool statue, you’ll never be mine.

  5. Wun hundred and forty dollaz for a statue? You did WHAT with mah moneyz?

    In all seriousness, that is a truly ridiculous amount of money to pay for a single item of Sonic-themed merchandise; honestly, you could probably buy a factory-sealed Dreamcast and a brand new copy of Sonic Adventure for less than that – and I know which one I’d rather have…

  6. SLOW NEWS EH EH EH? *shot*

    Seriously, DO WANT this statue. I’ve just bought the original one so I can make a collection.

  7. Ya, I just picked up the original last week also. Hopefully stores will carry them for as long as they carried the first..
    It’ll take some time, but yes.

  8. wow,I did not expect them to be that much D:! As cool as they sound and as much as I want one,going to have to put that on my wish list for now…ah well. They still look awesome even if the price doesn’t.

  9. I must admit, even I was quite surprised at the price of this statue. As cool as the gimmick of having a novelty Super Sonic lamp is, it’s going to cost us Brits about £135 to buy and ship one to the UK if you want to exclusive version. £135. Not only this, there’s a great likelyhood a parcel market “giant novelty Sonic lamp” is going to hit customs. That means getting this over here could potentially cost fans in excess of £175.

    Considering their wave 1 statue was £65, which isn’t too bad for something like this, I think I’ll be holding out to see if Play.com get this in stock for that price too…even if I have to forego the super-duper lightbulb.

  10. Crazy money that I don’t have. And I can’t believe a toy company would actually have the guts to price a figure, no matter how awesome, this high. Angry Sapphire is angry.

  11. Stares at the ground, picking his jacket. Then looks up with tears in pleading eyes.
    “I haven’t got £175…”.

    He then decides to wander the streets asking strangers…

    “Hey Mr? Can you spare me £175?”
    “What’s the matter, son? You got no where to go tonight. Nothing to eat?”
    “No, it’s not that. I really want this special edition light up Super Sonic figure…”

    I could afford this but for one figure. Sorry. This shall have to remain but a dream.

  12. Man……that is one fuckin beautiful statue. and to think I have the money for it….but that’s just way too much damn money for a statue. I’m gonna have to hold off on buying this for now.

  13. If I go Super Sonic, the problem’s chronic!

    Tell me does life exist beyond it!

    When I need to sate, I just accelerate, into oblivion!

  14. I know its a lot of cash, but I have a job so screw it Ill just save a bit at a time, by first quarter 2011 (when these come out) Ill have enough on my card for the preorder!
    yeah I preordered the light up one earlier today cant wait, its called save your money folks if you put aside 40$ a month for it you’ll have enough for it right 2 months before it hits stores 😀

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