
This Video is Very Japanese
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…Okay. I am rather frightened now. And what’s with the ‘nice boat’ thing?
the fuck…
What the hell just happened…?
Yeah, 2:35, what’s that about? I’m guessing the very last bit of text in the video is saying “to be continued…” but I don’t know what was going on which might be for the best. And why are they all dancing. What cropped up that was so important that it caused them all to do the exact same dance.
I was strangely transfixed by the whole thing too.
That’s the werid Japan for ya.
nice boat???
to people who dont know what nice boat means:
Its a old joke based of the anime called “school days” where, before the last episode launched, there was a violent murder in japan, because the lsat episode had a murder scene quite like what happend in japan the company decided not to puplish it, so instead they put up an image of a *ahem* “Nice boat”, of course someone from 4 chan managed to make it into a meme almost instantly.
That’s so cute its scary.
I imagine it’s by this artist? http://inano2009.deviantart.com/art/the-food-chain-110984207 I thought I recognised that triangle thing.
The bit with the Werehog in the background almost translates to:
Wow, there are so many refs to the games and cartoons there and.. pretty weird actually. But the art is excellent!
yes sonic you need blue chest fur lol.
1: When Big appeared it made complete sense.
2: I want this music as my ringtone
3: at 0:40…. why is Rouge about to let Knuckles… urm… do things?
Welcome to the mind fuck kids!
Very ‘cute’ art in the same way that cute means eye raped. Seriously had no idea what was going on but I was somehow entertained.
This just mind raped me.
And I liked it.
hahaha, i saw this a long time ago, didn’t expect to see it here! i love it, lol
just fyi, this video is a parody (or sonicised version, whatever) of a video based on the touhou project franchise. for the original, search for “kero destiny”
i liked how Mighty, Ray, Nack, Bark and Bean were all at the bottom of the pyramid.
Why are the Japanese so weird?
If you look at the fan art gallery on ”Sonic and the Black Knight” all the UK and US fanart is really down to earth, mostly depicting scenes from past games, then the japanese fanart is all crazy, wacky stuff, like this video.
Never expected the Sally cameo near the end
I love the animation and it still my favorite for a long time now. I just didn’t expect for it to show up here as well. There a lot of sonic videos like that from nico nico douga.
Werehog = <3
What just happened?
I’ve seen this before!! Nice boat!
This made me like sonic more. I havent played sonic in like a month ever since I got suzumiya haruhi no gekidou, I watched the previous videos but since its a rainy day I will play sonic all stars and some old game cube games.
So. It’s even reached this far…
For those who are wondering, this is a Sonic-ized version of this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUBbigtfCWs&feature=related, which is made from a cover song which was based off a piece of game music from the game series Touhou.
All one must do to learn about Touhou and its psychotic fanbase is to “google it.”
This is one of those nonsense parodies, isn’t it? It was…… interesting. I’ve seen it before, but you really should see some other japenese videos like this. Some are pretty good, some are pretty… strange….
I saw this a good while back, the song is really catchy and I like the animations, they’re quite cute, the random stuff happening is really amusing.
Thi is one of the best things I’ve ever seen. I love this. I’m downloading that song right now. And maria was friggin cute in that.
this really did throw me off for a loop or two. But it’s more clear after reading the translation here http://inano2009.deviantart.com/journal/22774843/
That was … weird, but somehow entertaining.
Let this be a lesson to you, kids: NEVER smoke Japanese crack or else this clusterfuck will happen.
@Misk: Touhou Project’s ‘psychotic’ fanbase has a RIDICULOUSLY good reason to be psychotic.
There are hundreds of completely unique and recognisable characters, the music is fantastic, and all the games are of a professional standard that most companies can’t match.
It’s totally not a collection of Japanese references referring to popular music and TV shows.
It’s a good thing this had Japanese subtitles. Otherwise I wouldn’t be able to know what they were saying in Japanese. twitch.
The fuckin fuck..
lulz @ 2:47
@Umiyuri: While that is indeed true, one cannot deny how far-reaching Touhou is. Or to how far the average Touhou fan will go. Of course, being a fan myself, I’m certainly one to talk…
What the….*** was that?
I can’t believe I actually wasted three minutes and thirty three seconds of my life to watch that.
What’s up with 2:47? I find that rather disturbing O_O
2:32 Thats from School days right? when that crazy girl says “just as i thought, there nobody inside you.”
(halfway snaps out of trance) Oh, Japenese and their little animes! Now they’re using their songs to remake sonic! “How cute!” (Completely snaps out of it and throws up…)
(and then passes out…)
derp derp, we don’t get the otaku pop culture references so let’s just label it as “weird”.
Great video. I fell in love with it quite a while back, it’s positively brilliant.