More Fanmade ASR Concept Art

More Fanmade ASR Concept Art

A few days ago, I showed you what Bark would look like if were to return in Sonic and Sonic SEGA Sonic All-Sonic Stars Sonic Racing featuring Sonic.  Xamoel has uploaded two new bits of concept art, showcasing his vision of what the Chaotix and Omega would be riding in the game:


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Slingerland is a staff writer and editor for both The Sonic Stadium and Sonic Retro. His area of emphasis is the inner-workings of the games and laughing at everything.


  1. I thought the Chaotix was amazing, the Omega one is new to me though.
    I quite like the design, although it’d be nice to see one more like those terminators from Salvation. Those bike ones =D

  2. If you see one for mighty (it’s poorly drawn and such) thats mine! I draw better at mighty than sonic… don’t critisize my drawing.

  3. Chaotix look amazing.

    Imagine the announcer XD
    “And Here comes Chaotix from behind! They may not be able to find the computer room but they can sure find first place!”

  4. The Chaotix idea is pretty much the best ever. They NEED to be DLC like that… even though I can’t get it on the Wii… XD

  5. Hudson says:
    16 April, 2010 at 12:52 pm
    Oy I wish these were real! Com’on Sumo Digital! Take a page from the fans’ books!

    It’s not like they didn’t do something like that before! (c’mon! Nobody went there yet?)

  6. Haha awesome. Chaotix reminds me of Wallace and Gromit 1st movie some reason. And all of a sudden I heard retro batman fanfare playing in me head.

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