4 Minutes of Sonic Colours Wii Footage

4 Minutes of Sonic Colours Wii Footage


Destructoid have uploaded a new video of their experience with Sonic Colours on Wii and it’s much longer than the extremely short gameplay video that hit the net earlier. In the video we see an whole act in action which contains plenty of things for Sonic to interact with including balloons, rails, trick rings and tight spaces for Sonic to slide under. Sonic’s techniques are taken straight from Sonic Unleashed such as homing attack, stomp and slide, movement control looks to also be similar to Unleashed.

Cyan and Yellow Wisp’s special abilities are also shown in this video though as cool as they look their powers are over within the blink of an eye so it appears they aren’t very interactive apart from aiming which may disappoint some fans. White Wisps appear to not aid Sonic with any powers and are instead collected then freed at the end of a stage.

We’ll keep an eye out for more media regarding Sonic Colours and post anything we find right here, meanwhile you can discuss this video in our comments section.

Thanks to EXshad at the SSMB for the heads up!

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  1. lookin good sonic! its hard to be the fastest one alive in an era of HD gaming and 3d crap, but ill stick through with the blue blur till the end

  2. as long as the the stages stay that pretty, and there are no werehogs, I’m buying that game along with Sonic 4 lol

  3. I think another thing to be noted about this game is the fact that it looks MUCH more prettier and polished then the Wii version of Sonic Unleashed. It looks like its actually taking advantage of what the Wii is truly capable of. 🙂

  4. Like I said on the other new:
    Is it Holiday 2010 already :P?

    But, dude, it’s basically Sonic Unleashed 2 without the Werehog. It’s even the opposite of Sonic Unleashed: Sonic Unleashed had the Planet broken into pieces and Sonic bringing them back together, in Sonic Colours you have the Planets joined into one and Sonic must break them appart.

  5. Take away the boosting and the ground pound like thing and this game looks like the Sonic game I’ve been wanting since Heroes.

    I really hope it wont end up like the time I played Secret Rings too long and then I started shaking my GameCube controller when I tried to play Heroes, and my Dreamcast controller when I tried to play Adventure and Adventure 2… so many lives lost during bottomless pit parts…

  6. …Wow.


    Okay, aside from the guy not knowing what to do at that one point, this is the video I was looking for. Dear god, it’s beautiful. And I mean B-E-A-utiful! the 3D and 2D is balanced perfectly, transitioning seamlessly, unlike in Unleashed Wii, where there was more of a “oh, you reached a checkpoint. Time to switch angles” sort of thing. And my god, the level. While Unleashed gave us beautiful worldly locations, this gives us incredible out-of-this-world environs, and graphically, it looks amazing. Especially with the sheer amount of stuff going on in the background- I want to buy this game simply to look at everything that’s going on!

    Sega, this has gone from “I’ll get it to see how it is” to “I’ve seen how it is- IT’S AWESOME.” You might just save the blue blur this time.

  7. Minus the moron playing, I loved it. The level alone looks like a work of art and Im proud of what I just saw ;D Sonic Unleashed has now been topped xD

  8. Man, this looks real good. My only two complants are how the cyan wisp is used (looks like a deadly trap for unfair deaths) and there Sonic still has a circle shadow

  9. Looking good! But what’s with the fruity ballet spin after a homing attack?

  10. REALLY don’t like the Sonic Unleashed-esque gameplay here nor the fact that there isn’t much control over the Wisps’ powers, but the level design is awesome.

  11. wow that looks amazing. Its Sonic unleashed without the crappy wearhog, which is what that game should have been in the first place. Can’t wait for this.

  12. So glad there’s going to be a sequel to Unleashed. Well, it’s pretty much a sequel.

    Interestingly, I always thought that if the overall art style was like Eggmanland, it would have been much cooler to look at. Though I did love the world theme.

  13. I never thought I’d say this, but when is winter coming? I know I sound like a broken record, but this game looks beautiful!

  14. This looks promising and I may end up getting the game if it can do well critically at retail.

    I think though a lot of you are asking why is this guy playing so bad (etc) but have you ever considered that the control scheme is actually flawed? It was stated before that the drifting system was inaccurate so maybe the motion set up is too fiddly for start up players or just generally broken?

    We’ll hopefully know more soon.

  15. It could also be that the level design didn’t prompt the player enough for him to know where he was going; he could just be a beginner.

    We know how to play Sonic games but others don’t so clam down people.

  16. This is a good direction for 3D Sonic. Unleashed day stages with a little bit extra, even though I didn’t hate the Werehog. I really hope Sega come on top with Sonic this year 😀

  17. Looks like they put the people who made 360/PS3 version of Unleashed together with the Wii team. Looking great!

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